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10-09-2010, 01:02 AM
Clo: I'm watching movies tonight.
Clo: Of course, it's with someone so we'll be analyzing it as we watch it.
Me: ... you talk about movies while you're watching it?
Me: You realize there is a level of hell devoted just for people like you, right?

Discuss people who talk during movies, and any other kind of people that are absolutely intolerable. What kind of people make you want to stab them repeatedly in the face?

10-09-2010, 01:05 AM
Watching movies is a social experience. If not, then you're just sitting and staring at a box. Might as well start jerking off.

10-09-2010, 01:07 AM
Your mom is a social experience.

Marshall Banana
10-09-2010, 01:07 AM
You two are lovers, eh?

Mr Twisticles
10-09-2010, 01:08 AM
I'm with Clo on this one, if you wanna watch a film and take in every second, either go to a cinema, or watch alone.
I like watching films with friends, 'specially if it's a film we've seen before. :D

10-09-2010, 01:08 AM
Your mom is a social experience.

I expect better from you. :colbert:

Your wit is a banal experience.

10-09-2010, 01:09 AM
Your outrage only applies in theaters, Raist.

You two are lovers, eh?

Yes. Them. Finally someone notices.

10-09-2010, 01:13 AM
I do not want to discuss every detail of a film or hear questions about every part, even if we're not in the theater. The only exception is for really bad movies when alcohol is involved.

Yes. Them. Finally someone notices.

I think someone is over emphasizing this claim out of jealousy.

10-09-2010, 01:16 AM
You're too boring. You need to discuss themes, characterization and plot development as it unfolds. You need to SPECULATE on the importance of certain motifs. COME ON, people.

10-09-2010, 01:18 AM
You need to shut the fuck up, make me a sandwich, and watch the movie.

10-09-2010, 01:19 AM
You need to watch the movie alone in your mom's basement, which is more likely than your scenario.

10-09-2010, 01:20 AM
Depends on the movie. If it's a mindless action movie, I sure as hell am gonna talk

Agent Proto
10-09-2010, 01:21 AM
I dunno who to agree with here. On one hand, I prefer watching movies without talking about it while I'm watching. But on the other hand, I don't mind doing that, as long as I've already seen the movie before. I'll never do that when watching for the first time.

10-09-2010, 01:25 AM
Me: You realize there is a level of hell devoted just for people like you, right?

Shepard Book was a smart man.

10-09-2010, 01:26 AM
Why not the first time? You can get a lot of good conversation in during transitions.

10-09-2010, 01:30 AM
Me: You realize there is a level of hell devoted just for people like you, right?

Shepard Book was a smart man.

Hah, I didn't even think of that.

Why not the first time? You can get a lot of good conversation in during transitions.

So you can actually be looking for the answers to that speculation instead of gabbing about it like little old ladies!

10-09-2010, 01:32 AM
I only do this with Hux, but when we're watching shows that we really like to speculate, I'll often pause so we can discuss it in depth before going on. It adds such FUN to the whole thing.

10-09-2010, 01:34 AM
Only after the first time watching, or if it's just a really fucking dumb movie I'll start bitching. :p

10-09-2010, 01:35 AM
Depends on the movie, yeah. If there's not much of a story to the movie, then why not talk.

But on the other hand I do like discussing how we think the movie is going to end. In fact, we were 6 guys watching a show and we brought open an excel sheet and noted down who we all thought would die next. Of course, we paused the show often. Nothing like a little friendly betting and wagering on who's going to get it next! I must admit that it sucks if we're actually dead on when it comes to the twist. Like with the movie Orphan, which is a brilliant movie, my friend blurted out something and it turns out that actually happened in the end. It should be noted he blurted out a lot of other options as well. I totally didn't see the end coming so it took some of the moment away from me. Still, discussion is fun!

black orb
10-09-2010, 01:48 AM
>>> What a nightmare, people is annoying and movies are boring..:luca:

10-09-2010, 02:10 AM
The French.

10-09-2010, 02:18 AM
Some movies just aren't complete without a peanut gallery or mst3k dialog transpiring in tandem.

Hmm, the worst people in the world? Everyone is pretty bad; it's too hard to decide. :eep:

10-09-2010, 02:47 AM
Watching movies is a social experience. If not, then you're just sitting and staring at a box. Might as well start jerking off.Well yeah but I feel a bit guilty when I'm watching Schindler's List and I get to my third wank.
The French.Yes.

