View Full Version : Anyone else feel like this?

05-03-2011, 04:23 PM
So playing through and beating it and getting my awesome 100 level gear... it was not as fun as when i did it in Dissidia 1, I dont know maybe its because the story is a repeat or cuz its doing all this crap i did already in Dissidia 1 but the game just lacked feeling this time around, like i had to force myself to do it this time, the first game i got lost in the hours of mind numbing fun of killing people as Golbez, this time... I dont know it just, like i said lacked that feeling, just wondered if anyone else felt like this.

05-03-2011, 04:37 PM
I agree, even though I like some of the new characters. I think it would have been better if they had done it like a kh game with the battle system. Good news though, if you wanna take a break from dissidia, you should be able to download many games for free or cheaper than normal on psn for the next month

black orb
05-03-2011, 05:19 PM
>>> Obiously you got more excited playing dissidia 1 because it was the first..:luca:

Personally I like more Duodecim because it have more stuff, like "Confessions of the Creator" where you spend lots of hours. I dont liked the Labyrinth Mode though..

Wolf Kanno
05-05-2011, 05:08 AM
Yeah, I agree, once you realize the bulk of the game is a remake of Dissidia 1, it loses its charm, especially since you have to start over with some of the more difficult things like building up equipment inventory from scratch. I got to the final chapter of Dissidia 1s story and just eventually quit and moved onto other games. :(

black orb
05-05-2011, 06:18 AM
Yeah, I agree, once you realize the bulk of the game is a remake of Dissidia 1, it loses its charm, especially since you have to start over with some of the more difficult things like building up equipment inventory from scratch. I got to the final chapter of Dissidia 1s story and just eventually quit and moved onto other games. :(
>>> Did you unlock the hidden scenes from the "Reports", some funny stuff in there..:luca:

Wolf Kanno
05-14-2011, 12:58 AM
I have unlocked most of the reports, they are certainly a treat and probably one of the best story bits of the entire game. Its a shame there are not more moments like this spread across the game.