View Full Version : Doctor Who series 6 (spoilers)

04-24-2011, 04:17 PM
I couldn't believe there isn't a thread on this already, Series 6 Dr Who. Who saw it, what did you think of the first episode and any ideas based on it?

I'm ever more curious about who River Song is, part of me for a while suspected it could be Amy Pond's future self but then we all know that interfering with your own past timeline is a sure way to disaster.

The writers said prior to the screening that by the end of the first 2 episodes of this series someone would be dead from the main cast of The Doctor, Amy, Rory or River. Now, The doctor dies in the start of the episodes story, however he invites his past younger self to the wake so to speak and the story proper kicks off. I doubt the writers would refer to this as the death mentioned. I have a feeling based on the next episode teaser at the end that it could be either Rory or possibly even River Song. Thoughts?

04-24-2011, 05:16 PM
It can't be River song, she still has more things to accomplish and hasn't she already "died". In the Tennant series, she kind of sacrificed herself and was uploaded into the computer, losing her physical form. Sounds like a kind of death to me :p

Madame Adequate
04-24-2011, 05:21 PM
"How long have Scotland Yard had this?"

I about :bou::bou::bou::bou: my lungs out laughing at that.

04-24-2011, 07:51 PM
Good first episode, and has set things up nicely.

I laughed at the Doctor saying 'I thought it would taste like the gums'.

04-25-2011, 03:24 AM
*ignores all text on the page*
This isn't fair!
We don't get it here until the 30th :mad2:

04-25-2011, 01:05 PM
It can't be River song, she still has more things to accomplish and hasn't she already "died". In the Tennant series, she kind of sacrificed herself and was uploaded into the computer, losing her physical form. Sounds like a kind of death to me :pYeah, exactly.

I've been really enjoying the writing. It's fast-paced, snappy, and witty. :)

04-26-2011, 04:56 PM
maybe river is Amy and Rory's baby, how weird would that me LOL I don't really think so, But I'm so glad this show is back

04-26-2011, 05:35 PM
Great first episode, but I have a problem in that Amy is starting to very slightly grate on me and I have no idea why. It hardly bothers me though since I still think she's a good assistant to the Doctor, but gah I dunno, I wouldn't be too sorry to see her leave anyway.

04-26-2011, 08:05 PM
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who hasn't enjoyed Who as much since Moffat took over. :( I've just found it all so dull and un-engaging so far. It has its moments, but overall I just feel "Eh" about the past series, and I only find myself watching it in the hopes that it'll hook me in again.

04-30-2011, 09:36 PM
Gosh so much awesomeness to come from this series, so much from that episode, I'm not going to give it away for anyone who hasnt seen it. But wow. Doctor Who forever

I Don't Need A Name
05-01-2011, 12:49 AM
It annoys me that it seems it's gonna have a major storyline with pointless filler episodes that contribute nothing to the questions already posed

05-01-2011, 01:06 AM
thats what im fearing :/

05-01-2011, 02:01 AM
If i've one criticisim it's this. He tends to make everyone gay.

05-01-2011, 01:42 PM
I merged the two threads so we now have a Doctor Who Superthread.
If i've one criticisim it's this. He tends to make everyone gay.Haha yeah it was kind of funny how Canton just said "oh yeah btw President Nixon I want to marry a black guy". I have to wonder if he was Laddy in disguise. Still, the previous writer did it too and I don't really care a great deal.

05-02-2011, 01:29 AM
The second episode was pretty damn cool too. I find the whole gay thing not to be a problem but yeah most of the people the doctor meets turn out gay or bi.

I think the series will become very interesting, though I'm curious about The Doctor and River Song, she snogged him and asked if they hadn't done it before indicating that she seemed to remember differently.

05-02-2011, 01:34 AM
I merged the two threads so we now have a Doctor Who Superthread.
If i've one criticisim it's this. He tends to make everyone gay.Haha yeah it was kind of funny how Canton just said "oh yeah btw President Nixon I want to marry a black guy". I have to wonder if he was Laddy in disguise. Still, the previous writer did it too and I don't really care a great deal.

I do. It kind of sullies the whole show. I don't care what sexuality anyone is. But when everyone is gay...it loses its ground as there is now a disproportionate amount of homosexuals. In sci-fi you need a realistic base as a reference otherwise its hard to identify with the characters. When your own personal preferences spill over to the people your writing about...there's a word for that & I can't remember what it's called. The thinh Tolkein diod with Faramir, that kinda mistake there. Anyway he dorsnt have to make every good guy gay it ruins it. That is all.

05-02-2011, 01:55 AM
I thought Faramir shagged Eowyn, who was a pretty damned fine lady. Unless you're referring to something else.

05-02-2011, 03:41 AM
I thought Faramir shagged Eowyn, who was a pretty damned fine lady. Unless you're referring to something else.

