View Full Version : Summons and Summoners

Wolf Kanno
04-09-2011, 07:16 PM
Now that we are 14 titles in and countless spin-offs and sequels, we've gained a rich tapestry of summon monsters to choose from. So, what is your favorite summons in the series? Also what game do you feel did the best Summoners.

Depression Moon
04-09-2011, 07:26 PM
My favorite summon. Hmm... Well overall summons haven't been that useful in the series. Out of the ones I've played VIII and X seemed to have the most use for them. I definitely favor Bahamut for being the strong brooding king of dragons, but there is usually always a summon more powerful than him in each game except for IV I think. I also like Shiva just because I favor ice powers and her appearance in IX and X(especially X) look cool to me. The scene with Alexander against Bahamut will always be in my memory and gave me interest in the summon as well, but I can't place a favorite on any.

As for which game did Summoners best in terms of story I would have to go with X. X gave us a lot of background on the summoner job class and how it is a crucial part of their world and without the summoner the world probably wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. I would have to say that IX handled it second best. It also gave some background info about the summoners in this world and the plot of the story has a lot to do with the existence of said summoners. I had wished only just for a bit more info about Eiko and Garnet's family and more about the life of the summoners because all the game told us was that people had prayed at the Eidolon wall every day. Final Fantasy IX I know had to take a long time to make so I can understand how things can be left out and they had to maintain deadline as well.

In terms of gameplay in IV there wasn't much connection between Rydia and her summons. They didn't provide boosts to her stats and they were obtained either through story events, defeating them, or as an item drop. Boring. In VI they taught the summoner magic and boosted a stat when the summoner would level up. It was more interesting and useful. In VII I can't remember how they impacted the summoner directly. In VIII they were heavily relied upon as you couldn't use or draw magic without them and your overall stats, immunities, and strengths were highly influenced by these beings. I liked this. In IX summons gave no bonus stats to the summoner with a few exceptions of Ribbon, Dark Matter, and Pumice, but for the most part equipping an item that taught you a summon gave you no boost in stats and you were waiting to quickly learn the summon so you could increase your stats with an accessory. Garnet's trance ability Eidolon allowed her to automatically summon a monster sometimes given that you had summoned one already and Eiko provided an ability that caused more jewels to drop that would increase a summon's strength, but I probably used it like only once.

In X Yuna's overdrive gave her summons an extra overdrive bar and it could be a really powerful technique if you build up your summon's overdrive against random enemies and then save it for later in a boss fight when Yuna has her overdrive. This was a good mechanic. In XII I don't believe summoners gained any kid of bonus through summons. I know obtaining something would give you a lot more MP, but I think that was Mist Knacks. Out of the ones I've played I would give to VIII.

04-09-2011, 07:48 PM
Bahamut will always be my favorite. Especially the FFX one in terms of looks. The best summoners? Perhaps FFT. They had zodiac so...

04-09-2011, 08:10 PM
BahamutZERO, no question. I never get tired of seing him launch his attack from orbit. Other than that I have to say Bahamut is my favorite in every other game, though I can't say I particularly like the look of him from FF10 onwards.

He was actually the ultimate summon until FF6. In FF6 Alexander & Tritrioch have slightly higher powers (114 & 110 to 92) but Bahamut ignores defense. So I don't know how it works out. And Crusader targets everyone, so it is debatable which is better. Only FF7 & after was there a pattern of having a definitively better summon.

Overall I can't say I am particularly enamored with having a summoner in the party. I don't mind the fact everyone can't summon everything, but take FF10 for instance. In a game where the system is designed around alternating in 6 characters to your party having one that is an order of magnitude more useful is poor design. That and I hate having separate mechanics run for summons. I want to play the damn game, not a stupid summon minigame. I'm looking at you FF10+.

04-09-2011, 08:42 PM
"Stay away from the summoner"

04-10-2011, 11:48 PM
My top five would be:

1. Bahamut
2. Odin
3. Ultima
4. Zodiac
5. Diablos

I liked the wide range of summons in FFVI, but the ones where they looked best were in VIII and X.

As for Summoners, X's story is basically based around the summoner class, which is a good twist, 'cause normally the knight class has the spotlight. IX had a very good plot too and the role Garnet and her powers played through the first two discs was one of the best in the whole FF saga.

Depression Moon
04-11-2011, 02:29 AM
"Stay away from the summoner"

Oh I just got that. X reference to the old man. Though I can't remember what part of the game that was; maybe the beginning?

04-11-2011, 04:07 AM
My favorite summon was Golem from V. He was a nice damage sponge.

Crisis Core had some nice summons too. There's Mog who is just really, really, really useful. Why yesh I would like all my materia mastered. And Tonberry, who completely ruined a serious moment in the game The fight with Angeal and secured a spot in my heart.

And I thought IX and X had the best story for the summoners.

04-11-2011, 01:42 PM
My favourite summon thus far is Shiva.
My favourite incarnation of her is her FFX form. Such a cool design.

My second favourite is bahaumut, I just love dragons!

04-11-2011, 04:33 PM

04-12-2011, 06:01 PM
The summon sequence for Brothers is very amusing. Also I like Cerberus because Cerberus is always awesome!

My favorite is Alexander though. Gogogo! Giant robot of Holy might! :D

04-12-2011, 08:24 PM
My favorite summon that appears in nearly every Final Fantasy is Bahamut. He is really powerful and ignores defense. A close second is Odin but that's mainly cause of his design. I wouldn't risk losing MP on him if he only has a chance of killing them. As for what game I liked summons in best? I would have to say VIII. The GFs were awesome in graphics and they had the most purpose. They didn't even require MP :q

black orb
04-12-2011, 09:05 PM
>>> Anima..:luca:

About the Summoners, well is just another FF job. For some reason the FF guys decided that most of the main characters had to be Summoners. Why? who knows. Personally I find the Time Mages more amusing..

04-13-2011, 08:10 PM
Yuna and her aeons were my favorite. Mostly, I just like their role in battle. Though they were pretty over powered xD

04-14-2011, 07:23 AM
As many others, I liked the role the summons (and summoners) played in Final Fantasy X. FF9 summons were also great. On the other hand, FF-12 summons felt super-lame, but I like the way Belias was tied to the story (loosely).

Out of all Espers / summons, I like FF13 Shiva sister the most. Their summoning animation is so cool!

I have yet to play Final Fantasy VI (from what I've heard, Espers play important role to the story as well).

04-14-2011, 06:56 PM
It was so disappointing how useless summons were in FFXII. Their boss fights were awesome, their summoning sequences were awesome, and it felt like the game wanted us to rely on them somewhat. Unfortunately summoning usually meant instant death, as all attacks are now aimed right at the summoner, and the summon barely puts a dent in anything :|

04-14-2011, 09:29 PM
My personal opinion is that Final Fantasy X did the best job with the Summoner job class and making its role in gameplay and story important. Like Jessweeee♪ said, I thought that Final Fantasy XII did a very poor job at this by giving its espers strange gameplay mechanics and little use in a standard playthrough of the game. Could you imagine how different of a game it would be if the importance of the espers was played up?