View Full Version : FFX and FFXII possibly being remastered for PS3

11-04-2010, 03:52 PM
Interesting bit of news I came across. I was reading this (http://www.thegameheadz.com///Home/AddArticles/PlaystationNetwork/tabid/211/PageIndex/1/Default.aspx) article regarding Sony and their stance on PS2 BC for the PS3. Nothing of great interest within the article apart from this quote.

"When fans see what Konami’s doing to the Metal Gear series, and what Square’s doing with Final Fantasy, they’re going to be very happy.”

The quote is refering to developers remastering their games in HD for the PS3. This comment was made from a SCEA marketing boss which definitely adds some credibility to it. I'm not going to say whether this is 100% confirmation but it'll seem pretty stupid if he just pulled that comment out of his ass. Personally I'd love for them to remaster FFX and FFXII (I'll exclude FFXI cause I really doubt they would rerelease that). FFXII was already a beautiful game to begin with, seeing it in HD would definitely push me to rebuying the game.

Also worth noting that he mentioned the MGS series as well. I guess that kind of a big deal too.

Flying Arrow
11-04-2010, 05:05 PM
So a large overworld can be done in HD? Go figure.

11-04-2010, 05:23 PM
So a large overworld can be done in HD? Go figure.
Is there an Overworld in FFX or FFXII to begin with :p ?

Flying Arrow
11-04-2010, 05:58 PM
I always recalled most of XII's locations as being 'overworld' but then again I haven't played the game since it came out.

11-04-2010, 06:47 PM
maybe this'll make me play FF12 to the end

11-04-2010, 06:55 PM
I wouldn't be too surprised to see X and X-2 bundled together.

11-04-2010, 08:24 PM
I'd probably rebuy XII and I'd definitely rebuy X if they were to do this.

I've wanted to replay both lately but they both look so incredibly terrible on my HDTV that it makes my eyes bleed too much to keep playing. XII especially.

Wolf Kanno
11-04-2010, 08:27 PM
Only if FFXII was the International Zodiac Job edition instead of the regular. I don't really care how gorgeous a game looks cause I've never felt like graphics alone were a sufficient form of immersions and seeing how XII is gorgeous to begin with, I don't see how an HD remaster is worth my time or money.

I'm not sure how FFX would fare though, the background models and the character models already differ greatly enough and I feel pushing it to HD is just going to make the characters models stand out more in a negative way. So unless they were going to upgrade them to fit with the pre-rendered backgrounds, I don't see an HD remaster of X going over so well. Of course there is also other titles in SE's library. KH and DQVIII would probably fare well with a HD remake.

11-04-2010, 08:53 PM
I would rather play an updated version of the Playstation era Final Fantasy games because I feel that era of Final Fantasy has aged the least well.

Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII would look great in HD on Playstation 3, I think, but I was under the impression that the large areas in Final Fantasy XII could not reproduced in HD graphics due to the time and resources needed to develop them.

Del Murder
11-04-2010, 09:08 PM
I would rather play an updated version of the Playstation era Final Fantasy games because I feel that era of Final Fantasy has aged the least well.

Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XII would look great in HD on Playstation 3, I think, but I was under the impression that the large areas in Final Fantasy XII could not reproduced in HD graphics due to the time and resources needed to develop them.
I agree for the same reason, and also because I liked VII-IX a lot better. I don't know why they would remake X and XII first. Has SE said anywhere that those games would be looked into first or is this just Dreddz's speculation/hope?

11-04-2010, 09:28 PM
Well, some people have questioned the validity of this interview because none of the other news sites have picked up on it yet. If it's true I'd be thrilled, these are some of my favorite games and I'd love to go through them again, and trophies are always a nice (if arbitrary) incentive to replay a game.

I don't really care how gorgeous a game looks cause I've never felt like graphics alone were a sufficient form of immersions and seeing how XII is gorgeous to begin with, I don't see how an HD remaster is worth my time or money.

A big plus to an HD-remake is that it remedies how bad modern TV's butcher the visuals of older games. Another plus to having a Blu Ray version would be sound. Many games take advantage of the storage space by putting uncompressed sound on the disc, and I'm pretty sure FFXII's audio was insanely compressed, you can kinda tell by the dialogue alone.

11-04-2010, 09:31 PM
I'd probably rebuy XII and I'd definitely rebuy X if they were to do this.

I've wanted to replay both lately but they both look so incredibly terrible on my HDTV that it makes my eyes bleed too much to keep playing. XII especially.