Yes, the writer subconsciously or consciously putting large sections of himself into a charcter. Sometimes so much so that the his actions can, at times, seem confused, as the writer drifts in & out of the characters traits to the writers traits.

Loony BoB
05-02-2011, 11:59 AM
It was such a small reference and it wasn't really relevant to the plot so it didn't mean anything to me. I think he just did it because "haha imagine if Nixon met a gay hero who wanted to marry a black man, how crazy would that be!?" Nothing special there.

Iceglow, regarding the snog: Remember how River Song mentioned at some point that every time she meets Doctor Who, they never share memories, and how it's 'in reverse'? This means that she's effectively reversing her history with him. When the Doctor first meets River Song, she dies. In that episode, she can't tell him how she knows him because he can't be told about his future. "Spoilers" she says. The Doctor meets her again later, and recalls her from their previous meeting. Nothing more. In this episode, they snog - she starts it, he's confused and carries on. She is mortified that this is his first kiss with her. Why? Because that, for her, means it's her last kiss with him. In later episodes, the Doctor will slowly go through his life in reverse to hers. Every first for him is a last for her, every last for him is a first for her. So eventually, she will meet him, they will kiss, and that will be her first kiss with him. He will know this means it is their last kiss in his timeline. Later, he finally meets her and she doesn't know who he is, he will know that he will never see her again. Personally, I suspect that they will have a full relationship, probably including marriage. How else would she know his real name, when even Rose did not?

05-02-2011, 12:21 PM
So Amy had sex with the doctor? Or maybe Rory is a timelord?

05-02-2011, 01:36 PM
i was about to say Why has no one picked up on the little regenrating girl? I sat there for 10 minutes with my mouth open :O

05-03-2011, 12:12 PM
The timelords were trying to invent a gaydar but accidentally invented a time machine. And that is where the term gaylord comes from (they changed thier name after this)

Anyway theory:
The doctor's daughter from previous seasons?

Though I heard Moffat didnt want to use old characters

on a sad note, old man Canton isnt wearing a wedding ring at the begining ep 1

Loony BoB
05-03-2011, 01:23 PM
Which daughter? He's had an adopted daughter and he's supposedly had a family before the Time War began. There is also Jenny, the 'daughter' made using his genetic information. Given that he has grandchildren travel with him on occasion, we can only really guess as to where they came from. :p

PS. Jenny was hot. I wouldn't mind her making a return.

05-03-2011, 01:27 PM
I was talking about Jenny.

Also lets not forget, The Master is never really defeated, no matter how many times you think he is.

There are several timelords out there to make timelord babies.

05-03-2011, 02:53 PM
Jenny was pretty hot. I dont understand why they made a great character like that and not even bring her back.

Anyway, can someone explain how they went from shooting spacegirl in the head to the doctor being captured and the others being hunted? Also, where did they get that black material from which made the doctors prison? Because was some high grade alien ****.

Apart from the very boring death of the doctor and any future series other than thpse with matt smith, the episodes were great. I wish the whole forgeting the silence and sending creepy messages to yourself went on longer, that bit was awesome.

Loony BoB
05-03-2011, 03:00 PM
Yeah, they could probably have made a movie about the Silence and still had room for more. Definitely an interesting idea for a villain race. I'd actually say it was even better than the Weeping Angels.

05-03-2011, 03:05 PM
I'd be surprised if Jenny (as herself, at least, regeneration is possible I suppose!) was in this series, simply because the 10th Doctor knocked her up IRL so she would've been heavily pregnant during filming.

Also, yeah, another episode could've been made from this story arc. Although it seems like it's going to stretch for the entire season.

Loony BoB
05-03-2011, 03:08 PM
No regeneration of Jenny, please. Amy Pond and Jenny in an episode would provide me with candy for both eyes. :)

05-03-2011, 03:38 PM
I've finally been able to watch the first episode, and I come here to find that you all were privileged enough to watch the second episode the same day I watched the first!
This is balls!

Moving on, Jenny. Jenny is the Doctor's daughter, the actress who plays Jenny is the daughter of a Doctor, the fiancée of a Doctor, and is the mother of the daughter of that Doctor. Love it!

05-03-2011, 05:06 PM
The child, Amy and Rory's daughter, is River.

Amy was right to be concerned about the effect of time travel on a pregnancy. It is where River gets so much of her oddities. And River was the one in the spacesuit who shot the Doctor at the beginning of the episode. Trapped in the suit, frightened and alone most of her life, the Doctor discovers who she is, that she is both River and Amy's daughter, and goes to help her. He confronts her with her past and future at the same time, and she freaks and kills him.

Then, when she is forced to watch it all happen again, without interfering, she gets mad at the Doctor and slaps him.

