View Full Version : The "16 and in love" edit - how did it make a difference?

10-03-2010, 09:53 PM
Those two characters who where "16 and in love" simply had chidren in the original version, but the Nintendo translation actualy had them marry each other off screne to hide the fact they had taken part in teenage pregnacy.

How the hell does that hide the fact? We already know they're 16!

Depression Moon
10-03-2010, 10:19 PM
huh I don't remember anyone stating their age in the game. I'm assuming this is where you find Terra in the second half of the game?

Wolf Kanno
10-03-2010, 10:57 PM
Their age is stated by an NPC in the WoB when you first go to Mobliz and are introduced to them. The marriage thing is more of an edit for the American audience cause Nintendo had strict policies back then and America still gets pissy about the dumbest things. This was just an edit to make sure the game didn't cause any unwanted attention even though it was poorly done and most gamers don't give a damn.

A lot of censorship back in the 90's were pretty unnecessary.

10-04-2010, 09:15 AM
They were probably censoring premarital sex rather than teen pregnancy. Considering the baby was born after the one year time skip we can assume the she wasnt pregnant during the world of balance.

(I cant remember where exactly it said they were married)

04-07-2012, 05:59 AM
Their age is stated by an NPC in the WoB when you first go to Mobliz and are introduced to them. The marriage thing is more of an edit for the American audience cause Nintendo had strict policies back then and America still gets pissy about the dumbest things. This was just an edit to make sure the game didn't cause any unwanted attention even though it was poorly done and most gamers don't give a damn.

A lot of censorship back in the 90's were pretty unnecessary.Nintendo of America in the NES and SNES period was obsessed with games being "family friendly" so as not to cause offense to the Baby Boomer culture warriors (many of you my age and older will remember folks like Tipper Gore having the vapors over video games and thinking they were the spawn of Satan). They renamed "Holy" to "Pearl", toned down any references to death (eupehemisms are prefered, instead), changed "pub" to "cafe" and made the sprite for the esper Siren less risque.

04-11-2012, 07:18 AM
It's the line when you return to Mobliz after acquiring the Airship. You find Katarin and she says she's preggers, then Duane comes downstairs and declares his apology. He adds that he's "an awful husband."