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View Full Version : EoFF closet

05-04-2011, 06:53 PM
Are there any EoFFers you think secretly might be gay? I have a few suspicions :shifty: but I don't want to say anything because it's NOT MY BUSINESS. But, I do like speculating. :jess:

inb4 "lolol julian he's so gay". Yes I know someone wanted to say it. It's not funny. :mad2:

05-04-2011, 06:59 PM
I like to think that there are no gay people

05-04-2011, 07:01 PM
Thanks for taking away that joke Justy. <3

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 07:03 PM
I know a few staff members I think might be gay.

05-04-2011, 07:05 PM
That Justy kid is such a closet homo.

05-04-2011, 07:25 PM
Is this one of those times where you want someone to ask you so that you can come out and take that weight off your shoulders?

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 07:46 PM
ee, are you gay?

05-04-2011, 07:48 PM
For you, I could be anything :')

05-04-2011, 07:49 PM
For you, I could be anything :')
Are you happy crying? o_O

05-04-2011, 07:53 PM
A man can't happy cry in a gay thread now!?

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 08:04 PM
If you can't do that in a gay thread, I don't know where you can.

05-04-2011, 08:05 PM
Justy - were you hoping any of us to say 'yes' ?

05-04-2011, 09:20 PM
Justy - were you hoping any of us to say 'yes' ?

What? No.

I aask because someone on here is showing the 'signs' but I don't want to be like "omg gay". I wantsomeone to be like "I think so-and-so" is gay so then I can bandwagon and go "omg I do too" and then ill know I was right all along. :)

I Don't Need A Name
05-04-2011, 09:25 PM
I think it's perfectly reasonable to assume that Psy and Levian are in a physical relationship with each other. It is also fair to assume that BoB may well be in on it. We all saw the pictures. Jess & sk were just there as their minders..

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 09:27 PM
What are the signs?

I Don't Need A Name
05-04-2011, 09:29 PM
The looks they give each other over crowded forums are more than enough. And I once overheard Paul explaining how BoB 'Kweh's' to an anonymous member of the forum...

Unbreakable Will
05-04-2011, 09:32 PM
I still say Julian. :colbert:

05-04-2011, 09:49 PM
laddy, that one person.... cer? car? cie? something along those lines. bunny

05-04-2011, 10:03 PM
What are the signs?

Well one that I bet you are already aware of is constantly reminding people that you really in fact are not gay, even when no one implied that you are in the first place.

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 10:22 PM
Oh! That kind of gay. The kind that don't even really know it themselves. Although, homophobes tend to act the same way. What else you got?

Perhaps you should start a thread about trends in mens fashion and see if anyone takes the bait.

05-04-2011, 10:23 PM
I think I might secretly be gay.

05-04-2011, 10:24 PM
Pfft, everyone knows that if you say "no homo" you're in the safe zone.

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 10:24 PM
What makes you say that, Bunny?

05-04-2011, 10:30 PM
I don't know. I just have this gut feeling that I might like dudes.

Rocket Edge
05-04-2011, 10:42 PM
We should get everyone in this thread into a small room with some Wham! music, & a whole lot of liquor.

05-04-2011, 11:08 PM
I have intimate discussions with justy about what actions I need to do in order to be gay. Pretty often. I need to do this again but we just end up talking about japanese crap

05-04-2011, 11:08 PM
I don't know. I just have this gut feeling that I might like dudes.
:bou::bou::bou::bou:. Is that a really a sign of gayness? I might need to have a talk with my parents.

05-04-2011, 11:11 PM
I don't know. I just have this gut feeling that I might like dudes.
:bou::bou::bou::bou:. Is that a really a sign of gayness? I might need to have a talk with my parents.

You might want to make sure you have the gay before you admit it. I hear your town has a few choice bars where incriminating pics can be produced.

05-04-2011, 11:14 PM
I have some hopes.