Also, does no one else think that the Silence was a red herring? I mean, all the lead up, the ties to the destruction of the Tardis, and it turns out to be a single race that is discarded at the end of the first two episodes? I highly doubt that. Maybe they are agents for the Silence, or controlled by it, or even just trying to herald in the Fall, if the Silence is more a force or concept than anything alive. But there is far more to the Silence than what we are shown.

And, as an aside, it is rather annoying that every time I hear this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I80pc9jZ_t8&feature=related) music, I have an urge to go load up Mass Effect 2 and fight Collectors.

05-04-2011, 07:54 PM
the lil gay comment in the "day of the moon" seemed like a call back to the old rtdavies episodes, i figured it was an intentional joke and thought it was pretty funny.

05-04-2011, 08:04 PM
Who's to say that the master and Lucy saxon didnt have a baby? When she was arrested she may have had to give the baby up for adoption? Crazy i know but possible.

There is no way on earth its the doctor and amy's daughter, that would just be sick.

I believe the silence are the minions of the...... THE OMEGA!! thats the one big classic villan that is missing.

Doctor Who Wikki

Though he was once more thought destroyed, Hedin of the High Council made contact with Omega and decided to help him. Omega had gained control of the dimensional gateway known as the Arc of Infinity. Through the Arc, he had gateway between his own universe and the universe of matter, though he still had no physical form. Omega also had a TARDIS and a servant which he had created, the Ergon. In order Omega needed to bond with another Time Lord using his biodata extract.

From what i can see, Omega needs a timelord and a tardis in-order to leave the anti matter universe he lives in, because he has no form, so he tricks the doctor into taking a part of him and stealing his tardis. If you look in the trailer for the series you get a one second snap of the 10th doctors tardis and a bright yellow light.

All very interesting.

05-08-2011, 01:34 PM
The last ep was rather predictable which was a shame since I usually like a good pirate story.

05-08-2011, 08:43 PM
yeah it was more filler less thriller but still a good way to spend 44 mins, just bummed it was pretty much the same medic idea as the Doctor Dances/lonely child (which were fantastic episodes). but I thought the pirates flying into space at the end was adorable

05-08-2011, 08:52 PM
yeah it was more filler less thriller but still a good way to spend 44 mins, just bummed it was pretty much the same medic idea as the Doctor Dances/lonely child (which were fantastic episodes).Yeah, I had the same thought about the whole "Alien doctor trying to help but not understanding" plot.

Still, a fun little adventure and pirate Amy was pretty cute.

05-08-2011, 09:22 PM
i was rather disapointed with this episode. yeah it had a good premis and the siren was :bou::bou::bou::bou: hot and :bou::bou::bou::bou: scarey at the same time. just there were to many plot holes to make me enjoy it alot.

Loony BoB
05-08-2011, 10:14 PM
I liked it just as I like most filler episodes because I dislike 'to be continued' episodes. I like Doctor Who as a sci-fi/fantasy entertainment show and I don't like to be left in suspense on it, I like the quick stories they have. And Doctor Who will always have plot holes, it's a time-travel show :p

Lily Cole never did anything for me prior to that episode. :p Hot.

Madame Adequate
05-09-2011, 03:21 AM
Yeah I never liked her before but she was gorgeous in this episode.

Episode was a bit weak overall, I thought, but then Dr Who is always really carried by the actors, and Matt Smith never fails to entertain thoroughly. And they clearly had fun packing in as many pirate tropes as they could which, honestly, is never a bad thing.

Also Rory seems to die more than Kenny.

Loony BoB
05-09-2011, 01:05 PM
What is Rory anyway? Still plastic? In which case... if he's still immortal then how the hell is he having all these problems all of a sudden? I don't know about you, but if I'd survived thousands (?) of years, plagues, the Blitz, etc. then I'd be perfectly comfortable with a black mark because, well, I won't die from some Siren after my blood, I'm immortal and made of plastic. And after that, I won't die from water in my lungs, I'm immortal and made of plastic. You may sense a theme about to go on here.

05-09-2011, 02:59 PM
no rory isnt plastic, time reseted until the day when amy first met the doctor, therefore rory being very human

05-09-2011, 03:02 PM
What is Rory anyway? Still plastic? In which case... if he's still immortal then how the hell is he having all these problems all of a sudden? I don't know about you, but if I'd survived thousands (?) of years, plagues, the Blitz, etc. then I'd be perfectly comfortable with a black mark because, well, I won't die from some Siren after my blood, I'm immortal and made of plastic. And after that, I won't die from water in my lungs, I'm immortal and made of plastic. You may sense a theme about to go on here.I think you may just have answered your own question. :p

Plus, y'know, Amy pregnancy debacle. Don't think plastic men can get girls knocked up.

Loony BoB
05-09-2011, 03:08 PM
no rory isnt plastic, time reseted until the day when amy first met the doctor, therefore rory being very human
On the contrary, he remembers the thousand years he protected Amy for, as referenced in either the most recent episode or perhaps the one before it.

