View Full Version : HD MGS Trilogy Rumor...

Wolf Kanno
02-05-2011, 02:14 AM
Looks like there's rumbling of a possible HD remake of the MGS trilogy. (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/107171-Rumor-High-Definition-Metal-Gear-Solid-Trilogy-Coming-to-PS3)It's just a rumor but an interesting one at that.

Personally I would rather see the first two Metal Gear games get a remake but Kojima never sounded wild about the idea from some of the interviews.

02-05-2011, 03:36 AM
The first two games are just way too ridiculous to be remade.

02-06-2011, 04:47 AM
It's been in the rumor mill for a while, and with Squenix releasing Tomb Raider, and Ubisoft releasing Splinter Cell and Prince of Persia HD collections, it's really a wonder this isn't already confirmed. All these games seem to be done rather quickly as well, with the God of War collection being done in like two months per game or something insane like that.

The original two would be awesome, but I'd rather see them on a kind of DS/PSP remake with basic 3d overhead view. It would be fun, but neither game really necessitates a remake, they didn't have the impact and both of their stories have been retconned to :bou::bou::bou::bou: by the MGS saga. Plus the original MGS incorporated so many plot elements of the two it was essentially a game that excavated their scenarios with the hope that a majority of the people playing it did not experience the original games. That and I guess a cool nod to whoever did.

As far as the MGS games go, they really don't need it, I feel they all have great graphics even by today's standards (but so did the God of War games and the remakes were great). If this came out tomorrow I would put all of my current games to the side and play all of them over and over and over and over again. Getting trophies for doing that is a nice secondary bonus. My PS3 is currently hooked up to an HDTV and surround sound system so bring these on I say, let me get the most out of my entertainment center while drooling and laughing like a maniac about how amazing these games are.


02-06-2011, 05:56 AM
Shouldn't it be about time for Kojima to do something new? He's been bitching for over a decade how he wanted the series to end with the first MGS, and MGS2 after that.

then again it would be pretty sweet if we got them in HD on PS3. Just hope they don't use the Twin Snakes because its soundtrack sucked so much balls compared to the original.

Wolf Kanno
02-06-2011, 06:56 AM
The first two games are just way too ridiculous to be remade.

The original two would be awesome, but I'd rather see them on a kind of DS/PSP remake with basic 3d overhead view. It would be fun, but neither game really necessitates a remake, they didn't have the impact and both of their stories have been retconned to :bou::bou::bou::bou: by the MGS saga. Plus the original MGS incorporated so many plot elements of the two it was essentially a game that excavated their scenarios with the hope that a majority of the people playing it did not experience the original games. That and I guess a cool nod to whoever did.

I know I usually bitch and whine when Squenix did this with VII but considering these games were retconned by the entry that got me into the series to begin with (MGS1) I can't say I wouldn't mind Kojima actually rewriting the scripts. Keep the general premise but actually rework them to fit with the rest of the series.

I'm also with Bolivar in that I would rather have them as handhelds. If they did decide to go console, then release them as a collection since neither game was that very long to begin with. I still just feel it would be awesome to play MG2 with updates cause that games was actually well done beyond the story being a little kooky (like that's new to the series :roll2 ) but it already played like a 2D MGS1 anyway.

As for an actual HD remake of the trilogy. I wouldn't mind but I would probably watch MGS1 carefully. I don't know what it is but some PS1 graphics feel like analog sound compared to digital. The remakes are definetly better looking and cleaner but they lose something very valuable with the transition. The VII compilation and Twin Snakes have never been able to capture the original games visual styles. They just feel too clean and fake for me.

02-06-2011, 07:38 AM
I always felt the problem with Twin Snakes was that the graphical style was very different from that of MGS2 and from what we saw of MGS3. That and Silicon Knights don't make graphics look all that pretty in the first place. I would actually be interested to see Kojima's team redo that in the style of the other MGS games.

As some bonus fun I would hope they include the VR Missions from MGS1 and MGS2. Those were fun as hell to play.

02-07-2011, 01:41 AM
Shouldn't it be about time for Kojima to do something new? He's been bitching for over a decade how he wanted the series to end with the first MGS, and MGS2 after that.

This comes up a lot in the community that's been following MGS for a while, but Kojima has publicly said he says that about every game in the same way that they do Final Fantasy, as if it was their last chance to make the best game possible. He also said at the GDC Keynote in 2009 that his goal every time is to make the ULTIMATE stealth action game, but every time they have to compromise and miss that mark. So he may say that at the beginning of production, but by the time they're done making the game they've already put in a few scenes prepping you for the next one. If Metal Gear Solid 2 was really supposed to be the last game, he wouldn't have ended it with Liquid taking off in a Metal Gear Ray to "bury the patriots" at the end of the game.

That, the fact that every Metal Gear Solid has drastically improved from the last one. MGS2 took the series into the PS2 era with so many new mechanics, MGS3 completely destroyed that formula, and MGS4 expanded it so far it's ridiculous. Now that we have co-op that's fun as hell the series can literally go anywhere. I would love to see them make a game that gives Splinter Cell Conviction's excellent co-op a run for its money. If this is what Kojima does every time he makes a new Metal Gear, he can keep making them till I get arthritis and they'll still probably be the best games in the medium.

As for an actual HD remake of the trilogy. I wouldn't mind but I would probably watch MGS1 carefully. I don't know what it is but some PS1 graphics feel like analog sound compared to digital. The remakes are definetly better looking and cleaner but they lose something very valuable with the transition. The VII compilation and Twin Snakes have never been able to capture the original games visual styles. They just feel too clean and fake for me.

This is a pretty important factor, I think MGS2 and 3 could get away with it since they were pretty clear games but idk, there's just something about MGS1 that's indescribable, a particular aesthetic that's a result of the limitations of the hardware as opposed to its strengths. However, if you watch something like The Godfather on Blu Ray, there's all kinds of techniques they can use in order to get that feel. In the special features describing the process, they said they wanted to make it more true to the negative than the negative itself; I know that's an utterly preposterous thing to say but if you watch it, it actually makes a lot of sense.

02-07-2011, 09:17 PM
I think this is really just about a HD-bump of the existing PS2/Gamecube stuff. So, same texture res, same poly count, 1080p and some fancier rendering effects and thats it :p. Oh, maybe a constant 60 fps :p.

In my opinion, it's closer to a port +1 than a remake.

02-07-2011, 09:35 PM
That, the fact that every Metal Gear Solid has drastically improved from the last one. MGS2 took the series into the PS2 era with so many new mechanics, MGS3 completely destroyed that formula, and MGS4 expanded it so far it's ridiculous.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who really liked MGS2. MGS3 was stellar but didn't quite have the same impact on me. MGS4 is overrated.

02-07-2011, 09:43 PM
I like MGS2 better than 3 and 4. not sure where i'd place the first...Maybe at the top, or equal to the second game.

Depression Moon
02-07-2011, 10:24 PM
I can't really that interested unless it was a package of the original 2. I have MGS 1, 2, and 3. I can't play 2 & 3, but I don't want to spend more money on something that I already own and works fine.