05-04-2011, 11:18 PM
I have some hopes.

good enough for me.

@Justy - Laddy might have the gay

05-04-2011, 11:23 PM
what laddy is selling, I am not buying

05-04-2011, 11:44 PM
It's not gay if they're wearing a Satin Dress, Sexy Cologne and a Blonde Wig.

It's also not gay if you remember to beat them with a brass knuckle, and spit on their maimed bodies, afterwards.

It's definitely not gay if you perform a heterosexual act within 24 hours after engaging in activities with men.

Del Murder
05-04-2011, 11:57 PM
What counts as a 'heterosexual act'? Does it have to be fornication or will a simple grope suffice?

05-05-2011, 12:29 AM
Well you could try

a.) Opening a pickle jar

or if you're unable to do that you could

b.) Throw it at an endangered animal, killing it in the process.

05-05-2011, 01:22 AM
I don't know. I just have this gut feeling that I might like dudes.

That's pretty gay, dude. :heart:

You sound like a regular alpha male. :love:

05-05-2011, 03:49 AM
I don't know about gut feelings but the feelings in my pants say gay. :aimsun:

05-05-2011, 04:07 AM
I still say Julian. :colbert:

Totally, wanna fuck?

05-05-2011, 04:10 AM
I promised myself I wouldn't be a walking stereotype but...

but this thread is awesome and I want more.

05-05-2011, 04:14 AM
I promised myself I wouldn't be a walking stereotype but...

but this thread is awesome and I want more.
Strutting Stereotype.

05-05-2011, 05:09 AM
this thread is so gay

05-05-2011, 05:30 AM
Guys, I think Pontus might be gay.

The Summoner of Leviathan
05-05-2011, 05:44 AM
BTW, I have a secret power: in my presence "no homo" becomes null and void.

Also, for you guys who are not sure, such as Bunny and Jiro, why don't you come over and I will put you through some tests to make sure if you are gay or not. ;)

05-05-2011, 05:46 AM
And what would lead you to believe this, Sarah?

05-05-2011, 05:51 AM
If I told, he'd kill me.

05-05-2011, 06:16 AM
He wanted to fuck at the zoo, didn't he? I saw the way he looked at me.

05-05-2011, 06:21 AM
Did you guys have some moment alone or something that I wasn't aware of?

05-05-2011, 06:46 AM
Yeah, you took a while in the bathroom.

05-05-2011, 06:49 AM
I was fixing my hair.

05-05-2011, 06:50 AM
Doesn't really matter what you were doing because we had a moment.

05-05-2011, 06:51 AM
If only Apple let that gay cure iPhone app stay we could be free of these hard questions and curiosities.

05-05-2011, 06:56 AM
Kyle, your sig is awfully appropriate at the moment. xD

05-05-2011, 08:58 AM
That moment outside the bathrooms at the San Diego Zoo was precious and unforgettable.

Loony BoB
05-05-2011, 12:41 PM
I need to buy some pickles.

05-05-2011, 12:54 PM
I can get you ten jars of pickles for $1.

Unbreakable Will
05-05-2011, 01:59 PM
I still say Julian. :colbert:

Totally, wanna smurf?
Do you really have to ask? :smug:

05-05-2011, 02:22 PM
It's rape if he doesn't.

05-05-2011, 05:15 PM
That moment outside the bathrooms at the San Diego Zoo was precious and unforgettable.


You can't stop our love, Sarah.

05-05-2011, 05:23 PM
Maybe not, but I can interfere. Next time he comes here I'll make him forget about your stupid moment.

05-05-2011, 05:39 PM
I still think Justy wishes some of us were gay

05-05-2011, 05:59 PM
Maybe not, but I can interfere. Next time he comes here I'll make him forget about your stupid moment.

You can't forget the unforgettable. :colbert:

05-05-2011, 06:06 PM
Fine, you two go be love buddies. See if I care!

05-05-2011, 06:46 PM
I still think Justy wishes some of us were gay
this is a problem because.... ?

Only a select few. 'Cause i guess if some of you are gay that must mean i have a shot (lol no)

05-05-2011, 06:50 PM
I still think Justy wishes some of us were gay
this is a problem because.... ?

Only a select few. 'Cause i guess if some of you are gay that must mean i have a shot (lol no)

well no; there still has to be a connection or at least lust.

05-05-2011, 08:15 PM
Fine, you two go be love buddies. See if I care!

You'll always have me, Shorty.

05-05-2011, 08:55 PM
I'll take that offer.

05-05-2011, 09:59 PM
Fine, you two go be love buddies. See if I care!

Yesssss. Pontus, get over you here, you big lug!

05-05-2011, 10:07 PM
I forgot to say no homo, didn't I?

05-05-2011, 10:07 PM
I was raped by my cousin, does that make me gay?

05-05-2011, 10:15 PM
I'm fairly certain I'm the only straight man here.

05-05-2011, 10:52 PM
I think that makes you the only one that's too far in the closet actually, Cuch.

I forgot to say no homo, didn't I?


05-05-2011, 11:31 PM
You are all off topic and it's making me sick. Gossip or gtfo.

Don't make me advance this thread to the Pictures Round.

05-05-2011, 11:54 PM
Well... I think you're gay.

05-06-2011, 12:09 AM
:( I even asked everyone not to make fun of you in this thread.

You're so mean. I ought to report you ten or twenty times to Amanda.

05-06-2011, 12:37 AM
I'm sorry, Justy. Come here. *hug*

Rocket Edge
05-06-2011, 12:43 AM

05-06-2011, 12:54 AM
I think that makes you the only one that's too far in the closet actually, Cuch.

I forgot to say no homo, didn't I?


I'm sure you will try to convince me this made any sense when you respond to this but you'll be wasting your time. It didn't & it never will. In the words of my favorite character in any show (who happens to be gay), "You come at the king you best not miss". You missed Julian. You missed.

EDIT: Actually when yar made this I've no idea why but I immediately presumed it was a veiled nudge in your direction. I'm not saying you are, I'm not saying you aren't, I'm saying I'll love you either way.

05-06-2011, 01:13 AM
Does that mean if we get drunk and I make a pass at you I won't get hit?

05-06-2011, 02:14 AM
Does that mean if we get drunk and I make a pass at you I won't get hit?

That is correct sir. It won't be reciprocated but you will suffer no facial bruising, swelling or cuts.

05-06-2011, 02:16 AM
In the words of my favorite character in any show (who happens to be gay), "You come at the king you best not miss". You missed Julian. You missed.

I like you a lot more now.

Unbreakable Will
05-06-2011, 02:18 AM
Thank god my eyes were drawn to her rib balloons first :jokey:

05-06-2011, 02:19 AM
I honestly cant beleive nobody asiad anything about me being raped

Unbreakable Will
05-06-2011, 02:21 AM
I honestly cant beleive nobody asiad anything about me being raped
Too easy. :doublecolbert:

05-06-2011, 02:42 AM
Does that mean if we get drunk and I make a pass at you I won't get hit?

That is correct sir. It won't be reciprocated but you will suffer no facial bruising, swelling or cuts.

You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

05-06-2011, 09:36 AM

Even if I were gay I'd still turn straight for Emma Watson.

05-06-2011, 10:14 AM
I always wonder what homosexual women think when they find these gay tests.

Unbreakable Will
05-06-2011, 02:07 PM

Even if I were gay I'd still turn straight for Emma Watson.
Goddamn right. :giantsmurfingcolbert:

05-06-2011, 02:27 PM
I always wonder what homosexual women think when they find these gay tests.

Wow, who is that, I love that girl, o wait thats a cabinet. Oh that girl is hot too. (lesbians r blind)

05-06-2011, 04:22 PM
(lesbians r blind)


05-06-2011, 09:42 PM
(lesbians r blind)

(so is Julian apparently)

05-07-2011, 02:31 AM
I don't believe not getting non-sequiturs makes me blind.