10-09-2010, 02:54 AM
I don't mind the occasional comment here and there, but there are some people in my life who talk CONSTANTLY. One is my mother and the other is one of my best friends. My mother makes watching movies unbearable. She really can't go more than a minute without having to say SOMETHING. And usually her inane comments or questions prevent her from following what's going on, so then she has to ask what so and so said or what they're doing or-


One of my best friends is almost as bad. I can't watch movies with them anymore. :P

10-09-2010, 03:21 AM
I love discussing movies during them!

10-09-2010, 04:32 AM
I talk with my friends during movies that are bad because it makes it more enjoyable. We sometimes like to mute bad movies and then replace it with out own dialogue.

There are people like my grandmother who are all, "Ah hell no girl don't go in there." That can be annoying hearing that through out the entire film especially when it's not even a horror or drama.

10-09-2010, 04:41 AM
I don't like people who talk during movies or shows. I'm trying to watch.

But they're better than people who get uppity over stupid stuff. I can't stand people who get seriously bent out of shape over what browser you use or whether you say cuss or swear. Or if a sea-bear could beat a land-shark.

And people who ship het. Ewwww. It's two chicks or nuthin dude.

10-09-2010, 04:56 AM
Only when you talk about a different movie or something unrelated like your cactus is it intolerable. :p

10-09-2010, 05:17 AM
I pretty much hate anyone talking while I'm watching a movie, if I'm actually trying to watch and it's not some sort of drinking game.

10-09-2010, 05:30 AM
Your outrage only applies in theaters, Raist.

You two are lovers, eh?

Yes. Them. Finally someone notices.
I already asked him if they were married or gonna get married and he said no! UGH

The worst people in the world are those stupid motherfuckers who don't know how to merge.

I am in the right lane. A car is in the merging lane for the on ramp. I cannot merge left because another car is there. So I slow down a bit.

THEN THE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE AN OLD GRANDMA YOU'RE STILL A MOTHERFUCKER ALSO SLOWS DOWN. Until she fucking STOPS in the middle of the goddamn merging lane. And I don't know what the fuck the dumb bitch is thinking so I have to stop too because what if she just darts out now? And then I'm fucking dead and she gets put in a goddamn home.

10-09-2010, 05:49 AM
I pretty much hate anyone talking while I'm watching a movie, if I'm actually trying to watch and it's not some sort of drinking game.


Seriously, people who talk during a movie, especially a movie I paid to see, must go.

10-09-2010, 05:49 AM
You two are lovers, eh?
Yah that.

I make like sarcastic/silly/observation comments. I'm not the shout-at-your-screen type of talker. It's more like "it would not take 1 second to turn on a computer. :colbert:" or "Dude, his pants are waaaay too tight you can see his junk"

10-09-2010, 05:52 AM
That reminds me! What I hate the most on the road are the stupid fucking impatient people that refuse to wait like everyone else does. Did you really need to change lanes, speed up, and cut in front of me? No you're not getting where ever the fuck you're going any faster, you're still behind a fucking car. I wasn't going that slow just for :bou::bou::bou::bou:s and giggles.

It's usually at this point that I will change lanes and drive right along side them so that they can't merge lanes anymore. :mad2:

10-09-2010, 06:04 AM
The worst people in the world are those stupid motherfuckers who don't know how to merge.

I am in the right lane. A car is in the merging lane for the on ramp. I cannot merge left because another car is there. So I slow down a bit.

THEN THE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE AN OLD GRANDMA YOU'RE STILL A MOTHERFUCKER ALSO SLOWS DOWN. Until she fucking STOPS in the middle of the goddamn merging lane. And I don't know what the fuck the dumb bitch is thinking so I have to stop too because what if she just darts out now? And then I'm fucking dead and she gets put in a goddamn home.

I love you so, so much, foa. I AGREE SO FUCKING MUCH. I especially hate when I'm turning right or on a ramp with a guy in front of me WHO STOPS AT THE END OF THE RAMP AT THE YIELD SIGN instead of USING THE WIDE OPEN ACCELERATION LANE WHICH IS THERE SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO STOP.

This may surprise some, but I am a laid back person who is incredibly difficult to actually anger. But if there is any situation where I may be pushed to violently slaughter someone, the above would certainly be it.

10-09-2010, 06:56 AM
That reminds me! What I hate the most on the road are the stupid fucking impatient people that refuse to wait like everyone else does. Did you really need to change lanes, speed up, and cut in front of me? No you're not getting where ever the fuck you're going any faster, you're still behind a fucking car. I wasn't going that slow just for :bou::bou::bou::bou:s and giggles.

