View Full Version : Wii U "Killer Freaks" Gameplay

07-21-2011, 01:53 AM
Ubisoft has decided to show some of their Wii U gameplayi, shown here (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-killer-freaks/716442).

What do you think?

Edit: I feel as though the gyroscope controls might end up being really weird with such a large controller. I wouldn't feel comfortable whipping that around quickly if I need to. But it still looks interesting!

07-21-2011, 02:58 PM
Not sure how I feel about it... You see in the demonstration that the player's turning all around, even backwards from where he began facing... it kind of makes the actual TV screen irrelevant which begs the question: why this is being made as a home console game? Still, the game does look different and it'll be interesting to try it out at a friend's house. As far as the technical end, it appears to look and play beautifully.

It doesn't sit right with me, though, how developers are given a new piece of technology with a new input option, and to foster their creativity and see what they can do with it, they go to make an FPS. The interface looks like it could work amazingly with Real Time Strategy, or running an RPG like Neverwinter with a GM using the tablet, or a puzzle game that takes advantage of the gyroscope and touch screen. But, hey, FPS is what sells today, so that's what we're gonna make!!! It's just a sad state for gaming.

Furthermore, after using both the Wii and PlayStation Move, I think this generation has proved that motion controls are not ideal for First Person Shooters. Some of us thought it would emulate the mouse and keyboard experience better, but it doesn't. Like with most gaming experiences, it just doesn't offer the same feedback and predictability of even a controller. I would go as far as to say that overall, motion controls have discredited themselves as a viable input for gaming, period. I'm not going to deny having a ton of fun with the party games, but I'm really starting to doubt that there's much you can do beyond that. I know this is slightly different, it's a gyroscope, but I see the same issues here.

07-21-2011, 03:30 PM
Considering how powerful the Wii U is supposed to be I'm really not impressed with the visuals in this. At best it looked like a launch title for the 360 or PS3.

I also have to say that if you're going to demo new controls then please get someone to do it who can actually use them properly. The number of times he seems to be getting attacked while reacting poorly, or not at all, can only lead me to believe that he is either not very good or the controls themselves aren't up to snuff yet. Either way, it makes the demo look bad. This is new stuff you're trying to sell us on Ubisoft so your demos need to be pretty darn flawless.

I also have to laugh a bit when he mentioned the difficulty FPS gamers have in turning 180 degrees quickly and how it's a thing of the past now. It's been a thing of the past since the mouse was invented though, and I'm pretty sure I can give a quick flick of the wrist (or even just my fingers) faster than I can turn my entire body.

On the whole, it's a neat gimmick, but even if it works out well and exactly the way they intend it to I can't see it replacing a mouse, or even an analog stick. Like Bolivar said, that feedback you get from actually moving those things is what helps keep your movements precise and predictable. I'll also agree with Bolivar yet again in that I think the tablet controller has more to offer other genres than it does the FPS at the moment. Certainly more interesting things than moving the controller within a sphere around your body to look around and aim.

07-21-2011, 04:42 PM
Certainly more interesting things than moving the controller within a sphere around your body to look around and aim.

I would love to see a youtube video of some guy in his home caught up in a massive firefight from all sides, spinning around senselessly and knocking over lamps in his home until he falls over on the ground and is just aiming and firing up all around him while laying on the floor, screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa in Rambo fashion.

07-21-2011, 04:50 PM
Funny you should mention that since the first thing to enter my mind when I saw all of the moving around was the fiasco with people not using the strap on the Wii remotes properly and breaking TV's. In this case I'd think it more likely that someone will simply whack a family member over the head as they enter a room or try to sneak past or something. :D

07-22-2011, 11:32 AM
One thing to remember is that this game has only been in development for three months, so it's not very polished.

07-22-2011, 12:03 PM
Well, that isn't very long at all is it. In that case, we'll see how it turns out. But I do stand by my belief that it may have been better to wait until either the controls were up to snuff or the guy demoing them knew how to use them effectively before they showed much of that.

07-24-2011, 09:28 PM
I find it interesting that now future titles that are coming to PS3 and 360 are also coming to Wii U.

I dunno if that's enough to convince me to get one though.

07-26-2011, 02:05 PM
I doubt developers are really going to use the controller in such creative ways that experiences will be preferable on the WiiU to other systems. I'm just hoping that Nintendo releases the good games they're known for.

07-26-2011, 05:39 PM
I doubt developers are really going to use the controller in such creative ways that experiences will be preferable on the WiiU to other systems. I'm just hoping that Nintendo releases the good games they're known for.

Are they still known for good games? All I've heard about from them are rehashes/remakes for I dunno how long now. :p

Not that a million brown n' bloom shooting games with different titles is any better. :p

07-26-2011, 06:39 PM
I doubt developers are really going to use the controller in such creative ways that experiences will be preferable on the WiiU to other systems. I'm just hoping that Nintendo releases the good games they're known for.

Are they still known for good games? All I've heard about from them are rehashes/remakes for I dunno how long now. :p

Not that a million brown n' bloom shooting games with different titles is any better. :p

Of course they are! Silly. :p

07-26-2011, 07:23 PM
Not sure how I feel about it... You see in the demonstration that the player's turning all around, even backwards from where he began facing... it kind of makes the actual TV screen irrelevant which begs the question: why this is being made as a home console game?
Nintendo created the Wii U controler with that in mind: to make the TV screen irrelevant. They felt that consols depend on TVs too much and if someone wants to watch a movie on the TV while you're playing a game on it, then the Wii U controler can be used instead.

But it's up to the developers, Nintendo says. If the developer wants to use the Wii U as a secondary portal into the gameplay (as shown in that vid), or if they only want to use it as a regular controller, or if they want a second player to be using a Wii remote and the TV and another player using just the Wii U controller... it's up to the developer.

I'm really excited about this style of use of the Wii U controller. It's almost like virtual reality where you can physically turn around and see stuff all around and above and below you. Exciting!

I doubt developers are really going to use the controller in such creative ways that experiences will be preferable on the WiiU to other systems. I'm just hoping that Nintendo releases the good games they're known for.

Are they still known for good games? All I've heard about from them are rehashes/remakes for I dunno how long now. :p

Have you not played the Super Mario Galaxy games? New Super Mario Bros. Wii?/DS? Twilight Princess? Sure you can call those "rehashes" but they're still critically aclaimed. And Skyward Sword and Super Mario Bros. 3DS look to be just as good as ever, if not better.

07-26-2011, 07:27 PM
Looking for a gamecube 2. I want another invincible gaming system with fantastic games.
It seems that Nintendo is just resorting to gimmicks in order to succeed, we saw how that worked out with the wii. Hopefully the WiiU works out.