View Full Version : Really stuck on the part where you play as lightning.

04-29-2011, 04:13 PM
How do you heal? I'm stuck on the part with the boss at the end, Kuja, and i keep starting the battle with 200hp so he 1 shots me, Is there no way to get health between battles, like when your jumping on all those pillars choosing a battle? seeing as you cant seem to heal in the medic paradigm.....

Can someone please help?

Wolf Kanno
04-29-2011, 06:30 PM
You can only heal when you use a Cure ability on the map screen (which you need to find or purchase and its only good once), maybe have an elixir on the dungeon map that restores health and EX gauge, or finish the dungeon. Lastly, you get the regen effect when you're in EX-Mode so that can give some leeway though its not nearly as effective as the other amounts.

So in a nutshell, no you really can't heal between battles in a dungeon. You're best bet is to simply learn how to dodge and block his moveset, avoid chase sequences at all cost cause its harder to dodge HP attacks in this game, and constantly be vigilant against his HP attacks.

04-29-2011, 07:11 PM
Thanks, I just beat him :)

Del Murder
06-06-2011, 08:14 PM
I had trouble here too! Kuja is a bitch.