05-09-2011, 03:13 PM
aye but as the doctor said in the previous series "nothing is ever forgotten"

05-09-2011, 05:02 PM
This may be wrong but is it possible that the silence were protecting the human race from much worse? I mean if they can plant post-hypnotic suggestions in the mind then perhaps they were keeping something much worse away from earth. Now that the doctor has put the silence on the run, perhaps this much worse thing will come and kill the doctor. Would be a good logic loop. Silence drive astronaut-thing away, Doctor defeats silence, astronaut-thing comes back, kills doctor. The kind of paradox they implied in the last season.

Madame Adequate
05-09-2011, 05:56 PM
The ominous arc words last season were "Silence will fall". Which we assumed meant that Silence was going to descend and reign - but actually it seems to mean that The Silence are going to fall. I wonder if Caboose isn't on to something, that removing The Silence will usher in something worse.

05-09-2011, 07:20 PM
What exactly were The Silence up to? I remember that they said they needed weapons and something about stopping anyone who got in there way, but were the really evil enough to wipe out like that.

They had been on Earth longer than humans, so The Dr didnt really have a right to relocate or kill them, IMO.

05-12-2011, 09:39 AM
They needed space suits. Thats why we apparently wanted to go to the moon. But the space suit was for the time lord child so I dunno yet. Maybe they were protecting an innocent time lord! And it never said that the silence were here before man. It said they were here since the fire and the wheel so its still an occupation.

Madame Adequate
05-14-2011, 10:57 PM
So who saw the new ep?

It instantly became my second-favorite ever. (Absolute fave is still the Van Gogh one)

Goddamn I loved it.

05-14-2011, 11:01 PM
The Van Gogh one was awesome. Probably the only one from the first season I genuinely enjoyed from start to finish. xD

I did enjoy this one too. Some nice interactions between the Doctor and his TARDIS for sure. :3

05-14-2011, 11:37 PM
the riddle/message is driving me nuts "the only water in the forest is The River" what does that mean!!
The bunk beds had me laughing so much, of course he'd give them bunk beds lol.
I was so creeped out that Uncle had the Cosairs arm and Human Tardis was cool idea. Matt Smith acted his cute backside of this week, loved it

05-14-2011, 11:40 PM
Human Tardis was adorable.

"Fear me, I've killed hundreds of Time Lords"
"Fear me, I've killed all of them."

Badass response of the forever.

05-15-2011, 01:45 AM
the riddle/message is driving me nuts "the only water in the forest is The River" what does that mean!!
The bunk beds had me laughing so much, of course he'd give them bunk beds lol.
I was so creeped out that Uncle had the Cosairs arm and Human Tardis was cool idea. Matt Smith acted his cute backside of this week, loved it

River Song?

05-15-2011, 10:13 AM
Good episode, though shame they didn't have Hugh Laurie as the voice of House.

I'll get me coat...

05-15-2011, 12:02 PM
the riddle/message is driving me nuts "the only water in the forest is The River" what does that mean!!

River Song?I had that thought. It's worth noting that a Pond is also water.

05-15-2011, 12:57 PM
the riddle/message is driving me nuts "the only water in the forest is The River" what does that mean!!
The bunk beds had me laughing so much, of course he'd give them bunk beds lol.
I was so creeped out that Uncle had the Cosairs arm and Human Tardis was cool idea. Matt Smith acted his cute backside of this week, loved it

River Song?

lol well yes, thank you i got that part :D. it was just what it refering to. I mean she "died" in the "Forest of the Dead" and then theres the fact that Amy has a water related name as well, thus the only part but what does it all mean? just have to wait and see i guess

05-15-2011, 06:43 PM
brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, loved the TARDIS in this episode, really showes the connection between the Doctor and his "sexy machine

Loony BoB
05-15-2011, 09:27 PM
As soon as she said "The pretty one?" I knew what would happen and it did happen and I loved it. :D

05-27-2011, 03:04 PM
No one watch the latest episode?
I loved it, I can't wait for next week. It was my favourite one this season so far, I haven't really enjoyed the previous episodes as much as usual. So happy that I loved this one.
Can't wait for the next part tomorrow.

05-27-2011, 07:21 PM
apparently its all kicking off tomorrow. I can't wait

05-28-2011, 10:21 PM
and it all did kick off, enjoyed every minute of this episode...... apart from the cliffhanger at the end, not because it was bad, but because it left so many questions un-answered, and no trailer for the next episode??? COME ON!?!?

05-28-2011, 10:27 PM
You can see the trailer and a "prequel" on the BBC website. :)

Decent episode, and the inevitable scene of someone dying in their own arms wasn't as cringeworthy as I thought it would be.

05-28-2011, 10:31 PM
well dying in there "flesh" arms you mean ;)

EDIT: security software with the very latest "UPGRADE"??? is it just me?

