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View Full Version : Your best/worst roommate situation.

03-02-2011, 03:51 AM
Shlupquack's thread brought me to the easy conclusion that a thread about your best and worst living conditions to date might make for some good stories. It's a little repetitive, but should be different enough.

My best situation is either the one right now, living by myself in a nice little place in the woods, or living with two of my close friends while I was in the military. We had a nice big house we rented out, and with three of us splitting the rent we could save money for really great parties, or other more important things. It had a nice expanded living room, and a separate shop for me to work on my car and motorcycle. Plus it was close to work, and things like that.

The worst living situation was with the ex-wife in the house that was foreclosed on after we split and I couldn't make the payments on my own. Lame. :|

03-02-2011, 04:18 AM
My best and worst roommate situations come from when I was in the military. My current living situation is a very, very close second to my best roommate situation but the privacy afforded by living alone is something I value greatly.

The worst living situation was with my second roommate in the barracks at the military. He was a filthy, nosy and overly emotional slob with a very low intelligence. He was also a good 11 years older than I was and had even less life experience than I did at the time. He was completely reliant on his parents for the great majority of his life, even while in the military, and he complained about the most ignorant things on a daily basis.

My second worst living situation was when my third roommate decided he was going to masturbate while I was in the room (think hotel room-sized areas without any real privacy). It was pretty disturbing.

Like I said before, my best living situation is when I finally managed to talk the barracks managers into moving me into my own room. It was a nice and open, fully furnished room that I stayed in for about 8 or so months.

03-02-2011, 05:32 AM
my best roommate was from this summer, and I would totally go lezzie for her! So cute and sweet and adorable! (and smart and fashionable and understanding!)

my worst roommate was my second roommate from dorm living. She was uh.. Kinda ghetto and watched too much cable reality :bou::bou::bou::bou:. She might also say that I was her worst roommate, judging from her facebook statuses (did she forget I was friended or was she just passive aggressive? Your call)

03-02-2011, 05:35 AM
my best roommate was from this summer, and I would totally go lezzie for her! So cute and sweet and adorable! (and smart and fashionable and understanding!)

my worst roommate was my second roommate from dorm living. She was uh.. Kinda ghetto and watched too much cable reality :bou::bou::bou::bou:. She might also say that I was her worst roommate, judging from her facebook statuses (did she forget I was friended or was she just passive aggressive? Your call)
I might be drunk but I can say that she was a total 100% bitch.

03-02-2011, 06:50 AM
I'm in my worst roommate situation right now. And he just opened up a big fucking can of worms.

Loony BoB
03-02-2011, 09:52 AM
All three people I've flatted with are registered at EoFF and I'm not one to put people in a bad light or bring up old negativity, but let's just say that MsTiffie and I finished our flatting arrangement on a more sour note. :p We're cool now, though.

My best overall will have to be my girlfriend as it gives me the most freedom. :D I don't need to worry about much in that end. However, the best flatmate I've had when it comes to cleanliness was undoubtedly my Mum. :p

03-02-2011, 11:59 AM
Right now is probably my best roommate situation. Worst would have to be when I lived with Liz. She was freaking bat:bou::bou::bou::bou: insane.

03-02-2011, 08:04 PM
My roommate got pwn'd.

03-02-2011, 08:29 PM
See my post about who I lived with in Shlup's thread. Best and worst in a sense was easily living in East London in a house full of Polish girls and one dude. Best because who doesn't enjoy living in a house of (well mostly so) good looking girls? Worst because who wants to have a fight on Christmas Day?

03-02-2011, 09:32 PM
lol this one time in frosh I was bunked up with this guy Paul right? And Paul was this white rapper dude (we call them wiggers in Canada) who loved Eminem. It's funny cuz it took me years to like Eminem mostly because Eminem and ICP were feuding back in those days. Jokes.

So Paul, being a rap fan would also smoke weed! Back then weed was illegal but not super duper (like federal prison stuff), but still illegal. So our spot to smoke up was the golf club behind the campus. We'd go 'golfing' at night all the time.

Eventually I opted out every so often and also it got cold up in Canada, so instead of going out to golf, Paul had the ingenious idea of going golfing in the dorm room. Not mine though thank God - the other guy's - at the end of the hall.

So one day I'm hanging around in my dorm room and I see 3 cops barreling down the hallway. I don't think much of it until another person on my floor tells me 'yo Paul's getting arrested by the cops'. So the cops drag Paul back to our room where I feign ignorance.

Paul gets fined 100$ for his trouble but the person whose room the activity was expelled - he had BB guns and knives and they were wrapping seeds in wet cloth to get the um...the roots to grow out. Silly kids

Oh but there's more.

So then at the end of the semester ..oh I don't even remember this I was so drunk. We were partying after our exams prior to going home, and drinking and being merry. At 11:30 they shut us up (quiet time) so we decided to go outside and wander around.

We dragged some of the giant pylons on the football fields all the way back to the dorm and took the elevator up. At that time we caught some other hooligans. They were migrating some furniture from one floor into their own floor. Exchanging knowing glances, we left the the pylons all over the common area and then ran amuck doodling all over the bulletin boards and stuff.

