09-23-2010, 07:27 PM
Ok people first things first! Watch this! ( Awesome song I know! Don't you be quitting it early you listen to the very end and then hit replay for good measure!
So now we've got one of the most awesome songs ever out the way (thanks psy for sticking it in my head) lets discuss your word of the day?
My word of the day has been "fuckton" (note not censored ofcourse!) however fuckton sounds like a place when spelt without a hyphen in the middle of it which has prompted myself and Chloe to try and find a place called fuckton in the real world which we would up sticks and move to just so we could be like "we come from Fuckton!" So far there doesn't appear to be such a place so an alternative mission would be to get ourselves out in to an abandoned ww2 naval sea fortress and build our own country called Fuckton (because face it the passports would be amazing!) much like this place here. ( So yeah thats my word of the day whats yours eoff?
So now we've got one of the most awesome songs ever out the way (thanks psy for sticking it in my head) lets discuss your word of the day?
My word of the day has been "fuckton" (note not censored ofcourse!) however fuckton sounds like a place when spelt without a hyphen in the middle of it which has prompted myself and Chloe to try and find a place called fuckton in the real world which we would up sticks and move to just so we could be like "we come from Fuckton!" So far there doesn't appear to be such a place so an alternative mission would be to get ourselves out in to an abandoned ww2 naval sea fortress and build our own country called Fuckton (because face it the passports would be amazing!) much like this place here. ( So yeah thats my word of the day whats yours eoff?