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Carl the Llama
09-23-2010, 08:05 PM
Well simply put, I was looking where everyone had gone? Only 4 people including myself have actually got this game so far and I'm a little disappointed, I thought there would be at least 20 people around here when it launched.


Of all the people who voted only one person on that list has turned up, I know some of you have said you will play the game when it comes out on the PS3 but still... 1/29?

Del Murder
09-23-2010, 08:20 PM
Some of us are waiting for the PS3 version, and some of us didn't buy the CE version. Maybe more will come on the Sept. 30 launch day.

Loony BoB
09-24-2010, 12:03 AM
I added a poll!

09-24-2010, 02:15 AM
I had some more important monetary priorities come up, as well as second thoughts of getting the game at release, so I don't have it right now. Couple that with my position at my job being in limbo, constant schedule changes etc, and a girlfriend giving me grief about never seeing me... well I will get around to getting the game, just not sure when anymore! My gaming time has seriously dropped to almost nothing, and I have a huge backlog at this point. In time I will get this game, not sure if PC, PS3, this year, next year... but at the latest probably shortly after the PS3 release. I apologize, I was looking forward to playing too, just hasn't worked that way.


09-24-2010, 04:54 PM
I'm waiting for the regular release.

Aerith's Knight
09-24-2010, 08:28 PM
I prefer games that are.. you know, good, and that I can play for more than 8 hours a week. So I'm gonna go with Guildwars 2.

09-24-2010, 09:20 PM
Needs multi-option poll

I haven't bought it yet, and at this point it looks like I'm not going to buy it at release either. Futhermore, I won't be joining the EoFF server.

Carl the Llama
09-24-2010, 09:50 PM
I prefer games that are.. you know, good, and that I can play for more than 8 hours a week. So I'm gonna go with Guildwars 2.

This game is ya know... good. and if you can play GW2 for more then 8 hours a week, why can you not do the same with FFXIV?

09-25-2010, 01:23 AM
waiting for PS3 launch when hopefully all the bugs will be ironed out due to the inevitable 20 million post-launch patches that PC users are gonna have to go thru!

Aerith's Knight
09-25-2010, 06:41 AM
I prefer games that are.. you know, good, and that I can play for more than 8 hours a week. So I'm gonna go with Guildwars 2.

This game is ya know... good. and if you can play GW2 for more then 8 hours a week, why can you not do the same with FFXIV?

Because as far as I know there is some kind of stamina decreasing system in place where after 8 hours you start to gain less xp, and after 12 hours you gain none. And you know, I think this is the first site I've met that actually has a positive view of FFXIV.

FFXIV limits XP earning after eight hours MMO News - Page 1 | Eurogamer.net (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2010-08-26-ffxiv-limits-xp-earning-after-eight-hours)
GameSpot Forums - General Games Discussion - FFXIV: Play 8 h/week, get penalized. (http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=27430804)

This is also of course accompanied by copy-paste maps and misspellings of the word Chocobo, which show this game probably wasn't even made in Japan, at least not completely.

Loony BoB
09-25-2010, 08:14 AM
I've already played it for longer than 8 hours this week. I'm still getting experience points. The only way you'd reach the cap is by playing non-stop (literally) for 8 hours doing non-stop battling. The timer recharges when you aren't playing the game, recharges when you aren't in active (fight) mode and also recharges when you are playing a different class. If you're capping your experience, you could probably take that as a hint that you should do more than stay in active mode and fight non-stop. Also, watch this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1kM-9adCjY). It's an old video so it's possibly no longer 100% accurate but it sums things up well.

As for copy/paste maps - with the size of the maps, even after watching the video which shows some of the copy/paste bits (which I thought "CAN NOT UNSEE" when watching)... I've never noticed it. Not once. The maps have never come across as copy/paste to me. Insanely massive? Yeah. Possibly lacking in random landmarks such as windmills in FFXI? Sure. Gridania's Black Shroud looking like, a, er, Grid? Haha, yes. Copy/paste? Nah. The maps are gorgeous and if they copy/paste, it's not noticeable at all for me as the maps are huge, really huge. It's like... some parts of Pi might look identical, but you don't go "Hey, I've seen this before!" when you're reading through the numbers because they go on forever and it all gets lost amongst the various other locations you've seen.

To say that the game was not made in Japan is the most glaringly ignorant thing I've read so far about this game. The only part that wasn't done in Japan is the translation. Which is never done in Japan.

