View Full Version : Next Generation Portable (PSP2)

01-27-2011, 12:59 PM

(Image from Endgadget (http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/27/the-sony-psp2/))
So there we have it. Finally the incessant rumours can end. Others can post the specific specs and stuff if they want, but the basics are right there in the picture. Not seen is the back, which is indeed a touchpad.

Here are some videos that I stole from another forum.
Games overview (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKsWSzAe5R4&hd=1&t=4m30s)
Hot Shots Golf (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4AXgpTreEs&hd=1&t=1m00s)
Uncharted (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKsWSzAe5R4&hd=1&t=6m40s)
Little Deviants (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GLG71IouR8&hd=1&t=1m37s) had a pretty neat application of the rear touchpad, like my beloved Marble Madness or Kororinpa games.

More details on the system's media and functions are on the first link I posted from Endgadget, where they would have more details that would just be better read there or other tech/gaming sites.

No indication of the price. I wouldn't be surprised if it costed as much as a PS3.
http://i.imgur.com/HH5Ya.jpg (http://imgur.com/HH5Ya)

Ultima Shadow
01-27-2011, 02:37 PM
I'm officially hyped. My PSP was one of the best buys I've ever done. I'm sure the PSP2 will be well worth its price as well.

01-27-2011, 02:52 PM
Looks awesome. I didn't think handheld graphics would be that good in my lifetime.

01-27-2011, 02:58 PM
:up: 1 person likes this

01-27-2011, 05:03 PM
Little disappointed, but overall pretty excited.

I think my biggest disappointment is the form factor, it's kind of a let down that they're sticking with the original PSP design, I always felt like having the buttons close to the sides hurt my thumbs. Plus seeing that it's bigger than any of those handhelds kinda sucks, because the whole point of a handheld is portability. I got a PSP Go because 1) my thumbs don't have the same issues as above with the button placement, and 2) it's perfectly portable as an mp3 player. I kind of feel like this was a step in the wrong direction, I'm not going to use this thing to listen to music on. Also, considering Sony has already made something like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OvTLg4i2_U), the NGP could have been something like this (http://www.yankodesign.com/2008/10/16/psp-2-can-make-your-pocket-bulge-in-all-the-right-places/), accommodating portability and simply making one of the coolest things ever made.

I'm also worried about price, not only for the machine but how they're going to monetize things. I'm sorry, but Sony has long forgotten that the reason their initial two consoles were so successful is because they always one-upped their competition by having a lower price point. With all the features, I can't see this being less than $300. Which really sucks, because that's really the only thing stopping me from getting it at launch. Also, the Near application was insanely awesome, but that's something you have to buy from the PS Store? Sorry, but all these cool features you want to brag about having should come standard with the handheld, or it just doesn't look as attractive.

That said, the biggest concern will always have to be the games, and I'm more than happy about that situation. They showed footage from Uncharted, Killzone, Wipeout, and Resistance already running on the thing and they all look pretty great. Kojima talking about peace walker as an experiment and announcing he's working on a game that will be playable on both ps3 and npg is a potential wet dream i hope comes true at E3 (Peace Walker 2!?!?). And having Call of Duty is an absolute necessity, becasue those matches are so quick and accessible, if you're going to make a "next-gen" portable device that's always online, you can't get away with not having this game.

A couple things about the form factor actually make these games pretty awesome, too. Using the touch screen to choose ledges to jump to in Uncharted makes a lot of sense, that game is shaping up to be really cool. And seeing the player in Killzone look down at a command unit on their wrist, then touching which selection you want to call in is pretty insanely awesome. Also, having the touch pad on the back will allow developers to simulate the L2, R2 buttons so you pretty much have a full PS controller, even with Sixaxis. That is really awesome and is going to make a big difference for games like Call of Duty.

As amazing as having a portable that can live up to the PS3 coming out, I am a little worried about how Sony's studios are going to follow through. The first PSP actually pulled off some pretty amazing graphics, but the games that did this nearly all sacrificed framerate for that. Graphics are great, but if the gameplay suffers then that's the end of that. Killzone does look incredible on this machine, but the gameplay looks inconclusive to me - it could be as bad as Killzone 1 if the smoothness isn't there.