It's usually at this point that I will change lanes and drive right along side them so that they can't merge lanes anymore. :mad2:

I can tell when people are going to do this and then I tailgate the person in front of me so they can't. And I PRAY that there is no room for them to merge in front of the person in front of me. So they end up having to slow back down and get their ass back in line. I don't road rage. But I maintain the peace and civility they're trying to destroy with their self-indulgent driving anarchy

But that's the ONLY time I ever tailgate. I hate tailgaters. I always slow down. Especially when they're not allowed to pass haha They need to back the fuck off. Srsly. Impatient assholes. All of 'em

10-09-2010, 07:28 AM
I hate everyone on the road when I'm driving. I glare at them all and suspect no good in every direction.

10-09-2010, 09:53 AM
I hate everyone on the road when I'm driving. I glare at them all and suspect no good in every direction.

I do this. I also yell, scream, curse, and damn every other driver on the road. I also freak out at pedestrians who think they can overpower my car with their legs and "legal rights". I will hit you. You will die. Don't fucking walk out in front of my goddamn car, you idiot.

10-09-2010, 09:56 AM
I think it's exciting to try to predict what's gonna happen

10-09-2010, 07:33 PM
That reminds me! What I hate the most on the road are the stupid smurfing impatient people that refuse to wait like everyone else does. Did you really need to change lanes, speed up, and cut in front of me? No you're not getting where ever the smurf you're going any faster, you're still behind a smurfing car. I wasn't going that slow just for :bou::bou::bou::bou:s and giggles.

It's usually at this point that I will change lanes and drive right along side them so that they can't merge lanes anymore. :mad2:

I can tell when people are going to do this and then I tailgate the person in front of me so they can't. And I PRAY that there is no room for them to merge in front of the person in front of me. So they end up having to slow back down and get their ass back in line. I don't road rage. But I maintain the peace and civility they're trying to destroy with their self-indulgent driving anarchy

But that's the ONLY time I ever tailgate. I hate tailgaters. I always slow down. Especially when they're not allowed to pass haha They need to back the smurf off. Srsly. Impatient assholes. All of 'em
I'd do that, but I don't like tailgating in a large SUV or big-fucking truck. :(

10-09-2010, 07:41 PM
Talking during a movie can enhance the experience at times! If it's being watched in a social setting with friends, then it's a million times more fun. If the movie is in a theater then everybody needs to shut the smurf up now.


Also I hate it when I'm in a car and the driver is road raging. It's scary! Whenever I mess up do something that could cause someone rage I take a bunch of random turns away from where I'm going so I can make sure I'm not being followed by somebody who wants to beat me up :(

How do you say "oh smurf I just did that I'm so sorry" in car language? I usually flash the blinkers in that situation, but I'm always worried that it'll be taken as "yeah I just did that WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT."

10-09-2010, 08:45 PM
WE NEED TO HAVE an EoFF caravan like in Smokey & The Bandit (and I get to be the Bandit) and basically just attack anyone who acts like a dick!

Jess, the best thing to do when you know you've screwed up is look at the other person and wave or mouth "Sorry" I think. But do you do stuff like we've talked about?

10-09-2010, 08:48 PM
Watching movies is a social experience. If not, then you're just sitting and staring at a box. Might as well start jerking off.

Are you smurfing serious? You want to TALK during a film? Who the smurf does that? Your pause button must be worn to the point the straight lines have disappeared from the button & now become one with your thumb.

Antyway THE most annoying humans to sit through a film or sahow with are those that not only ask question but those who fucxking CONSTANTLY inform you of what they believe will happen next. They will be wrong 99% of the time but the 1% they're right they turn to you smugly and either raise their brows with a smug grin or slap your arm and say TOLD YOU THAT WOULD HAPPEN.


le fin

10-09-2010, 11:13 PM
Well, I know who I'm never watching a movie with.

10-09-2010, 11:19 PM
Yeah, what foa said. XD I road rage unless the person waves or otherwise does something to look like they're sorry.

10-09-2010, 11:24 PM
Geez, what's with all the road rage? I have to quote my dear friend Avril Lavigne here:

Chill out, what you yellin' for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see~

I like you the way you are
When we're drivin' in your car
And you're talkin' to me one on one
That you've become

Somebody else
'Round everyone else
watching your back
Like you can't relax
You tryin' to be cool
You look like a fool to me

10-09-2010, 11:41 PM
People who talk during a movie is a :nonono:

I will no sooner I will take popcorn(or a steak knife) and whip it on their heads the next time they say "Man everytime Scarlet does a split, my boner rises..."


