View Full Version : Curse Of Backdraft (free to play browser based MMO)

06-30-2011, 01:24 AM
Ok there guys, a few of you may know that I once worked as a writer on a browser based game called The Prophets Song (TPS for short) well TPS closed down a while back and since then I was kinda left with a little bit of an empty hole in my chest because TPS was pretty unique as far as MMORPGs went. However recently the hole has been filled because an old friend and former colleague on the game informed me that the original creator has relaunched the game. Under the name of Curse of Backdraft TPS2 is now live. I eagerly signed up to play and began learning to play through the differences of TPS2 and have decided to continue playing since I have little better to do with my free time.

Now I'm forging an undead group, theres less playable races at the moment this time and of the 4 factions in the game Undeads are by far the weakest and smallest. There are just 2 playable undead races: Skeletons and Vampires. I'd love for some EoFF members to come join myself and some other veterans of the TPS1 and 2 universes to create the undead side, we're out numbered, out gunned (well it's tolkein style high fantasy so no real guns but we're out hammered!) and disadvantaged compared to the rest of the factions, a real major issue to overcome and well being the underdog can be fun because we're the people who aren't expected to come top so if we do we'll look even better.

If you wish to try TPS2 or Curse of Backdraft as it is now known then head here (http://www.curseofbackdraft.com) and register, when you register put your account name in here so I can add you as a friend (or add me as a friend directly in your account by clicking on "friend" on the left side and then "add friend" and typing in "Lasuria" before adding) I can offer detailed help on how to create, what skills and stats to take and how best to set a character up for the 4 classes (mage, priest, barbarian and paladin).

Current list of players (eoff members only there are other non eoffers in the party plan):

Iceglow [Lasuria]
Guardian XIII [Guardian Xiii]