View Full Version : Steam Summer Sales

07-02-2011, 01:18 AM
So has anyone had the chance to look at some deals Steam has going? What have you bought, or are going to buy?

I also saw there was The Sims 3 compelte bundle, which includes all expansions, at -67%. Meaning a saving of roughly $200 - though it's a rip off anyway. I was thinking of getting this, but I'm not sure... should I?

Madame Adequate
07-02-2011, 03:41 AM
Get Shogun 2 or KOTOR or the GTA classics or Just Cause 2.

The Sims is never worth the price they ask.

07-02-2011, 04:12 AM
The Sims is never worth the price they ask.
Even with a $200 saving? I only ask because I do love simulation games, though I've never tried The Sims before.

I just bought Just Cause 2, The Longest Journey 1 and 2, Toki Tori, Braid and Hamilton's Great Adventure.

Wolf Kanno
07-02-2011, 05:15 AM
I'm debating about Braid, and KOTOR. I'm just not sure my computer has enough memory anymore. I seriously need to tone down my music collection on this machine. Its also pretty old, so I'm not sure if KOTOR would run properly.

Madame Adequate
07-02-2011, 06:37 AM
The Sims is never worth the price they ask.
Even with a $200 saving? I only ask because I do love simulation games, though I've never tried The Sims before.

I just bought Just Cause 2, The Longest Journey 1 and 2, Toki Tori, Braid and Hamilton's Great Adventure.

Don't get me wrong, The Sims is a great series and there's a lot of fun in it, but the way they do their expansions really gets my goat. To be honest $100 for TS3 and all four expacs AND the DLC, if that's what it includes, is about as good a deal as you'll get on the thing before The Sims 4 comes out. I would go for it myself if I wasn't jaded by EA xD I may have been overstating my position in the first reply though.

07-02-2011, 08:15 AM
To be honest $100 for TS3 and all four expacs AND the DLC

Yeah, it does. And it's for $80. :D Though the only problem is future expansion and DLC is going to be expensive... Otherwise, I haven't heard anything about a Sims 4, is that in production?

07-02-2011, 03:53 PM
Is EU3 still $4 or whatever it was recently? Because if so, everyone should get that. Mmmyep.

Madame Adequate
07-02-2011, 05:12 PM
To be honest $100 for TS3 and all four expacs AND the DLC

Yeah, it does. And it's for $80. :D Though the only problem is future expansion and DLC is going to be expensive... Otherwise, I haven't heard anything about a Sims 4, is that in production?

Not heard anything but I'm sure they are working on it.

At that price I would say go for it tbh!

07-03-2011, 01:19 AM
Cool, just did!

New sale on today, I ended up getting Half Life 2, Episode 1 and 2 for around $5. I'm considering Super Meat Boy and Plants Vs. Zombies.

Madame Adequate
07-03-2011, 05:52 AM
Can't comment on Super Meat Boy but PvZ is fantastic!

07-04-2011, 01:27 AM
Picked up Sword of the Stars and it's expansions, and I must say regardless of the fairly obvious flaws, it's a very well designed game.

07-05-2011, 09:05 PM
Hmm, Civilization V is at 50% off bringing it to $39.99. Worth it? I wonder if it's cheaper elsewhere...

Madame Adequate
07-05-2011, 11:13 PM
I came to this thread specifically in case anyone was undecided on Civ 5.

DO NOT purchase it. It isn't worth anything close to $40. It's the most thoroughly mediocre 4x I've ever had the displeasure of playing and I have no idea how they could mess up so bad.

Very detailed explanation of it here: What Went Wrong? (http://www.garath.net/Sullla/Civ5/whatwentwrong.html)

07-06-2011, 12:20 AM
Just picked up the Dawn of War 2 Gold Edition (one with Chaos Rising) package for £13.49, ironically same price as the Dawn of War 2 single game edition. I played the demo briefly and whilst I feel Dawn of War 1 especially from an Imperial Guards perspective would be more true to form this is a game which I enjoyed the demo for :)

07-06-2011, 12:47 AM
Very detailed explanation of it here: What Went Wrong? (http://www.garath.net/Sullla/Civ5/whatwentwrong.html)
If you read all 14,000 words he talks about Square-Enix for a few sentences at the bottom.

