View Full Version : [Art] What's this?! I have dropped my fineliner..

Pete for President
12-28-2010, 08:57 AM
..and started speedpainting in Photoshop instead! Here's some first results, though I'm still experimenting with all kinds of stuff.


Enjoy! And oeh, comments and critics please! :choc:

12-28-2010, 09:28 AM
Those are brilliant. The third one is especially amazing. Can't wait to see more.

black orb
12-29-2010, 06:24 PM
>>> Looks good, are you using the mouse?..:luca:

Pete for President
12-30-2010, 09:15 AM
Thanks, I'm glad you both like it!

>>> Looks good, are you using the mouse?..:luca:

I use the smallest kind of wacom pen tablet. I want a bigger one, but no cash for it yet unfortunately..

12-30-2010, 06:31 PM
Oooo yeah I really like the 3rd one!

Aerith's Knight
01-02-2011, 12:02 AM
Not true, it's in your pants! Oh wait..

Great art, I like the last one best. I have a pretty HQ large tablet, but never use it anymore. In a fair world our tablets would switch places. You could probably use it a lot better.

Pete for President
01-21-2011, 08:28 AM
Thanks everyone! I think I'm getting the hang of it now...


01-21-2011, 09:03 AM
Overall I prefer your fineliner works, but these are really cool, too, and you're newer to this technique, after all. When you feel comfortable with the medium, I would love to see you try your more grandiose landscapes in this style. :)

black orb
01-24-2011, 08:51 PM
Thanks, I'm glad you both like it!

>>> Looks good, are you using the mouse?..:luca:

I use the smallest kind of wacom pen tablet. I want a bigger one, but no cash for it yet unfortunately..
>>> I have the smaller one too..:luca: