View Full Version : Symphonic Fantasies - music from SQUARE ENIX

06-28-2011, 12:26 AM
I highly recommend buying or downloading Symphonic Fantasies - music from SQUARE ENIX. It's an absolutely incredible album!

It is a live performance of their own take on medleys for Square Enix music including Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger / Cross, and more.

There's some up on YouTube:
Track 1 - Fanfare Overture (http://youtu.be/aCkJWOnzn28)
Track 2 - FANTASY I: KINGDOM HEARTS (http://youtu.be/iKjPSa1PbLE)
Track 3 - FANTASY II: SECRET OF MANA (http://youtu.be/7bS2Ob0BYIk)
Track 5 - FANTASY IV: FINAL FANTASY (http://youtu.be/2h9cL0L3VVw)
Track 6 - Encore (Final Boss Suite) (http://youtu.be/7XeZ0gjB414)

I have pretty much the entire collection of Square Enix music and this is by far my favourite album. There's just so much awesome moments within these tracks.

Enjoy and tell me what you think!

06-29-2011, 03:43 AM
I saw "Final Boss Suite" and just immediately clicked it. How much awesome can you cram in one song?


Boss Suite was pretty disappointing. It started out strong, but when it got into One Winged Angel it was pretty lame. The drum solo itself wasn't bad, but it just did not belong in there. It was like someone hit the pause button on the Advent Children version of it, played a random drum solo on another stereo, and then paused that and resumed One Winged Angel. And as much as I love One Winged Angel, I hate how it always overshadows boss themes that are as good or superior to it in events such as this. I want to hear the Yu Yevon theme live! :(

Kingdom Hearts is pretty neat though.

06-30-2011, 04:36 AM
I've listened to this a few times. I love it. =)

Edit: And by 'this' I mean the whole CD.

06-30-2011, 05:24 AM
Boss Suite was pretty disappointing. It started out strong, but when it got into One Winged Angel it was pretty lame. The drum solo itself wasn't bad, but it just did not belong in there.

I don't know, I really liked it for that. There's so many live recordings of orchestras doing the same old same old with these songs, I really liked having something that was a bit different and quirky. I felt it all fit together fine, also the incorporation of a menacing chocobo theme was pretty awesome.

There are some really awesome final boss music tracks throughout the series that I'd like to hear more of at these types of performances.

06-30-2011, 10:43 PM
Yeah, I did like the Chocobo fakeout in the Final Fantasy medley. That was adorable xD

07-09-2011, 07:24 PM
Happening right now: Symphonic Odysseys
"Featuring music from Lost Odyssey, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Blue Dragon, Last Story etc."

Video stream link:
WDR TV Event Web-M (http://www.wdr.de/wdrlive/media/wdr-tv-event_web-m.asx)
Symphonic Odysseys - video game music concert (http://symphonicodysseys.com/)

Symphonic Fantasies was 2 years ago. Last year was Symphonic Legends, featuring Nintendo music. This year, it's all Uematsu.