05-07-2011, 02:33 AM
Se Doestadiu ortluenise'jo poi Hyuin betsura

05-07-2011, 03:20 AM
That...makes no sense.

05-07-2011, 04:16 AM
!Juy'tehyalk illora Tayieo

05-07-2011, 05:04 AM
##Vote: Hypoallergenic Cactuar

05-07-2011, 05:30 AM
!kill: Osama Bin Laden


05-07-2011, 08:49 AM
##DayKill: Hypoallergenic Cactuar

05-07-2011, 02:58 PM
##ClosetKill: Jiro

05-07-2011, 03:13 PM
I own a shirt that says "I don't need a shirt to tell everyone I'm gay"

05-07-2011, 06:39 PM
##Vote: Hypoallergenic Cactuar
##Vote: Hypoallergenic Cactuar

Doublevoting Townie is such a useful role. :bigsmile:

05-07-2011, 07:56 PM
##Vote: Hypoallergenic Cactuar

05-07-2011, 08:18 PM
[Hypoallergenic Cactuar is the Sticky Bomb: anyone who has voted for him explodes when he dies]

05-07-2011, 08:34 PM
[NorthernChaosGod is the Hurt Locker: will survive bomb explosions]

05-07-2011, 08:50 PM
[see original post, there is no hurt locker]

05-07-2011, 08:53 PM
It's all OK, Hypo is really just a dud.

Unbreakable Will
05-08-2011, 01:54 AM
The fuck is this :bou::bou::bou::bou:? :|

05-08-2011, 02:28 AM
I always wonder what homosexual women think when they find these gay tests.

"She could really use some flannel and a mullet"?

05-08-2011, 07:21 AM
I was reading the thread, then I kinda forgot everything as I masturbated furiously over the picture of Emma Watson. I then lol'd at DMKA and still think Julian is seriously the kind of guy who would moisturize his skin with the semen of strangers.

05-08-2011, 08:56 AM
You must seriously have a raging hard-on for me. It's creepy.

05-08-2011, 09:13 AM
Julian is seriously the kind of guy who would moisturize his skin with the semen of strangers.

...I can see that.

05-08-2011, 11:49 AM
I don't want to see that. Can we go back to the original topic now? :|

05-08-2011, 12:05 PM
Oh I thought that was the original topic...see this is why you don't carelessly post pictures of Emma Watson like that. Topics get forgotten, posts get written, Julian ends up covered in some dude's semen.

05-08-2011, 01:44 PM
Easy mistake to make I suppose.

05-08-2011, 07:33 PM
Stop fantasizing about me.

05-08-2011, 07:34 PM
Stop fantasizing about me.

You know you like it /smug

05-08-2011, 07:35 PM
You people could keep it to yourselves.

05-09-2011, 05:30 AM
They want the validation of you acknowledging them.

05-09-2011, 07:13 AM

05-09-2011, 03:48 PM
>>2981861 (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-chat/137010-eoff-closet.html#post2981861) is the best post ever

05-10-2011, 01:07 AM
Oh! That kind of gay. The kind that don't even really know it themselves. Although, homophobes tend to act the same way. What else you got?

Psychodynamic theory says that one of the many "defense mechanisms" people take up to fight away negative emotions is "Reaction Formation," where one adopts an opposite stance to something that they have encountered a negative reaction to. For example, a homosexual taking up the stance of homophobe.

And of course, there's always the guy who played the flute in band for so many years, dressed well, but dated girls until coming out at the prom. This is the wrong way to come out!

and uh, I've never seen peegies in a relationship with a woman, so uh...

##Vote Pureghetto

05-10-2011, 01:09 AM
Oh! That kind of gay. The kind that don't even really know it themselves. Although, homophobes tend to act the same way. What else you got?