05-30-2011, 01:24 AM
next weeks one looks awesome,
I saw the promo pics on digitalspy
I am very happy to see the return of River's dress, I shelled out 80 bucks on that so i could have the same one and i'm glad she's wearing in again.

06-01-2011, 12:28 AM
The Neil Gaiman episode (Doctor's Wife) has been the best of the season. Really, really loved it. The following epsidode (first Ganger ep)... ugh. Not at all. I thought ti was so generic and boilerplate. The second part... a bit better. The ending was amazing. I didn't see that coming at all. They got some 'splaining to do in the next episode!

Also... I really don't understand why The Doctor did that to Amy's Ganger. WTF was that about? Hadn't they just spent two episodes teaching us to embrace Gangers?

Loony BoB
06-01-2011, 08:56 AM
I believe he did that as she was pregnant and needed to wake up. Her real body was in stasis elsewhere while her ganger was around, so once her ganger died, her real body woke up and her conciousness returned to it. This also allowed her to have her baby.

06-01-2011, 05:17 PM
Has anyone seen that promo clip with Victorian River and Roman Rory

They look so awesome. i can't wait

06-01-2011, 05:28 PM
Yeah, I saw it. Looked great! Also I swear that blue bloke was briefly in the finale of last season when River put microexplosives in his wine too.

EDIT: Welp.

Also I fell head over heels in love with the title of the next episode, as you can probably tell.

Also also, that Sontaran was fucking incredible.

06-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Also also, that Sontaran was smurfing incredible.

Best thing in the episode.

Also......Yet more homosexuals LOL

06-04-2011, 08:17 PM
wow i loved that episode! That sontaran was hilarious, plus that lesbian alien/servant girl was suprising, what with that dirty tongue Joke LMAO. And the "that would be a totally different type of birthday" aka the "River Sandwich" she alludes to (to her own father no less). smutty stuff but hilarious.

06-04-2011, 08:34 PM
Yeah Doctor Who under Moffat has become hilariously smutty, probably even more than a Carry On film. Can't wait for the Daily Mail campaign to ban it!

06-04-2011, 10:02 PM
Yeah Doctor Who under Moffat has become hilariously smutty, probably even more than a Carry On film. Can't wait for the Daily Mail campaign to ban it!

Like I said. Gay heroes & Gay villains are absolutely fine. However when it becomes disproportionate it becomes the main talking point. Very much like disproportionate use of anything in a movie (violence, sex, etc.). You can't keep pulling 'OMG THEY'RE GAY I NEVER SEEN THAT COMING UNTIL JUST THAT MOMENT' card for shock & titilation.

However, it was a great show.

06-05-2011, 03:14 AM
Well you cant gauruntee that the proportions are different. Maybe homosexuality is only an issue on earth and the rest of the universe doesnt even consider it an important thing.

06-05-2011, 03:21 AM
Ok the episode blew me away, seriously.

First up good call to Penelo Ratsbane, you called River Song as Amy's daughter, something I myself had begun to consider around the 3rd episode. Especially once the riddle of "the only water in the forest is the river" riddle came up. As soon as River said she couldn't go and then you see the name "Melody Pond" on the side of the incubation crib you know, you just know that it's River.

This also put a damn good spin on the whole first two episodes. We know it was River Song/Melody Pond in the space suit now. We also know that adult River shoots at it with her magnum, 6 shots which seemingly miss, except River Song is the one person in the universe where missing I doubt is actually possible. Perhaps she didn't miss but it was deemed impossible for her to kill herself? I don't know. It also makes me think of every River episode ever, she told Rory that she went to prison for killing the best man the Doctor had ever known, I've long suspected she killed the Doctor himself. Now it's confirmed......

my head just entered thermo nuclear meltdown after a good few beers, 2 movies and a Doctor Who episode watched at 2:30 am. I'm just going to say "lets kill Hitler" now and end before my mind goes critical.

06-05-2011, 03:49 AM
I hope the little girl in the space suit isnt something that obvious. Hopefully they'll pull a more unexpected twist on us. Like it is river but after she died and regenerated in the library episode or something

Madame Adequate
06-05-2011, 04:02 AM
Oh man that episode was awesome. Just awesome. Matt Smith is easily my favorite Doctor now, I've just loved the whole damn thing, and Moffat seems to get my back up a lot less about being too casual with continuity and stuff.

06-05-2011, 07:29 PM
i almost wanted to cry at this episode, amy's speech at the beginning was SMURTHING EPIC! another brilliant speech written by moffet. Smith has now knocked Ecclestone of the top spot as my favourite doctor. But now there are so many MORE questions that need answering!!

06-05-2011, 10:30 PM
Ok the episode blew me away, seriously.

First up good call to Penelo Ratsbane, you called River Song as Amy's daughter, something I myself had begun to consider around the 3rd episode. Especially once the riddle of "the only water in the forest is the river" riddle came up. As soon as River said she couldn't go and then you see the name "Melody Pond" on the side of the incubation crib you know, you just know that it's River.

