View Full Version : Minecraft

01-29-2011, 06:35 PM
Anyone loves the little indie game like me ?

I even have a server setup to play with my kids. We are building a lot of stuff together :D

post your hate of creepers here (or love, my son says they just need a hug :p )

02-04-2011, 09:04 AM
hug? pfft. those jerks blew up my house >:(

Loony BoB
02-04-2011, 02:02 PM
My fort is built over water so I rarely have any problems with them. I have it built based on four pillars, one on a small island, the other three at the corners of a small L-shaped island. All floorspace is above water, and the pillars are about four cubes high. No monsters spawn on the island itself, but some spawn on a sand-island just off it and try to walk over. It used to be connected but I simply made a little moat that traps them as they try to come over - the water flows there for some reason and they end up stuck in a place that I can just attack their heads from and then walk away. :D

I love the game but I desperately want a map function so I can figure out where the hell I am after walking long distances.

We should make an EoFF server if enough people are intersted. =]

02-04-2011, 10:41 PM
I love the game but I desperately want a map function so I can figure out where the hell I am after walking long distances.

Cartograph or one of the dozen other map mods.

Minecraft is a lovely, if not completely terrifying, game. It can simultaneously bring great joy and cause horrific night terrors.

For example, last night I was playing with my brother and a friend on my friend's multiplayer server. We got bored so we started creating items and doing things with them. The most used item was 46 - which is the code for TNT. We blew up a great portion of the map and caused rifts in the ocean. I also blew up an entire mountain by encasing roughly 150 blocks of TNT inside a casing of obsidian, forcing the tnt to explode in a downward pattern. My friend made a rollercoaster than went underground and had a lot of twists and turns. My brother created roughly six dozen pig generators and almost ruined everything when somewhere in the realm of 300 pigs spawned simultaneously.

On the flipside, I was playing a single-player campaign and minding my own business exploring. I turned around because I had come to a deadend and was met with the grinning face of a very happy Creeper. I paused for a second as I contemplated my fate and as I looked at it in that second, I could have sworn I saw the faint hint of a grin before the "SSSSSSSSSSS BOOM".

02-06-2011, 12:45 AM
oh the life of a minecrafter!

I am totally all for the idea of an eoff minecraft server myself.

02-06-2011, 10:53 AM
I'm building a sky fort. It's about 150m high. It's built over water, and my original base has a dock so I can use my boat and sail out. I was trying to make a sweet rollercoaster down, but it's impossible to put a block beneath me >.<

02-08-2011, 01:59 AM
I was actually thinking a few weeks ago how I wished there was an EoFF MC server. I'm on and off obsessed with the game. When the itch gets me, it hits hard and lose my life to it for a good week or so; this happens about once a month.

Madame Adequate
02-08-2011, 04:08 AM
I bought MC during all the /v/ hype about it.
Regrettable purchase. I don't enjoy it one bit. I just tried giving it another shot today, in fact, and got bored within about ten minutes.

I guess if I want to build elaborate things I'm sticking with DF xD

Loony BoB
02-08-2011, 01:12 PM
I agree that DF held me for longer, although I could easily find things to do beyond ten minutes. I think the two games have a lot to learn from each other. If only there were a game that perfectly mixed the two, it would be a very big seller indeed.

02-08-2011, 06:08 PM
I still think that the guy behind this is some kind of evil mastermind. I mean, he's made millions of dollars on a <50MB game that's not even finished and not even original. Good gracious.

02-08-2011, 07:33 PM
and not even original

The video game industry, hell, even the movie and television industries, have proven that something need not be original to be successful.

Loony BoB
02-08-2011, 08:32 PM
There are other first-person mine/construct games?

02-08-2011, 10:00 PM
Some of the best loved video games are virtualizations of the real-life experiences or imaginations of the creator. Like Zelda or Pokemon. I guess that can be applied here, but this is kind of like a virtualization of another virtualization--AutoCAD and other 3D design programs--with an additional Lego flavor. It is for sure not *trying* to be AutoCAD, even though some of its users are using it as such, going so far as to take existing 3D models and convert them into a form useable in Minecraft.

Probably not something I'd have picked up on if I never used AutoCAD or 3D Studio Max or something like that, and I'm trying not to make it sound like I'm hating on Minecraft for that. I think Minecraft is a fantastic gateway into architecture or things like that for people who really want to get into that. I don't really care about the more 'gamey' parts of it.

I'm more 'bothered' that he's made so much money on an unfinished product (not that all retail games are released in a finished state, before someone makes that wisecrack), though even 'bothered' is probably too strong a word to use. I've recommended the game to a few people I know, but I would elevate its status to must-play if it was cheaper, finished, or had a free demo (which would probably come when it was finished).

Like Magicka. It's still kind of broken, but it's way fun, is finished, is $10, and has a free demo. Just as an example for another very recent indie game that I would evangelize.

There is just something crafty about saying 'This game is gonna be $30 when it's finished, but you can have an unfinished version of the game right now for $10 cheaper'. That's the evil genius part. It's admirable, and is somewhat similar to a trend that I'd like to see continue in 'bigger' games, but there's still something that puts me off about that part.

02-10-2011, 11:42 PM
I have 2 servers, one with mobs, one "peaceful". Setting up one is not hard at all.

Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/download.jsp) (scroll down to the multiplayer links and download the one appropriate)

Tutorials/Setting up a server - Minecraft Wiki (http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server#Download_the_Minecraft_Server)

02-11-2011, 12:24 AM
Mo' Creatures and Humans+ mods make this game more pleasurable.

02-11-2011, 08:04 PM
Well my servers are a bit laggy but I can put one up for EoFF

Loony Bob, PM me your minecraft name so i can set you as op