Psychodynamic theory says that one of the many "defense mechanisms" people take up to fight away negative emotions is "Reaction Formation," where one adopts an opposite stance to something that they have encountered a negative reaction to. For example, a homosexual taking up the stance of homophobe.

And of course, there's always the guy who played the flute in band for so many years, dressed well, but dated girls until coming out at the prom. This is the wrong way to come out!

and uh, I've never seen peegies in a relationship with a woman, so uh...

##Vote Pureghetto

guilty as charged. I also didn't try to smurf you when i visited, so that settles it.

(tit for tat)

05-10-2011, 01:14 AM
omg you said tit

05-10-2011, 01:28 AM
omg you said tit

Candle Jack :colbert:

05-10-2011, 01:49 AM
That is not how you do the Candlejack meme, Hyp

05-10-2011, 07:47 AM
Yeah NCG is right, you have to learn how to Candlejack right or e

05-10-2011, 09:44 AM
If he's gotta learn how to Candlejack right does he need to learn how to Candle or how to Jack first?

Loony BoB
05-10-2011, 09:57 AM
Iceglow: Also doing it wrong.

05-10-2011, 09:51 PM
Yeah NCG is right, you have to learn how to Candlejack right or e

God I'm sick of all this candlejack nons

05-10-2011, 10:13 PM
How'd you know there wasn't more to my post? Fool since when have I ever written a one sentence post? I should slay you for your insolence and feed your remains to CandleJack whi

05-10-2011, 10:48 PM
Because you came back for a second post, twip

05-10-2011, 10:52 PM
what ever, you guys are just mad your candlejack meme isnt as awes

05-10-2011, 10:55 PM
This is not a meme. It's a celebrated tradition. Research it sometime.

05-10-2011, 11:06 PM
look at me, I'm referencing a past eve

05-10-2011, 11:20 PM
You guys are all stu

05-11-2011, 04:07 AM
[b][color=green]*casts tsunami on Candle Jack*

I think that got him, I hope. :shobon:

05-11-2011, 04:23 AM
A qwerty post not in green? :O

05-11-2011, 04:39 AM
He got gotten before he could put the closing tag.

05-11-2011, 05:40 AM
Can we bring back the Candlejack event pl

05-11-2011, 07:37 AM
No! Now start outing people and get back on topic. I want gossipppppppp :(

05-11-2011, 08:19 AM
I hate all memes. They promote exclusivity and are ALL GLORY THE HYPNOTO

05-11-2011, 10:46 PM
No! Now start outing people and get back on topic. I want gossipppppppp :(

people who are gay


05-12-2011, 02:32 AM
Well I'm half gay :shobon:

05-12-2011, 03:17 AM
I'm half guy.

05-12-2011, 04:04 AM
And half robot?

05-12-2011, 04:42 AM
And half manbearpig?

05-12-2011, 05:53 PM
I'm half... wookiee?

05-12-2011, 09:38 PM
this thread is terrible. wtf justy why did you post about manbearpig

05-15-2011, 11:03 PM
Who's hotter?


Well congratulations. You've picked the obviously straight answer. She's beautiful and you're probably straight. . . . . . unless. . You trying to hide something? This is a closet thread you know, just come out. You were really thinking about Brad weren't you?
You're either a straight woman or a gay man. I'm glad we've got that settled, I was getting tired of all that Candlejack bullsh

05-15-2011, 11:36 PM
Definitely Pitt. Especially if it's Fight Club Pitt.

05-16-2011, 03:53 AM
Definitely Pitt. Especially if it's Fight Club Pitt.

Eva Mendez is not comparable to Brad Pitt

I'll just link um..let's do Laura Prestin bc they're both models

YouTube - Miss Prestin 2010 calendar bikini shoot with Pirate Pictures (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk6oOjbvwpQ&feature=channel_video_title)

05-16-2011, 06:35 AM
That is definitely much better.