View Full Version : [Web] What do you think of my page?

07-18-2011, 05:07 PM
Hi i have made a Final Fantasy news/fan page with a forum called FinalFantasyWorld.net (http://finalfantasyworld.net), i have gotten a another person on staff writing (Editor).

what i need and wish for, is input on how to make my page better.

data is being added every day, so the movie section is a little bit lacking atm. Actually the movie section is proof of concept, and will be polished next couple of weeks. The same goes for the FF Compilation section.

The FF compilation section is first priority. and is being written as i speak.

btw what is Prefix? whose [W] for website i gueass

bump. so no one have any thing to criticize on my site?

and i thought this was a real forum on the Internet.
And not even a flame on the fact I'm doing commercial for my own page and forum?

07-20-2011, 01:58 AM
Relm's Studio is the artist's forum. I'm not sure what the [W] prefix is for, really, but I don't think it's for website.

Double posting/bumping, and flaming/spamming/trolling are disallowed here. We also frown on advertising, but seeing as how you are looking for help or critique I think we can overlook it this once. I'm also going to move this thread to General Final Fantasy, you'll probably get more attention there and maybe even a few willing volunteers to help with the site, or even some new members.

If you're interested in affiliating yourself with us, you should contact Loony BoB Roogle.

Loony BoB
07-20-2011, 09:17 AM
The W prefix is for websites, or more specifically, the design/layout of websites and images used in them, etc. Basically the "art" side of it all. The W prefix is just rarely used as we don't get these kind of threads often. I'll move this back to Relm's Studio. :D

I can't check your site as I'm at work, but I can say that at present we aren't getting involved in affiliations (if you really want to ask, though, ask Roogle as he manages that side of things more than the rest of us).

People who can see his site (ie, are not at work like me :p) can feel free to offer advice on the layout, design, images etc. of this website in this thread.