We woke up the next day to a mass voicemail from the RM - if the person(s) who left all of those pylons in the commons area does not remove them by the end of day, she will call the cops. PSH fine then >_<

Then we all got cited with loud and unruly behaviour. But my room mate was able to argue down the charges. I didn't really give a damn - it was a minor infraction.

03-03-2011, 01:46 AM
My first roommate was a sorostitute who brought all of her hook-ups back to our dorm room and had noisy sex while I was trying to sleep.

One time I finally got up, went to the bathroom and came back. There was DEAD. SILENCE. And she never hooked up there again, the end.

03-03-2011, 04:44 AM
She seriously didn't consider before that that you might be awake?

What a moron.

03-03-2011, 04:53 AM
Other than with my parents, I've only lived in a college dorm and where I do now with my boyfriend and his family. Both were pretty good. In college I had independence, but I didn't know anybody there and I'm awful with people, so it was pretty lonely. Here I get to live with my boyfriend after having a long distance relationship for a very long time, but I also have to live with two assholes (his grandpa is super cool though). Now if only I could live with my boyfriend in a college dorm.

03-03-2011, 12:50 PM
She seriously didn't consider before that that you might be awake?

What a moron.
I think probably that she just didn't care.

03-03-2011, 04:41 PM
My best is probably now, but seeing as how I'm living in a nice apartment with my wife who I haven't seen in a year, that's kind of a no brainer. This last year I've been deployed, an aside from my wife it's the best living situation I've run into. We actually had hard billets with hot showers, and contractors to clean the latrine areas. The power was stable, and my roommate was pretty much the man. I lived with the guy for a year and literally can't think of a single argument we ever had. It was pretty ballin all things considered, and somewhat miraculous that even with deployment stress and literal 24 hour contact (we worked in the same place too) for a year, we never got into arguments.

The worst had to be my second roommate right after i joined the military. This guy was disgusting. When he moved in, he layed down on a bare mattress and immediately fell asleep in his clothes. The next morning, he emptied his two duffle bags onto the bare mattress, fished through them for his Physical Training uniform, and threw his old clothes onto the bed with the rest. When he came home again, he fished out a new set of civies, and threw his pt's back into the pile. He lived their for three months, and never washed or put away his clothes. He would routinely go a week or so without showering. He would get burger king for lunch every day (there was one next door,) but would only eat half the burger, and I later found out upon a source-of-stench search that he had been stashing the half eaten, rotten food under his desk instead of throwing it out. This was only compounded by the fact that our base was vastly overpopulated, so we were living in condemned Vietnam-era barracks that they had decided to un-condemn without actually renovating them. The AC didn't work, we had community bathrooms, and open bay showers that were rarely, if ever hot. Hell.

03-03-2011, 05:48 PM
Don't they check your room for nonsense like that ??

03-04-2011, 05:45 PM
It's the military. If someone will get a feather in their cap for it, then yes. If it doesn't get someone a promotion, then no.

I had to spend 4 of my weekends cleaning up on base because I failed a room inspection. Some asshat read the guide lines and realized that just because we were out of basic and tech school didn't mean they couldn't inspect our dorms whenever they wanted. No big deal, I'm a clean person.

I failed my room inspection because I "had left clothes out." I had a change of clothes hanging on the outside of my closet door, on a hanger, for when I got home that day. They said my room was unacceptable for that. My supervisor pulled me aside to say that my room was actually spotless. It would just be better if I wore a :bou::bou::bou::bou: eating grin and apologized. When you have two stripes you do what you're told.

They failed just about everyone. They just wanted bodies to get some free grounds keeping done on the weekends, and someone looked awesome for thinking of the idea.

03-04-2011, 06:10 PM
I've liked quite a few of my roommates ^^ But my best roommate situation would just be me and my cat. Which is now. <3

My worst was living with my ex boyfriend for an entire year after I broke up with him, after a 3.5 year relationship. Yikes.

03-06-2011, 03:52 AM
I've never really had a BAD roommate situation per se, but my first college roommate did yell-mumble in his sleep... a lot... very loudly.

03-08-2011, 12:39 AM
She was sleeping beside me, naked, panties on my head and drooling all over me....:(

03-08-2011, 03:11 AM
I've liked quite a few of my roommates ^^ But my best roommate situation would just be me and my cat. Which is now. <3

My worst was living with my ex boyfriend for an entire year after I broke up with him, after a 3.5 year relationship. Yikes.

Lady, you and me both! How the hell that situation even occurs is just something you can't plan for. ick.

03-08-2011, 03:55 AM
Worst roomate was my brother. Always getting in the way of me making my bedtime movies when I was five. I had a cheap little recorder thing. My sister, my cousin, my ex have all sucked at being my roomate for the short period of time they were. Either they were messy, loud, or or just annoying in some other way. Perfect roomate would be QUIET and CLEAN. *puts out an ad for a mute OCD person*