07-06-2011, 02:00 AM
Very detailed explanation of it here: What Went Wrong? (http://www.garath.net/Sullla/Civ5/whatwentwrong.html)

Is there a TL;DR version?

In fact, I'll just take your word for it and not get it. :D

Madame Adequate
07-06-2011, 05:37 AM
tl;dr version is that whilst one unit per tile (1UPT) and a hex system can be good ideas, they don't lend themselves well to a game with Civ's scale. A hex game of the Eastern Front in WW2 isn't going to be seriously if there are fewer than several hundred tiles between Odessa and Koenigsberg, but Civ V doesn't come close to this.

So by the end of the game you have a ridiculous 'carpet of doom' where every single tile in the world is occupied. And they knew this problem existed, so they tried to make it hard to build those big armies, but that only leads to different problems, specifically that you don't have any reasonable sense of progression, indeed progress is hindered more than benefited by, say, buildings.

Efforts to patch the game thus far have largely revolved around this. If X is underpowered, they solve it by nerfing Y down to X's level. They have to, or the carpet of doom issue would arise even sooner than it does. As the article says, it works after a fashion, but it's hardly fun.

AI seems entirely random. Granted the very obvious math of Civ IV in terms of leader attitudes might have been a bit too simple, but this is not the correct solution. Even though you can now see leader attitudes to some extent, it doesn't feel like these have any bearing on how you act. Obfuscating diplomacy to a degree I can get behind - this just feels like you're dealing with dice rolls.

Also the game has regressed to pre-IV Infinite City Sprawl being by far the best strategy.

07-07-2011, 12:09 AM
Ah I see, thanks MILF.

Some good deals today, well at least for those of us who haven't kept our game library up to date in the previous 5 years. Also managed to get a friend from the US to gift me L4D1 and 2 to bypass that god awful censorship the Australia version has.

Madame Adequate
07-07-2011, 01:28 AM
Today's games are pretty great and I encourage their purchase!

Don't overlook King's Bounty!

07-07-2011, 02:45 AM
Don't overlook King's Bounty!

Got it, and also gifted it to a friend. :) Makes me want Heros of Might and Magic 6 to come out already.

Btw, is no one else interested in Steam these days? Or have we dismissed PC gaming on this forum? :D

07-07-2011, 11:12 AM
Some of us just have no money. Though I did grab Deus Ex Invisible War yesterday. Wanted to get it for a while even if it is worse than the original. For $2.50 it would have to be unbelievably bad to not be worth it.

Loony BoB
07-07-2011, 03:50 PM
I like PC gaming but I'm not a huge fan of Steam. I've actually forgotten why this is the case, but I'm sure it was a really, really good reason. Obviously. :p

07-07-2011, 03:58 PM
Btw, is no one else interested in Steam these days? Or have we dismissed PC gaming on this forum? :D

I have Steam and use it quite a bit, I'm just completely broke.

07-07-2011, 09:50 PM
Yeah, I guess I'm just lucky I picked up some more contract work so I've been a little gun-ho. Other than The Sims 3, I've only just been getting indie/cheap games for $3-5 each though.

Today's alright. I am wondering what Cities XL 2011 is like, and if it's worth $8? There's also some C&C games cheap too.

07-08-2011, 06:07 AM
I'm pretty awful, actually; despite the fact that I REALLY SHOULD be saving money, I've ransacked the $10 and under section a couple of times if I'm feeling like new stuff or there's something there particularly tempting and/or cheap.

I'm trying to be a good girl and stay away from the temptation of the Steam Summer Sales, though.

07-08-2011, 10:58 AM
I like playing strategy games on my laptop mostly, I'm not huge on playing RPGs or FPS's through it. I know games like Elder Scrolls would be much better on the PC due to the huge number of mods (though I have morrowind, I have never found a reliably good place to get mods and a list of mods worth getting. If you happen to know of such a place/list then mognet me or usernote me the location) Therefore I'm trying to be good with the Steam Summer sales, I've picked up Dawn of War 2 and that should keep me going for a while but I will keep my eyes peeled for some amazing games in the next couple of weeks thats for sure.

07-08-2011, 04:14 PM
If you're looking for strategy games, keep your eyes open for:

Civ IV
Europa Universalis 3
Hearts of Iron 2 and/or Darkest Hour

...listed there pretty much in order of increasing difficulty/complexity. I know all of these are on Steam so if any of those go on sale I highly recommend them to any strategy fan (who hasn't played them).

Madame Adequate
07-08-2011, 11:45 PM
What is this Google you speak of I once went on the Internet to look for something and I tried to search for it with yahoo (I was looking for places to book a Kantus for my sister's birthday to make up for an unpleasant discovery she had made in her wardrobe) but all I found was a load of stuff about Paul Kantus (http://www.noevalleyvoice.com/2007/November/Shor.html) which surprised me because we know that Pawl is not a Kantus but actually a man who exists solely so I can smurf his mother and tell him all about it anyway yeah I don't trust these search engine things since I asked Wolfram Alpha how to hide semen stains and it told me that Stains is a place in France well thank you very much I don't really learn much from that though I guess it might be useful if I go on The Weakest Link or something like that if Anne Robinson asks me where Stains is I'll know right away and she will be soaking wet because of my wit and cleverness and I will smurf her backstage and say "Your mum's the weakest link, goodbye" when I have finished with her.

Morrowind Mythic Mods (http://www.mwmythicmods.com/)

07-09-2011, 12:59 AM
What is this Google you speak of I once went on the Internet to look for something and I tried to search for it with yahoo (I was looking for places to book a Kantus for my sister's birthday to make up for an unpleasant discovery she had made in her wardrobe) but all I found was a load of stuff about Paul Kantus (http://www.noevalleyvoice.com/2007/November/Shor.html) which surprised me because we know that Pawl is not a Kantus but actually a man who exists solely so I can smurf his mother and tell him all about it anyway yeah I don't trust these search engine things since I asked Wolfram Alpha how to hide semen stains and it told me that Stains is a place in France well thank you very much I don't really learn much from that though I guess it might be useful if I go on The Weakest Link or something like that if Anne Robinson asks me where Stains is I'll know right away and she will be soaking wet because of my wit and cleverness and I will smurf her backstage and say "Your mum's the weakest link, goodbye" when I have finished with her.

Morrowind Mythic Mods (http://www.mwmythicmods.com/)

hmm thanks for the link Huxtables, I think you and I might need to have a bit of a discussion where you advise me more on what mods to take and what ones to avoid :) However lets not derail this thread with it lol because that'd just be mean. Might have to wait until after I play through the Dawn of War 2 campaign and Chaos Rising before I even begin to play Morrowind again.

Edit: Whether that was you or Paul doing the epic quote modification there, fuck you :love:

07-09-2011, 03:30 AM
Woo, Mass Effect 1 and 2 are on sale for $6 each. What' I've been waiting for. :D

07-10-2011, 09:05 AM
Finally picked up L4D 1+2, along with three friends. We even forgot about the 4 pack and picked it up separately because we are idiots like supporting Valve.

07-12-2011, 06:20 AM
Even though I am late to the party I am listing my purchases

ID Catalog (I eventually got Quake GL to work and I am now getting a subpar 600 FPS)
Telltale Catalog
Myst Collection (I finally got Riven up and running...I was having problems)
Cities XL 2011 (Holy hell this game is detailed)
Space Quest Collection (I eventually got it to accept the latest version of DOS Box)

I think that is pretty much it. I jumped the number of games I owned up to 99 from probably like...15 or so. I mainly had the valve games and not much else.

07-12-2011, 04:22 PM
My wallet is proud to say that I didn't buy a single thing during the Steam Summer Sale.

My soul, however, hurts :(

07-12-2011, 10:59 PM
I wonder, has the grand prize been given away to the winners yet?

My soul, however, hurts :(