Thanks i was shocked i got it right, i'm usually way off lol :D

06-06-2011, 04:47 AM
Absolutely the best season finale of Who so far. Amazing episode! I DIDN'T see that coming... and... holy crap! I just can't stop thinking about all the implications. I wonder if Moffet knew all the way back during River's first appearance that this is what her secret was?

Also, is it just me or is this season unnaturally short? Aren't they usually twice as long?

06-06-2011, 09:00 AM
Absolutely the best season finale of Who so far. Amazing episode! I DIDN'T see that coming... and... holy crap! I just can't stop thinking about all the implications. I wonder if Moffet knew all the way back during River's first appearance that this is what her secret was?

Also, is it just me or is this season unnaturally short? Aren't they usually twice as long?

The season is split in two this year, the second half begins in September I think so it will ultimately be 13 episodes just like the others.

Loony BoB
06-06-2011, 09:26 AM
Don't know why they don't just go ahead and make it a 26 episode dealio like any good TV series worth their salt.

06-06-2011, 12:19 PM
Having re-watched the episode (this time in HD) I have to say whilst Matt Smith is doing an absolutely terrific job as the Doctor it should definitely be mentioned that Karen Gillan (Pond), Arthur Darvill (Rory) and Alex (River) put in amazing performances too. I mean the whole cast did exceptionally well on this episode it was very emotional in it's execution. I remember when I was forced to go watch Titanic (with Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet) at the cinema and the ending scenes elicted such emotion from nearly every person present (I cheered that it was finally over, did not enjoy the film lol), the performances and the story here was far, far more emotional than those scenes in Titanic, in fact it could be safe to say that the writing on Dr Who has proven to be some of the greatest writing seen in recent years. If I think back over the years to the many, many emotional speeches, scenes and losses we've witnessed over the years. This episode however has pushed it further than ever before.

Loony BoB
06-06-2011, 01:09 PM
One thing I have to say is that they always cast the right guy for Doctor Who. None of them have really been bland or boring - at least, not in the reboot, can't say I've seen every previous doctor. But my favourite will probably always be Eccleston.

06-06-2011, 01:21 PM
Don't know why they don't just go ahead and make it a 26 episode dealio like any good TV series worth their salt.That's the American way. British shows are usually a lot shorter - most British comedies only have 6 episodes per season. I have no idea why, I would like to have more episodes of this too. Maybe it's a funding thing.

06-06-2011, 02:20 PM
Most British TV series are 6 episodes, not even just comedies. Spooks for example is unusual in the fact that there are normally around 8 episodes per series. I doubt it is to do with the funding of the series but more of a "if we make it too long then people will lose interest" thing.

Loony BoB
06-06-2011, 02:26 PM
That would make sense if it was something like Lost where there is a long story being made and significant progress is hard to come by, but almost every Doctor Who episode is either a story in itself or else is part of a two-week "to be continued" kind of thing. So people wouldn't really have the chance to get bored. It's never boring on Doctor Who! It's like a cartoon series. No effort to continuity and making logical sense, but great entertainment :D

06-06-2011, 08:44 PM
I saw this priceless comment on one forum, you have to wonder about some people:

'This :bou::bou::bou::bou: makes no sense.

They stated that Rory and Amy conceived on their wedding night -- however, up until The Doctor's Wife, they had bunk beds on the TARDIS.

Sloppy, very sloppy.'

Loony BoB
06-07-2011, 10:53 AM
Ahahahaha. xD Yes, clearly that guy is onto something.

Madame Adequate
06-07-2011, 09:39 PM
Don't know why they don't just go ahead and make it a 26 episode dealio like any good TV series worth their salt.That's the American way. British shows are usually a lot shorter - most British comedies only have 6 episodes per season. I have no idea why, I would like to have more episodes of this too. Maybe it's a funding thing.

Yeah, generally we have much smaller teams over here. Comedies especially, they often have only one or two writers, and they'd just die of exhaustion if they tried to write an American-length season.

Doctor Who would probably have the cash for it, but they spend it all on special effects and stuff I guess. I'd like a longer run each year because hey, more Who, but also because it would let them bring back the multiple-part stories from old Who.

More here: British Brevity - Television Tropes & Idioms (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BritishBrevity)

06-10-2011, 01:22 PM
Have ages for the next episode I want in now:mad2::).

Talking to a friend a few weeks ago trying to work out Rivers envolvement. I thought she would turn out to be an enemy of the Doctor and she was trying to make up for her wrong doings in the time before she wrongs the Doctor, it makes sense in a time tavel setting lol.

Turning out to be Pond and Rory' daughter is also god, I didn't see it coming.