Oh and don't get me started on the traffic here....Just don't....

10-10-2010, 12:05 AM
Well, I know who I'm never watching a movie with.

It'll be fine, I've got duct tape.

10-10-2010, 12:17 AM
Watching movies is a social experience. If not, then you're just sitting and staring at a box. Might as well start jerking off.

Are you smurfing serious? You want to TALK during a film? Who the smurf does that? Your pause button must be worn to the point the straight lines have disappeared from the button & now become one with your thumb.

Antyway THE most annoying humans to sit through a film or sahow with are those that not only ask question but those who fucxking CONSTANTLY inform you of what they believe will happen next. They will be wrong 99% of the time but the 1% they're right they turn to you smugly and either raise their brows with a smug grin or slap your arm and say TOLD YOU THAT WOULD HAPPEN.


le fin

Tell us how you really feel, Cuch. Don't hold back, I'm here for you.

10-10-2010, 12:18 AM
I'll talk during a movie, but it's usually to heckle the :bou::bou::bou::bou: out of it. Large amounts of alcohol are usually involved.

10-10-2010, 01:23 AM
I can usually gauge the style of viewer I'm typically watching a movie with. I don't normally watch movies to go all MST3K on them, but I'm perfectly capable of doing so when necessary. I'm not the type that just HAS to watch a movie one way or the other. If I feel compelled to say something and don't get a response of any sort then I know that I should stay quiet and let them enjoy the movie in peace. No biggy

My biggest issue is watching movies with people who fall asleep during them. Damn near my entire social group is this way. I don't know a single person who can stay awake during a movie. I've almost gotten to the point where I don't even want to watch a movie anymore. I rarely watch them by myself. I feel like I'm wasting time sitting staring at a box like Clo says. It takes a really rare movie these days to captivate me enough where my mind willingly shuts down and I can just sit, watch, and enjoy. My mind is too active. I usually watch stuff while playing on the computer. Or in a social setting. Which sometimes involves plot-driven conversations or heckling. And often involves the other parties falling asleep...

10-10-2010, 02:30 AM
Well, I know who I'm never watching a movie with.

It'll be fine, I've got duct tape.

10-10-2010, 09:35 AM
I can usually gauge the style of viewer I'm typically watching a movie with. I don't normally watch movies to go all MST3K on them, but I'm perfectly capable of doing so when necessary. I'm not the type that just HAS to watch a movie one way or the other. If I feel compelled to say something and don't get a response of any sort then I know that I should stay quiet and let them enjoy the movie in peace. No biggy
Yes! To talk or not to talk during movies is just a matter of social atmosphere. And how ridiculous the movie is.

My biggest issue is watching movies with people who fall asleep during them. Damn near my entire social group is this way. I don't know a single person who can stay awake during a movie. I've almost gotten to the point where I don't even want to watch a movie anymore. I rarely watch them by myself. I feel like I'm wasting time sitting staring at a box like Clo says. It takes a really rare movie these days to captivate me enough where my mind willingly shuts down and I can just sit, watch, and enjoy. My mind is too active. I usually watch stuff while playing on the computer. Or in a social setting. Which sometimes involves plot-driven conversations or heckling. And often involves the other parties falling asleep...
My parents allllways fall asleep during movies. Whenever they ask if I brought any good movies we can watch, I'm like "... does it actually matter if it's good?"

10-12-2010, 12:46 AM
WE NEED TO HAVE an EoFF caravan like in Smokey & The Bandit (and I get to be the Bandit) and basically just attack anyone who acts like a dick!

Jess, the best thing to do when you know you've screwed up is look at the other person and wave or mouth "Sorry" I think. But do you do stuff like we've talked about?

I skimmed the thread. Usually what happens is I'm turning, usually right, but I don't notice an oncoming car, and I nearly cause a huge side collision. And it is always some really really big truck or SUV and I'm in my mom's tiny car. Usually I end up in front of the other driver, so I can't really look at them, and if I wave it might look like I'm flipping them off or something :(

Fortunately for drivers everywhere I have not driven since before I moved out of my parents' house!

