View Full Version : Also about cosplay-need advices

09-29-2010, 10:19 AM
Hey, I'm new here, first of all I want to say hello to everyone here.XD
I want to cosplay as a FF character in the Japanese Art Festival which will be held by our college, but I still cannot make my decision which character shall I cosplay as. I just found 2 good choices: Lightning (http://www.tinydeal.com/absolutely-11-replica-final-fantasy-xiii-13-lightning-customize-suit-px7jbe--p-10275.html) and Yuna (http://www.tinydeal.com/absolutely-11-replica-final-fantasy-x-yuna-customize-suit-px7jbe--p-10274.html) , which one is better? If you should choose one to cosplay as, which one would you like to choose?

09-30-2010, 01:07 AM
I guess it depends! If you're going for accuracy, you should pick whatever you can pull off best. If not, just pick whatever would be most convenient for you!

If I were going for accuracy, I'd pick Yuna since I look like her more than I do Lightning, but I definitely like Lightning's outfit better. It's easier to move around in, has pockets, and it's much more slimming! Not to mention Yuna's outfit may show a little more side boob than I'm comfortable with.