06-10-2011, 02:36 PM


06-12-2011, 04:46 AM
I did like the way this answered so many questions, and brought about so many more, but something irked me about the whole thing. I'm not sure what it is, but I've felt this way a few times this series...
I think I need to go through and watch them all again :D

06-13-2011, 02:38 PM
i second that notion :)

06-13-2011, 08:27 PM
I saw was on youtube trying to fill the void whilst waiting for september to come and i saw this video. I think the guy who made this deserves some props cos this is a wicked video and its like the song was pretty much written for the show. just thought i'd share it cos it blew me away
YouTube - ‪Babelcolour Tribute: RIVER SONG‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBeqAeBorko)

06-15-2011, 09:11 AM
I've seen many of his videos before. I think ha has done a tribute to every doctor, wicked videos

EDIT: here is another youtuber i'm subbed to, many emotional tributes to the doctor and friends


08-24-2011, 11:00 PM
Thread resurrection as the series returns this weekend! Can't wait.

08-25-2011, 03:36 PM
getting a wee bit too excited......

08-25-2011, 04:48 PM
LET'S KILL HITLER! :excited:

08-25-2011, 05:14 PM
Amy "What are we going todo today Doctor?"

Doctor "First were going to kill Hitler, then what we always do Amy...... EXPLORE THE GALAXY!!"

Madame Adequate
08-25-2011, 06:31 PM
Has anyone been watching Torchwood: Miracle Day?

Because seriously, Bill Pullman.

08-25-2011, 09:01 PM
Because seriously, Bill Pullman.

He used to be a professor at my department in University. I met him once.

08-27-2011, 02:29 PM
not long now............

08-27-2011, 08:04 PM
Distinct lack of Hitler being killed :colbert:

Although Rory full on learning the man was utterly beautiful :love:

08-27-2011, 08:13 PM
well the title was very misleading, and i thought Hitler would have palyed a bigger part in the episode.

But what a way to kick off the second half of the series, great script. the next episode looks to be a bit scary!

And who else thinks the doctor wispered his name into River's ear?

08-27-2011, 08:30 PM
I quite enjoyed that, it was a bit messy but I tend to like a slightly overblown mess with lots of 'what the hell' moments when it comes to TV and film anyway.

Not sure about next week's - Mark Gatiss' previous episodes haven't been amazing.

08-27-2011, 11:40 PM
Rory, the one hit wonder what British Intelligence could have done with one man like that in 1939. Seriously, that was one epic learning :D

08-28-2011, 12:31 AM
In the next series, Rory takes on Stalin and Chairman Mao.

08-28-2011, 11:57 AM
I really enjoyed that episode of DW. It also explains why River Song was willing to give up her life in the Library. She has no more regenerations left. Also, I still can't believe that the Doctor is going to die at River songs hands. I wonder will the flesh be used as a dummy?

09-04-2011, 09:24 PM
Last night's episode took too long to get going I think, and was an OK but not great episode. But I liked Rory's rather resigned reaction when he thought that he had died again! :D

Some people have pointed out you can tell the episode was originally planned for the first half of the series - no mention at all of Melody and the Doctor rather pointedly saying that he, Rory and Amy were all back together 'in the flesh' at the end of the episode

09-04-2011, 10:19 PM
It also explains why River Song was willing to give up her life in the Library. She has no more regenerations left.

I don't think it was really a way to explain why she would die for him since that was pretty obvious. If he died in the library then not only would she never have met him and had her relationship with him, she wouldn't even have been born. It felt more like an attempt to explain why she didn't just regenerate, even though she said in the library that even the Doctor couldn't regenerate from that.

I agree with you Charlie that it seemed the last episode took a bit to get going, but it was still quite creepy and I enjoyed having a nice monster episode again. Feels like it's been forever since we had a good creepy monster.

09-06-2011, 08:19 PM
i don't think that the episode was meant for the first half, just because melody wasn't mentioned, and by him saying "in the flesh" may have been just a little joke, or maybe it's just him hinting that he is a flesh and not the real doctor........ but then again who knows......

09-06-2011, 09:59 PM
Actually it was planned for the first half of the series originally, though the things I pointed out may have been just incidental.

09-07-2011, 01:00 AM
I thought that last episode was appallingly awful. It took WAY too long to get to the meat of the idea. The first 3/4 weren't scary at all, just boring. Ugh.

Madame Adequate
09-07-2011, 01:36 AM
Yeah that episode was somewhat underwhelming. The idea was pretty neat, but they spent too long mucking around at the start and not enough time in the actual meat of the thing.

Also I may have just missed something but I did not get what it was about the Tenza that made him able to do that stuff. I didn't get the vibe that it was their usual thing, and I thought there was something about the closet that was special, but as I say I may have missed a line or something.

09-08-2011, 12:31 PM
I liked kid Rory in the flashbacks but the rest of it was rather adequate in my opinion

09-10-2011, 08:22 PM
Well THAT was depressing! I do like his new long coat, but it's made the Doctor into a real dick you know.