10-12-2010, 01:42 AM

Nickeblack Fans

Yaoi Fangirls

10-12-2010, 02:14 AM


10-12-2010, 04:51 AM
I used to have a friend that I would invite to my house to hang out, and then she'd just play with her laptop or sleep the whole time :nonono:

10-12-2010, 05:57 AM
I used to have a friend that I would invite to my house to hang out, and then she'd just play with her laptop or sleep the whole time :nonono:

What, I would tell her to get the smurf out. :nonono:

10-12-2010, 06:23 AM
Dumb people. I know some of you may say "Bert's an idiot wtf?" but irl I try a bit harder than on eoff. wait maybe not....

10-12-2010, 08:04 AM
I used to have a friend that I would invite to my house to hang out, and then she'd just play with her laptop or sleep the whole time :nonono:

That deserves a punch in the foot!

Loony BoB
10-12-2010, 10:44 AM
People need to know when they should talk during a movie, I find. If it's a dramatic part of a movie and/or people are talking in the movie then please wait until the next ad break or until that specific scene is over. Maybe pause at the end of the scene if you need to discuss it in-depth.

Of course, if I've already seen the movie then I probably won't care much.

Never in the cinema, though.

10-12-2010, 11:45 AM
I don't mind so much people talking during movies if it's kept to a minimum but what's worst is people KNITTING during movies. It makes me SICK. Sowing is a close contender, as well.

10-12-2010, 12:25 PM
Clo I will watch movies with you and we will speculate and guess the ending 10 minutes in and then cheer as we get it confirmed an hour later and then we'll have a burger and be blissfully happy.

10-12-2010, 02:02 PM
Clo I will watch movies with you and we will speculate and guess the ending 10 minutes in and then cheer as we get it confirmed an hour later and then we'll have a burger and be blissfully happy.
You forgot to mention movie snacks :quina:

10-12-2010, 04:12 PM
Clo doesn't eat snacks.

I tried to tell you, she's an evil, hell-bound heathen.

10-12-2010, 06:14 PM
Clo I will watch movies with you and we will speculate and guess the ending 10 minutes in and then cheer as we get it confirmed an hour later and then we'll have a burger and be blissfully happy.

Jiro, my main man, let's go watch a movie together and then we will do these things, and after the burger we will dance and watch the sun rise and it will be magical.

Clo I will watch movies with you and we will speculate and guess the ending 10 minutes in and then cheer as we get it confirmed an hour later and then we'll have a burger and be blissfully happy.
You forgot to mention movie snacks :quina:
I do eat movie snacks, sometimes. I will call it "situational snacking." Snack when it is appropriate.

Clo doesn't eat snacks.

I tried to tell you, she's an evil, hell-bound heathen.

I find it nasty to just sit around and stuff your face with useless foods that don't even taste good after the first couple, SO EXCUSE ME SIR AND A FUCK OFF TO YOU.

10-12-2010, 07:57 PM
What kind of :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty snacks do they have at your theater? o_O

10-12-2010, 08:15 PM
What kind of :bou::bou::bou::bou:ty snacks do they have at your theater? o_O

Hollowed out Revels with dog :bou::bou::bou::bou: in em. I'm the one that makes it happen.

10-12-2010, 09:23 PM
I find it nasty to just sit around and stuff your face with useless foods that don't even taste good after the first couple, SO EXCUSE ME SIR AND A smurf OFF TO YOU.

Theater food doesn't taste all that good and is too expensive but that is why you sneak your own delicious treats into the movies.

10-12-2010, 09:27 PM
I find it nasty to just sit around and stuff your face with useless foods that don't even taste good after the first couple, SO EXCUSE ME SIR AND A smurf OFF TO YOU.

Theater food doesn't taste all that good and is too expensive but that is why you sneak your own delicious treats into the movies.

Fo' sho. I always go to Walmart for candy before heading to a movie. :jess:

10-12-2010, 10:06 PM
I agree with Clo. If you aren't making comments, you're bad at this game.

10-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Theater food doesn't taste all that good and is too expensive but that is why you sneak your own delicious treats into the movies.

Agreed. If you buy movie theater food, you're doing it wrong (possible exception: popcorn).

10-12-2010, 11:28 PM
Agreed, some Theater Popcorn is absolutely delicious.

10-13-2010, 08:02 AM
My grandma and my frugal auntie sneak their own snacks into the theater...

10-13-2010, 10:15 AM
Possibly even worse than knitting during movies is BREATHING DURING WALKING. Oh, those walking breathers. They think they're safe. FOR NOW.