Sounds like your TV could use a better upscaling engine than it's got :>

11-04-2010, 10:11 PM
I wouldn't be too surprised to see X and X-2 bundled together.
Didn't think about that. I hope not. FFX and X-2 are good games but FFXII is the one I really want to revisit.

Has SE said anywhere that those games would be looked into first or is this just Dreddz's speculation/hope?
Square has said nothing which is why I made the point that it isn't 100% confirmation. Although the comment is credible as it was made by someone high up the food chain over at Sony. Bolivar is correct in bringing up the validity of this article though. This woud be a big deal so the lack of coverage is disconcerting.

Oh and sorry for anyone that read my post before the edit. I forgot to add the article. Oops.

Wolf Kanno
11-05-2010, 06:04 AM
I don't really care how gorgeous a game looks cause I've never felt like graphics alone were a sufficient form of immersions and seeing how XII is gorgeous to begin with, I don't see how an HD remaster is worth my time or money.

A big plus to an HD-remake is that it remedies how bad modern TV's butcher the visuals of older games. Another plus to having a Blu Ray version would be sound. Many games take advantage of the storage space by putting uncompressed sound on the disc, and I'm pretty sure FFXII's audio was insanely compressed, you can kinda tell by the dialogue alone.

I'm not saying its a bad idea, just not a necessary one. I'm sure XII would benefit greatly from other areas with an HD upgrade but if you enjoy the original and don't actually care or even notice the technical differences then I still say its more of a vanity buy than a practical one.

Now getting someone else to buy it for my birthday or Christmas is another story entirely... ;)

11-05-2010, 02:35 PM
but I was under the impression that the large areas in Final Fantasy XII could not reproduced in HD graphics due to the time and resources needed to develop them.

There's a big difference between rendering a PS2 game at a higher resolution (as with the God of War collection and the upcoming Ico and Shadow of the Colossus re-releases) and actually making a game with high polygon character models and textures of the quality that people expect from a current gen game. If it is just re-releases then the extra work to get it running in HD on the PS3 would be minimal.

What the original claim regarding FFXIII speaks to is that it takes a long time to model high polygon characters, enemies, and worlds, and it's equally as arduous to texture the damn things given the level of detail and quality expected of a next-gen game. That said, I think the original claim was a bit of an overstatement, probably to try and manage player expectations for FFXIII. Plenty of western developers have managed worlds that were bigger, more detailed and more impressive than FFXIII on next-gen systems, and it didn't take them nearly as long to do it to boot.

11-05-2010, 05:35 PM
I hope future releases will also include nifty bonuses we didn't get before, like the advanced sphere grid, dark aeons, etc. Otherwise, as much as I liked all three games, I wouldn't purchase something like this unless something happened to my old copies.

Of course I don't own a PS3, so I won't be purchasing them either way. Also our TV is pretty crappy. It's ancient. The image appears to have stretched horizontally. The sides are completely cut off, so I can't see the cursor on some menus. I have to go to the top and count every time I hear the sound effect. My boyfriend has had to return games before because the text was so blurry he couldn't read it. The stretch only happens in the middle, not the top and bottom of the screen. If there was say, a "|" in the middle of the screen, if you swung the camera around so that it was on the left, it would look like a "(". Occasionally there will be a red or green tint to everything.

11-05-2010, 06:00 PM
Has SE said anywhere that those games would be looked into first or is this just Dreddz's speculation/hope?

It sounds like they were explicitly referencing Playstation 2 titles. Final Fantasy XI would be excluded as it was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

11-06-2010, 05:26 PM
I'd probably rebuy XII and I'd definitely rebuy X if they were to do this.

I've wanted to replay both lately but they both look so incredibly terrible on my HDTV that it makes my eyes bleed too much to keep playing. XII especially.

Sounds like your TV could use a better upscaling engine than it's got :>

You mean there are modern televisions that can upscale old video game visuals decently? I know I'm not the only one with this issue. PS2 games look horrible on my 1080p LCD screen. Sucks because I still have a whole list of PS2 games I want to play and can get for dirt cheap. Interestingly, games for the original XBOX, old PC games and Gamecube games all look just fine on it.

I'd be willing to go out and buy a nice CRT set if anyone was selling them anymore.

11-06-2010, 06:52 PM
I always recalled most of XII's locations as being 'overworld' but then again I haven't played the game since it came out.
Final Fantasy XII has no traditional overworld, the whole game is based on one region :p.

