View Full Version : Useful Links!

Carl the Llama
09-23-2010, 01:00 PM
Found some pretty useful links and I thought I would share:

Master Fisherman Guide (http://www.gamesonsmash.com/2010/08/13/master-baiter-a-guide-to-fishing-in-ffxiv/) Really useful iv been reeling in fish after fish with this guide.

Yellow Gremlin (http://ffxiv.yg.com/) Awesome name for an awesome site, its the Thottbot of FFXIV

The Lodestone (http://lodestone.finalfantasyxiv.com/pl/index.html) The official FFXIV site, has a list of every character created,along with some useful info about the game.

Well thats all I have atm, if you guys have any other guides you wish to share then feel free.

Loony BoB
09-23-2010, 01:07 PM
It's a bit early to figure out which will come out on top, but so far the better recipe places include YG, FFXIVOrigin (http://www.ffxivorigin.com/), FFXIVRecipes (http://www.ffxivrecipes.info/) and Eorzeapedia (http://www.eorzeapedia.com/wiki/).

Something tells me that Eorzeapedia will win out over the long run, but it's a bit early to say. Their forums are a bit meh, but the wiki has more pages than the other FFXIV wikis out there from what I've seen so far. It's really good for general information. FFXIVCore (http://www.ffxivcore.com/forum/) has a lot of people on our server (Lindblum) and also has some pretty good forums, so it's not a bad shout for the long run either, but I'm not sure the heart of the place is in it - it's go a large amount of complaints compared to other places when it comes to the way FFXIV works and also is more of a company thing... the place is made from a group of people who have a lot of MMO forums and sites out there, while other sites seem to be more FFXIV-fan-specific. I'm not sure which of those two options will come out better off, mind you, as they both have pros and cons.

All of them have a lot of missing pages, but as I said, it's a bit early just now to figure out which will win everyone over.

10-03-2010, 11:31 AM
I visit FFXIV Core every now and then, but I'm not a huge fan of the guy that runs it. He's done a lot of dasterdly things that I just don't agree on (e.g. selling 'beta keys' by donating to the site, deleting posts that he doesn't agree upon with no warning, ripping people's YouTube videos and putting them on his own channel without permission, etc.).

Zam and Eorzeapedia seem like decent enough places though, and Zam's database is pretty good. Yellow Gremlin also looks like a good site for a database.

Loony BoB
10-03-2010, 12:00 PM
FFXIVCore seems to have a lot more of the negativity than other sites, otherwise I've not noticed too much. But yeah, Eorzeapedia would be my favourite forums if it weren't for the crappy software they're using. Maybe I should donate to them to get vBulletin or something.

EDIT: Oh, and worth noting FFXIV Pro (http://www.ffxivpro.com) from the makers of FFXIAH.com - at the moment it's pretty restricted in it's functionality without an AH to auto-check, but I'm sure over time - especially after an AH is set up - this will be right up there in the "must bookmark" sites alongside Eorzeapedia's wiki and Lodestone's news updates.

10-03-2010, 02:10 PM
FFXIVCore seems to have a lot more of the negativity than other sites.
Funnily enough, the exact same thing happened when Curse took over Aionsource - a flood of negative comments amongst a poorly run forum.