So overall there's a lot of awesome stuff, but it's far from perfect. I don't know, if it's only a little less powerful than the NPG but runs the same games, I'm getting a PSPhone instead.

01-27-2011, 05:18 PM
I sure hope the UI isn't gonna look that awful in the retail version.

Madame Adequate
01-27-2011, 06:05 PM
Know what NGP stands for in the new PSP?

NoGaems Portable

01-27-2011, 06:16 PM
Know what NGP stands for in the new PSP?

NoGaems Portable

I thought it was "Nintendo Got Pwned"

01-27-2011, 06:21 PM
I think my biggest disappointment is the form factor, it's kind of a let down that they're sticking with the original PSP design, I always felt like having the buttons close to the sides hurt my thumbs. Plus seeing that it's bigger than any of those handhelds kinda sucks, because the whole point of a handheld is portability. I got a PSP Go because 1) my thumbs don't have the same issues as above with the button placement,

Keep in mind you're just on one side of this issue. There are a lot of people who complained about the PSPGo (and GBA SP) because it's difficult to hold comfortably. There will always be people for whom hand size will present an ergonomics issue, but I think the majority of people fall somewhere in the middle or just find a way to make it work. I've never fallen to either side of the issue for any portable. I'm equally comfortable on my GBA SP or my DSi XL, or my iPod Touch or anything in between. I've never had issues with the PSP either.

It's a valid issue from your point of view, but from their design perspective, it's probably a non-issue.

and 2) it's perfectly portable as an mp3 player. I kind of feel like this was a step in the wrong direction, I'm not going to use this thing to listen to music on.

This was something I did with my PSP. I did use it as an MP3 player, though not being able to lock the buttons down was a problem. Now I have an iPod Touch. Realistically, most people do have a separate portable music player. This is what's causing problems for handhelds in general. iPhones/Touches are some of the best music players as well as slowly getting more games on them. I have my touch on me everywhere. When I want to play a quick game of something, I do it on there. I just can't be bothered to lug around any of my other portables with me regardless of size when I have a single "do everything" device.

I think this speaks of a potential marketing issue coming up for the NGP. Selling it as a "do everything" device (which works on the PS3) isn't going to cut it for people who have a tiny iPhone. To add insult to injury, it's large.

Also, considering Sony has already made something like this, the NGP could have been something like this, accommodating portability and simply making one of the coolest things ever made.

Going from concept it to reality is a big step. Sure, the tech exists, but it will completely obliterate your next point about money. If they had a fully flexible screen like that it would cost a huge amount of money. Also, we might not be where we need in the durability department for that type of tech.

I'm also worried about price, not only for the machine but how they're going to monetize things. I'm sorry, but Sony has long forgotten that the reason their initial two consoles were so successful is because they always one-upped their competition by having a lower price point. With all the features, I can't see this being less than $300. Which really sucks, because that's really the only thing stopping me from getting it at launch. Also, the Near application was insanely awesome, but that's something you have to buy from the PS Store? Sorry, but all these cool features you want to brag about having should come standard with the handheld, or it just doesn't look as attractive.

Couldn't agree more really. Price is going to rape them. Sure, the 3DS is expensive, but to not take a huge hit (like they did with the PS3) they are going to have to have this are a pretty high price point. I'm guessing $300-350. This device is awesome, but it doesn't have something awesome and new. The promise of glasses free 3D is a great draw to people who are quick to latch on to gimmicks.

The price of this on release is probably going to make the 3DS look far more attractive by comparison as well. When the NGP comes out the 3DS will just be hitting its stride with the big titles. That will spell disaster for this.

The only demographic this is really aimed at seems to be fairly well off adults (or spoiled kids) who are hardcore gamers and tech nerds who appreciate what this offers and aren't distracted by the "ooh shiny" factor of the 3DS.

That said, the biggest concern will always have to be the games, and I'm more than happy about that situation. They showed footage from Uncharted, Killzone, Wipeout, and Resistance already running on the thing and they all look pretty great. Kojima talking about peace walker as an experiment and announcing he's working on a game that will be playable on both ps3 and npg is a potential wet dream i hope comes true at E3 (Peace Walker 2!?!?). And having Call of Duty is an absolute necessity, becasue those matches are so quick and accessible, if you're going to make a "next-gen" portable device that's always online, you can't get away with not having this game.