Also has there been an episode this season without one of them dying?! (this question is rhetorical, stop it)

09-10-2011, 08:42 PM
the first half,


The second half,

I kept leaning forward in my seat, really pulled me in. How hard must it be to chose between the wife you promised to save, or the wife you promised but left her for 36 years and she makes you feel bad for it? well it would have been easy for me, take the younger one!

But I digress, another running theme in this series, apart from a member of the trio being killed, is how many things are they gunna leave unexplained? Where did Amy get the samurai sword from? where did she learn to make a sonic screwdriver from? do one of the rooms lead to the library from tennants last series? please writers, EXPLAIN

But still a good episode once you get part the first half.

09-10-2011, 08:45 PM
Hahaha yeah I asked the exact same question about the samurai sword.

Mind you, she was basically living in the Golden Saucer from FFVII so I suppose there must've been one lying around somewhere.

09-10-2011, 08:49 PM
I thought that was quite a sweet episode really. And Amy had been stuck there for almost 40 years, I imagine she had plenty of time to find stuff!

09-10-2011, 08:52 PM
actually saying that, it would have been funny to see Cait sith just popped out the door saying "woops, wrong room" xD

09-11-2011, 02:04 AM
I honestly think things are dragging this series, the stories seem half arsed, the writing of the characters is iffy but the acting and the I WOULD factor of Amy Pond makes up for it I suppose. Been alright this week I suppose XP

Madame Adequate
09-11-2011, 02:07 AM
I dunno I think Rory would get a lot further with things like this if he said "I waited for you for two thousand years." I enjoyed the episode! But it does feel like these ones are a bit... disconnected from the major story arc.

09-11-2011, 02:09 AM
Next week's episode looks canny so far to me.

09-11-2011, 02:24 AM
Now THAT was a Doctor Who episode! Loved it! sooooo good. Next week's (which seems like a duplicate of the week before's) not so much.

09-17-2011, 08:02 PM
Jeez Doctor I was only joking about you getting them killed every week! Don't take it so personally!

09-17-2011, 08:30 PM
I wasn't quite sure about the central plot (plus at times early on they were oddly playing it as almost dark comedy when I think a more serious tone might have been better) but I loved what they had revolving around it, with the Doctor/Amy stuff towards the end and the conversation the Doctor has with Rory at one point.

Plus it went a bit Tron near the end XD

09-17-2011, 10:25 PM

anyway, my favourite episode of the series!

09-18-2011, 09:42 PM
That hotel episode was way better than I was expecting it to be! Not nearly as good as Old Amy, but still pretty good.

09-21-2011, 10:24 AM
News on this year's Christmas episode:

'Doctor Who' Christmas special cast, story revealed - Doctor Who News - TV - Digital Spy (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/news/a341481/doctor-who-christmas-special-cast-story-revealed.html)

09-24-2011, 08:18 PM
The Cybermen stuff seemed rather weak there, I was enjoying seeing Matt Smith and James Corden (who has been much better in this show in his two episodes than I feared he might be) bounce off one another and the main plot was getting in the way of that. One of the weaker episodes in this series, but I'm still enjoying the series overall.

09-25-2011, 12:05 AM
Cheesiest episode i can remember.

09-25-2011, 12:55 AM
i liked the episode, another great monologue from the series for the Doctor, i agree that the cybermen story was over shadowed by the relationship of the doctor and Craig, but this was a better episode of him then the double one last series i agree. All in all a really good episode and a great build up to the "death" of the doctor.


10-01-2011, 08:37 PM
So did anyone see that coming at the end? I didn't but I guess it should have beenobvious in retrospect. I quite liked how simple it was and how it was revealed, though I imagine some will find it a bit of a copout. Moffat really playing the long game here, mapping out the probable end of the Eleventh Doctor already.

As for the episode itself, not perfect by a long shot - it felt a bit too much like everything was just a prelude to the big reveal at the end - but loved the creepy skulls and the Silence (as usual).

And on a side note, even the Silence call Rory the one who keeps dying :D

10-01-2011, 09:12 PM
LOL Rory, the one who keeps dying, seem's the silence have watched the series then.

I did not expect that to be the question but still a good ending

10-02-2011, 08:39 PM
My immediate reaction after the series six finale was... "meh." I mean I guess it's good it wasn't the typical ultra climatic everything-in-the-universe-is-out-to-get-him... though in a way it was... but totally downplayed. So while I think it's probably good to have a less heightened finale for once, it didn't feel as exciting.

Though I am interested where the "Fall of the Eleventh" is going.

And does this point to no more Amy/Rory? I'd be ok with that, honestly.

10-03-2011, 04:24 PM

T (http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2011-10-01/matt-smith,-karen-gillan-and-steven-moffat-on-doctor-whos-hidden-heroes)hought ya'll might be interested in reading this interview with Smith, Gillan and Moffet