I haven't been to that many negative sites. They tend to be full of people who were expecting it to be more like certain other MMO's and are not willing to accept that some games are not built that way, people who think that everything should be in an MMO from day one or else just negative people in general that don't notice the good parts about the game. Yes, there is a lot more in FFXI than FFXIV - with 8 years behind them, I'm sure that goes without saying. Same story for WoW. The only real complaint I have about the game so far is that there aren't enough of my old mates from FFXI playing yet. xD

EDIT: Doesn't GW have a low level cap? Isn't that very similar to an experience cap?

Carl the Llama
09-25-2010, 12:33 PM
I have been playing this game right from the minute the servers launched, and I grinded alot with my Gladiator and yet I don.t think I ever capped my exp... tbh if I hadn't been told there was a cap then I truly would not have known about it.

The game itself is truly beautiful, its so realistic from the way the sun shines mega bright when going from a dark room the the sunlit outside and the rocks and grass... I play the game on low settings and yet I cannot get over at how amazingly stunning the world of Eorzea actually is, this is exactly why I never played the beta, I didn't want to spoil my first impression of the game.

Yes there are things that annoy me such as not having an auction house, but that I can deal with, as the retainer system is pretty good, I got their (the market) pretty early and setup my retainer and now I don't have to worry about selling these things on a standard AH and while I find it annoying that there is no AH this sorta makes up for this fact... it kinda reminds me of the selling system from PSU which while wasn't such a great game the community could get by with what they had.

I submit for your consideration some truly stunning pics:

If this is what the game looks like with my low settings imagine how stunning it will look on max settings.

Aside from the beauty of this game I am having more fun then on any MMO I have ever played, everything is entertaining, sitting back and listening to some music while crafting... normally I don't like to craft over a sustained period of time but I don't know what it is but to me leveling cooking is great fun and I haven't met a single unfriendly person yet... the feeling you get from the community, its everyone wanting to help each other, to me this is what an awesome MMO experience should be like... no snide comments about when someone needs help with something everyone is getting to know the game at the same time and as such almost everyone is willing to help each other... its just awesome.

The fighting is really fun... the thrill of not knowing if your going to know if the monster your facing is going to kill you or not... such an awesome experience, and you can't know how happy I was when I finally beat a Dodo, so yea, if your going to pass over a game based on what people who have said or what the developers say about the restriction of level 1 roll only, then you are being foolish... I don't mean to sound harsh but everyone I have spoken to who has played the beta have all agreed after the first 10 minutes of playing the game it completely blew away their experience with the beta, which is why I think BoB is right about how people who have not played the retail version of the game can claim that this is an extended beta.

Aerith's Knight
09-25-2010, 01:27 PM
To say that the game was not made in Japan is the most glaringly ignorant thing I've read so far about this game. The only part that wasn't done in Japan is the translation. Which is never done in Japan.

Actually, it wasn't the translation. It was the actual japanese ingame labels. There were multiple occasions of messing up "po"and "bo" in the japanese symbols (as you know, it's only the difference between an apostrophe(x2) and a degree symbol), but it's unheard of for an actual japanese person to make such a mistake. I'm guessing half the people on this site would laugh at it.

But you two make some valid points. If they haven't capped the experience and kept that out, or redid it, whatever, I might take an interest. I'll wait and see how it progresses when the actual game comes out, and if some more people find positive things about it. Hearing bad things from 15 people and good things from 2 isn't really enough to completely turn you around.

Loony BoB
09-25-2010, 02:43 PM
Twenty satisfied customers will tell one person that a product is good.
One unsatisfied customer will tell twenty people that a product is bad.

Always worth keeping in mind. :)

Aerith's Knight
09-25-2010, 04:31 PM
's True. I might get a hold of a free month pass, so I'll prob be joining in a few weeks and give it a go. The only way to fairly judge it after all. Although it would help if you guys helped me out a little with parties or something, because the only reason I don't play MMO's is that I get bored of grinding after about 5-10 levels and quit the game.

Loony BoB
09-25-2010, 04:39 PM
Depends on the times you'll be on obviously, but I'm all for a party fight once in a while. At the moment most of my time is spent mining and crafting, with a bit of partying with Danielle once in a while.

Del Murder
09-25-2010, 11:37 PM
Those screenshots look stunning. :o

09-26-2010, 12:22 AM
I can't afford an MMO and a new computer that will actually play it at the moment, but someday yes, I do intend to play. For now I'm unemployed with just a few dollars to my name :|

It's been out for like a week, hasn't it? Give it some time.