This is their only opportunity. These big titles need to be available at launch. The 3DS can somewhat afford to have crappy launch line-up; it has no direct competition. But the NGP had better have some serious games to draw in that hardcore demographic. Hopefully some of these big franchise things go beyond being ports and actually are new installments. Nobody will care if they just bring ports of games people have already played on their PS3.

A couple things about the form factor actually make these games pretty awesome, too. Using the touch screen to choose ledges to jump to in Uncharted makes a lot of sense, that game is shaping up to be really cool. And seeing the player in Killzone look down at a command unit on their wrist, then touching which selection you want to call in is pretty insanely awesome. Also, having the touch pad on the back will allow developers to simulate the L2, R2 buttons so you pretty much have a full PS controller, even with Sixaxis. That is really awesome and is going to make a big difference for games like Call of Duty.

I think the depth of controls is going to be a big thing. If they start making PS2 titles available through PSN available, that's going to boost sales on this thing. Having potential L2/R2 through touch is great as well as all of the other potentials of the touch back. It's a smart move to make it so malleable instead of just cramming some L2/R2 buttons on. Also, this gives it the chance to be full analog control. They really knocked it out of the park with controls in my opinion.

I'm personally more excited about this than the 3DS at this point. That said, I'll definitely be getting both, though I may wait until the 2nd gen 3DS or at least when the library gets deeper. Honestly, the 3DS proposed library is still more impressive to me than the proposed NGP library, but, it may be like my PSP; I have less games for it, but all of them are must-haves for me.

01-27-2011, 06:58 PM
Looks expensive. The system has some beefy specs. I wonder how much money it would take for a developer to make a game for it. People have to buy games for this thing or it could just be one huge flop after its first year.

Potentially it could have great games. It might fall into the same trap as the first PSP though. They need to make games unique to the platform or your just gonna feel like your playing inferior versions to games on the PS3. That Uncharted game looks great but in comparison to the PS3 games it looks tame. At that point you just wonder to yourself......whats the point.

Depression Moon
01-27-2011, 08:19 PM
Well I can't say I'm that interested in it with little info on games. I also had plans to get a Nintendo handheld since I've been exclusive with Sony for 2 generations in the console department and I'm missing Nintendo so I'll probably end up getting a Nintendo DS.

It'll be a lot cheaper by the time this comes out and like y'all said it'll probably be very expensive.

01-27-2011, 08:41 PM
I saw that it had GPS.

Why the hell would you need GPS.

01-27-2011, 09:38 PM
I saw that it had GPS.

Why the hell would you need GPS.

"Need" isn't really a relevant term when talking about video game handhelds.

But there are some interesting things its doing like the Near application they talked about. It shows you people who are near you and what games they're playing. It'll also show you hot spots in your area of where a lot of people play games and can tell you what the top 10 games of your city are and stuff like that. You can also use it to then send messages to other people.

With the console being online all the time, there's just some really interesting things they could do with the "Location Based Gaming" concept. Especially someone like Hideo Kojima working on titles for it. I thought a trackpad on the back was a stupid idea but they proved me wrong with that one.

01-27-2011, 10:08 PM
I'd rather have a cheaper console than some gimmick that I'm probably not gonna use that much

also what's the point in having a GPS device on a console that's online all the time while you could use the intertubes to determine your location as well. It may not be as accurate but I doubt that's gonna matter.

01-27-2011, 11:39 PM
This will probably be exactly like the psp for me. Looks awesome, but few games that interest me enough to buy the system. I am not much of a fan of console games on a portable. I am far more likely to buy a 3ds and i will probably never get Zelda oot on it for that reason though. NONE of the demo titles interest me, so it pretty much spells out the future of the system. I love my ps3 and the games i have, but i use it for bluray and hd netflix more. There's nothing this system offers like that, that i can't already do with my phone.(i am posting this from my phone lol)

I am looking forward to seeing more, just like i will probably eventually get a psp for the games i missed. (I just got a ps2 and am playing games i missed like kingdom hearts.)

