View Full Version : Basswards!

05-07-2011, 12:50 AM
Does it surprise you when you go online and find that so many people still don't know enough about your Final Fantasy?

How many times have you gone online to look up info on a Final Fantasy only to find that the info they provide is broken.

For example, why is it that everywhere I turn for information on Final Fantasy VII Chocobo breeding, I read the same idiotic statement about the Vlakorados? Everyone says to use the Steal materia to Steal/Mug the Vlakorados of the Carob Nut. But anyone who has tried would know that there's "Nothing to steal" from the Vlakorados! Unless the Japanese and PC versions are different.

Although, I do occasionally come across something useful that I'd never heard before; like using the Square button to cheat on the Slots.

Still, how many times have you actually explored a Final Fantasy wiki before finally editing it yourself because it's just... so wrong?

IMO it's just kind of weird. How do you feel?

05-07-2011, 12:51 AM
I can cheat on the slots?!

05-07-2011, 01:55 AM
I don't bother fixing the information, but it is surprising how often my own experience contradicts what some joe is trying to pass off as fact.

05-07-2011, 07:09 PM
You mean the method of reviving aeris by getting 99 copies of every mastered materia and 100 tissues didn't work for you? :eek:

05-07-2011, 07:29 PM
Fun Fact: You can morph the Diamond and Ruby weapons into the Diamond and Ruby Tiaras.

05-08-2011, 04:28 AM
But seriously, you can cheat at slots?!

05-08-2011, 04:40 AM
But seriously, you can cheat at slots?!
Yes. :p

05-08-2011, 10:14 AM
I am SURE(ish) that I've stolen the Carob Nut before. PAL version, btw.

Not actually an error, but I've found most wikis/guides/walkthroughs make no mention of finding FF8's Queen of Cards late disc 3 or disc 4 at the escape pod crash site. She has all the rare cards you can obtain from her by doing her sidequest with her and all you have to do is beat her to get them. It's a much easier way of getting the cards. She uses Lunar rules but save beforehand and play cleverly and it's not too hard.

05-08-2011, 09:27 PM
But seriously, you can cheat at slots?!
The only place this won't work is in the Battle Arena IIIIFFFFF they give you only the one option like "Magic Materia"-"Magic Materia"-"Magic Materia"... in those cases, you're completely screwed and should give up before something terrible happens. Otherwise, if you press the Square button, you'll notice the Slots don't move while the screen is missing. This way, you can more easily predict which item is coming up and time you confirmation accordingly. The same is true for Tifa's and Cait Sith's Limits.

You mean the method of reviving aeris by getting 99 copies of every mastered materia and 100 tissues didn't work for you? :eek:

I collected 7 Great Gospels. It's actually possible to get 99 but it's a long process and I'm lazy.
By the way, y'all know that Godo is basically your last chance to learn Trine, right?
Actually, there's a slight chance you can encounter the Stilva from Gaea's Cliff in the Battle Arena. If you've got Manipulate, you can learn both Trine and Magic Breath and with the Escort Guard equipped, you won't even be damaged.
...and I just found out today that you can rarely encounter the Chimera alongside a Chocobo on the tracks south of Gold Saucer. I always thought my chance disappeared when I lost the Buggy. Now, I just equip my E.Skill and Chocobo Lure and run around the tracks like a chicken with its head cut off and hope for a miracle. Probably don't want to have Counterattack though.

Also, the Stealing from Vlakorados must have been changed for the American version because if you face Vlakorados in the Battle Arena, you really can steal a Carob Nut off of it. I know that in the Japanese version, you can encounter Tonberry in the Whirlwind Maze but in the American, it only appears in the Battle Arena.