View Full Version : Unpolitically Corret T.V.

04-22-2011, 02:04 AM
I am watching Atennae T.V. Station which shows all the old shows from the '70's like Stanford and Son and All In The Family. I rarely watch T.V. but I love these old shows that were so irreverant about everything! :eek: I can't help but laugh hysterically at every horrible thing the characters say! :lol: I know, I am awful! :hello:

04-22-2011, 04:39 PM
I think this stuff is great. We've made progress when we can joke about things. Words and stereotypes lose much of their power when we can use them and laugh at them.

Think about nigger vs. cracker. You might argue that since white people are the majority this causes the word to be weak, but I think it's the fact that nobody will cause a scene about it. If you're not offended by it, the word is powerless. To many people still get but hurt about nigger, and while I understand why. I think that as we learn to joke about it and less people are upset by it it will continue to lose power. It'll stop being an epithet and just be a silly word.

I suppose that's only slightly related to your topic, but I think that shows that actively make fun of this type of thing push us forward as we can learn to be light about otherwise tense topics.