Essentially i feel it will be too expensive for me with few games to attract me to it at the price.


Meat Puppet
01-28-2011, 12:17 AM
I saw that it had GPS.

Why the hell would you need GPS.
Real men navigate using the sun and stars

01-28-2011, 01:35 AM
How much will this cost you reckon?

01-28-2011, 03:21 AM
lets see. more powerful than a ps3, portable, 3g internet, apps.....
but for real people: around $400

01-28-2011, 05:37 AM
i hope it's hackable :(

01-28-2011, 06:16 AM
i hope it's hackable :(

of course it will be

01-28-2011, 03:43 PM
until the first update

01-29-2011, 11:53 AM
i hope it's hackable :(

of course it will be

Everything is hackable

01-29-2011, 03:01 PM
Know what NGP stands for in the new PSP?

NoGaems Portable


No really I laughed. :heart:

01-30-2011, 02:41 AM
A right analog stick? I'm sold!

Wolf Kanno
02-03-2011, 08:03 AM
The tech looks interesting, as usual I feel Sony went overboard on adding "bells and whistles" to what should be a pure gaming platform, but Yearg does bring up a good point about the changes in portable gaming making some of this necessary.

I will probably still throw my hat with the 3DS for now but that's mostly cause the 3DS has several titles in the works that I really want whereas the PSP2's lineup of mostly PS3 titles I don't really have any interest in to begin with doesn't make me feel the need to grab my wallet. Granted, I usually pick up most of these handhelds only after they have a more solid library so price may not be an issue since I'm looking at picking them up in a few more years from now. Hopefully Kojima will come up with something (please don't let it be another MGS title, you're starting to become a one trick pony Kojima) and maybe Atlus or SE will start talking about a few more titles.

02-03-2011, 07:27 PM
lets see. more powerful than a ps3, portable, 3g internet, apps.....
but for real people: around $400

No, I believe that Sony has learned its lesson in launching a console with a much higher price than the competitors. I think that this console will retail for $199.99 - $299.99 USD.

Loony BoB
02-03-2011, 07:51 PM
I'm interested in this. I only just got a PSP recently but the difference it has made to a certain chunk of my life is immense. To put it simply: I no longer fall asleep on the bus when on the way home. Doing that made me feel tired for the rest of the evening, and I hated it. I love being able to watch TV or play games instead. As for GPS, this is something I'm really keen on purely for the sake of how it could integrate with gaming. I dream of the day that games themselves can change depending on where you are. The possiblities would be awesome. I don't think that would actually happen any day soon, but just the idea is pretty cool. Anyway. NGP. Trophy-earning on the bus. I'm happy with that.

02-03-2011, 09:26 PM
No, I believe that Sony has learned its lesson...
If there is one thing Sony has demonstrated over it's 60+ years of life, it is a complete inability to learn any lessons.

That said, if the game library is anything like the PSP I will probably be getting one.

02-03-2011, 11:30 PM
No, I believe that Sony has learned its lesson...
If there is one thing Sony has demonstrated over it's 60+ years of life, it is a complete inability to learn any lessons.

And yet they're still no where near as bad as Microsoft.

02-06-2011, 03:23 PM
I really can't think of a good reason to be interested in this. Considering I only use my PSP for GBA/SNES/Genesis games right now. The PSP itself rarely had any games that thoroughly interested me. And something about portable gaming in general sorta makes me lose interest in games faster. Not sure why. And the fact that its just going to be a portable PS3 really doesn't help. The 3DS is at least coming up with original ideas for its games. Sorta sad I don't use my DS more than I do. I know I've missed a lot more interesting DS games than I have PSP games..

02-13-2011, 07:00 AM
I'm the weird guy who doesn't really like playing "console" games on my handheld systems. Hell if I know why, but things like the PSP God of War games didn't hold my attention at all, while 2D Castlevania, Picross, and Etrian Odyssey eat up ridiculous amounts of my time. While I'm not interested in a lot of what the 3DS has announced, I'm fairly certain it'll have things I want to play more than a small screen Uncharted game, or golf.