10-02-2011, 01:33 PM
First of all or rather to begin with now don't you think FFVII fans got enough already?
Just think about it and let's take a closer look at the FFVII prequels/sequels and the movie.
FFVII Before Crisis (prequel/game)
FFVII Crisis Core (prequel/game)
FFVII Last Order (prequel/anime)
FFVII (the original one)
FFVII Advent Children (sequel/CGI movie)
FFVII Advent Children Complete (sequel/CGI film)
FFVII Dridge of Cerberus (sequel/game)
Aren't all of these enough?
As far as I'm concerned in my opinion you should be happy for all of these releases instead of being unsatisfied, you FFVII fangirls and fanboys has got enough already. Say thank you very much to Square.
Furthermore let's take a look at the graphics of FFVII vs FFX, it's definitely exact and clear:
Final Fantasy X has the required graphic level in order to be able to bring it to the modern consoles including PS3 and PS Vita maybe even x360 while on the other hand a Final Fantasy VII HD remaster would be a disappointment due to the fact that it's a 97's game with
low detail, low poly (vertices), low vertex shaders and low pixel shaders and low resolution and etc, etc...
Which means Square-Enix should start the FFVII remake from the very very beginning, then they should re-model the characters, re-animate them and re-texturing them, still if it isn't enough there are a lot of map like Midgar which requires a very high dynamic shadowing/lightning implementation, e.g. Junon, for example Costa del Sol which has got a beach, now that town requires a very high level of water surface shader and still there is one more big problem, the engine, they should use a modern
high performance realtime 3D rendering engine which means they would have to handle and re-programming the whole game and not just deal with the graphics and still I didn't mentioned about the Physics Engine which is one of the most difficult part of a game programming and there are more like Sound Engine and further tools. In addition despite the fact of the people say it's a remake, well it's is not,
but a HD remastering with extras, however I still hope for a remake and a remake of
Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission HD remastered, especially due to the fact of Last Mission was available only in Japan. Moreover let's take a look at Final Fantasy X
FFX (the original one)
FFX International (extended version)
FFX Eternal Calm (sequel/cutscene)
FFX-2 (sequel/game)
FFX-2 International + Last Mission (sequel/extended game which was available only in Japan)
Now you make a compare between the most famous and the most popular Final Fantasy: VII and X.
As you can see VII has got more than X and more than enough and still you demand for a VII remake?
Don't you think you FFVII guys go too far?
Moreover the most of the FFVII fans didn't even play with the original first Final Fantasy VII,
they just became VII fans thanks to Advent Children.
In my opinion, there should be:
FFX Type-0 prequel game which is representing the story of Braska, Jecht and Auron
FFX-3 sequel game which is demonstrating the story of Rikku (There was a reference in FFX-2 when Yuna has said to Rikku: "Next time it will be your story") a link about this one:
Final Fantasy X-3 Planned? - PlayStation 2 News at IGN (http://ps2.ign.com/articles/389/389967p1.html)
and of course to make the balance to equal:
FFX The movie (CGI movie/film just like Advent Children)
Trust me if these would come true, then there would be more FFX fans than FFVII fans for sure.
I'm very glad about Final Fantasy X HD remaster due to the fact that it was an extremely fair decision and step from Square-Enix, especially for giving the respect to a masterpiece to FFX due to the fact that it has it's 10th anniversary. FFX is deserving more and more.
Finally let's think of this as SE testing a remake out. FF7 is similar in its ways, but it's smart that they did this because all the feedback they get from this one and if the feedback is positive then probably they will continue to re-release the old parts like VI,VII,VIII,IX.
Sales will play a big or rather serious role in this game. If it fails a remake of others are doomed which will last forever...
Seriously think about it and be glad and happy that they are re-releasing old FFs if you are willing to give a positive feedback so that they will going to re-release the old ones, trust me for sure.
Deniel B.
x86 Assembly (ASM), C / C++ Programmer and Virus Analyst IT Security Expert and Game Developer (Artificial Intelligence (AI) and GamePlay programmer).

10-02-2011, 07:43 PM
^ Yeah, but a lot of FF fans like me never wanted any of those spin-offs movies, novels, PSP titles, etc. A remake with a little cleaning up would be a pretty cool product. I'm happy for the FFX one, too, funny how we remained skeptical of this article yet here we are, MGS HD collection is coming next year as is FFX.

10-03-2011, 02:59 AM
good job reviving a one year old thread!

10-03-2011, 02:56 PM
Good job indeed, let the thread rest in peace now.

10-03-2011, 04:13 PM
I got it covered guys, use the report button if you find a necro thread :aimsun: