View Full Version : Immoral confessions

07-30-2011, 10:13 PM
ITT: we discuss things we have recently done in video games that do not conform to general standards of morality.

I was playing GTA IV earlier. I ventured into a hospital located in Broker out of sheer curiosity. I found a small ward where two patients were lying down, probably enduring many types of agony. I took out a pistol and shot both of them in the head, which caused many screams of people in the hospital, and earned me a one star wanted level. After this I took cover behind the receptionists' desk and took down many police officers who were just doing their duty. Struggling to hold my own, I ran outside and hijacked a police car. I then went on to brutally run over many pedestrians before I crashed my car and Niko flew through the front window and onto the street. He punched a couple of women out before the army of policemen finished him off.

Meanwhile in Fable III I was having marital problems. My wife was lovely, if not a bit poor and average looking. When she discovered my affairs with many rich women I could only make it up to her one way. I walked to our home and I drew my sword, which I then promptly used to murder her and desecrate her corpse. I then remembered how she was just a young, ambitious lady, who I had mercilessly slaughtered. Feeling remorse, I went to the houses of the women I had had affairs with and I killed them, this time with my gun. I'm now single, so ladies of Albion, come at me.

Edit: And as some of you know, I caused a little fortress of Dwarves to emaciate and die recently.


07-30-2011, 10:46 PM
So, I was playing this game, and I killed someone. :(

07-30-2011, 10:49 PM
Well that's why nobody loves you.

Madame Adequate
07-31-2011, 03:44 AM
In GTA IV I am obsessed with killing nurses. Shooting them with a thousand rounds from a heavy machine gun, burning them with molotovs, beating them with baseball bats - the more brutal and painful, the better.

It's quite disturbing.

07-31-2011, 04:47 AM
I told Professor Oak no, no I will not help him with his pokedex!

He still made me though :(

07-31-2011, 06:10 AM
It's a tradition, when I play Civ, to sacrifice as many slaves as possible to build the Statue of Liberty.

Just to be ironic.

Madame Adequate
07-31-2011, 06:18 AM
It's a tradition, when I play Civ, to sacrifice as many slaves as possible to build the Statue of Liberty.

Just to be ironic.

You need to build a city so huge that you can build it in one turn from sacrifice alone.

07-31-2011, 06:21 AM
It's a tradition, when I play Civ, to sacrifice as many slaves as possible to build the Statue of Liberty.

Just to be ironic.

You need to build a city so huge that you can build it in one turn from sacrifice alone.

I like this idea.

My statue shall be bathed in blood and crowned with the bones of innocents.

leader of mortals
07-31-2011, 08:07 AM
TES IV: Oblivion. I'm sure we have all done something beyond even the darkest man's imagination in that game.

07-31-2011, 08:04 PM
In Fallout 3 I murdered everyone I could. Quests? What quests? Just run in and shoot and keep shooting until all have fallen before my mighty feet. I once healed some kid in Little Big Town to tell him the only reason I healed him was to watch the look on his face as I killed him =D

07-31-2011, 10:08 PM
I had that kid executed in Suikoden IV for treason... what was his name? Snow?

While playing GTA Andreas, I killed a couple as they were walking down the street holding hands. At first, one tried to run away as soon as gunned her beau down. But then she wandered back and got capped. Where she fell, the two ended up in a position in which they were once again side-by-side holding hands. I don't know if I thought it was peculiar or romantic, but I took a picture. Unfortunately, I've sold my copy of Andreas, so I can't provide the pic.

In Fable II, I was a big fan of the Shadow Cult's wheel of misfortune and turned plenty of folk into stone. I also turned a he into a she, wooed, bedded, and married her, then abandoned her until I got word of pending divorce. So I killed her.

In Final Fantasy XII, I typically slaughter nearby allies, like Bangaa Guards and Garif Hunters... just because. During my mission aboard the first airship escape, I would kill that useless bastard Vossler because he was sucking down my exp which he couldn't even use.

I haven't done much gaming lately... that is to be considered my one true sin... alas. Oh! Don't look at me!

07-31-2011, 11:26 PM
I think my favorite was back when I played the Sims. Build a pool, get them in it, but take out the ladder. They then proceed to swim around until they drown.


08-01-2011, 01:52 AM
In my case it usually amounts to "fuck it, kill 'em all!" Fable series, GTA, Saints Row, you name it. I even sometimes kill people on purpose to get a game over screen. :jess:

08-01-2011, 02:35 AM
It's a tradition, when I play Civ, to sacrifice as many slaves as possible to build the Statue of Liberty.

Just to be ironic.

Every Civilization or SMAC game I play ends in nuking. Planet busters are far more satisfying than nukes though. In fact, I recently reinstalled SMAC solely to unleash a flurry of planet busters.

And though I haven't played it recently, whenever I play through Half-life, Gordon Freeman is the only one who makes it out alive. Once a scientist or guard outlives their usefulness they experience the joy that is having a SPAS-12 unloaded in their face. Until I get the Egon gun anyway. Then I gib every single one.

08-01-2011, 03:15 AM
Every Civilization or SMAC game I play ends in nuking. Planet busters are far more satisfying than nukes though. In fact, I recently reinstalled SMAC solely to unleash a flurry of planet busters.

I remember the first time I built a Planet Buster in SMAC. I had no idea what it was or what it did so I sort of shrugged and launched it at Miriam.

I couldn't stop laughing for like five minutes. Then I promptly queued up another one.

08-01-2011, 03:19 AM
I've done many cruel things, but for whatever reason my favorite is probably still beating the living shit out of the chickens in Zelda.

It's tradition!!

08-01-2011, 03:38 AM
I've done many cruel things, but for whatever reason my favorite is probably still beating the living shit out of the chickens in Zelda.

It's tradition!!

The best was doing it when you had the fire rod in Link's Awakening. Hit them until the chickens swarm then burn the one you were hitting to death so they'll stop. I can't remember if that worked in the other games as well.

Madame Adequate
08-01-2011, 06:11 AM
It's a tradition, when I play Civ, to sacrifice as many slaves as possible to build the Statue of Liberty.

Just to be ironic.

Every Civilization or SMAC game I play ends in nuking. Planet busters are far more satisfying than nukes though. In fact, I recently reinstalled SMAC solely to unleash a flurry of planet busters.

When I run out of others to nuke, I blow up my own cities just to increase the number of dead from nuking.

Wolf Kanno
08-01-2011, 07:04 AM
I will kill annoying peasants in AC1, damn it beggar woman, no means NO! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc8JwTfDtA4) Its more fun in AC2 cause you get poison... I also took Jessweeeee's advice and loved to poison guards and then scatter coins everywhere to get as many deaths as I could when guards went berserk. :D

I pretty much do horrible things in GTA and like to create funny stories about why my character is a horrible human being.

08-01-2011, 10:17 AM
When I play MLB the Show every time I'm playing the Yankees that ball is going straight at their faces. I'll walk them all, I don't give a fuck!

08-01-2011, 10:38 AM
I ruin my Sims' lives. When I get sick of that, I do stuff like wait till they make a sandwich and then command them to throw it away.

08-02-2011, 12:44 AM
I played Dead Space 2 on Easy. =\

08-02-2011, 05:59 AM
I had that kid executed in Suikoden IV for treason... what was his name? Snow?

Snowe. And that is in no way immoral. That little bitch deserved to die a gruesome death.

The only interesting thing I can think of is massacring an entire church in Fallout 3. Good times.

08-02-2011, 09:06 AM
I have to say, raiding in FF1 was much more amusing than in 2/3. Just because of how overpowered the PC was.
I remember in TLC in the last city (the snow-covered one) I was donned in only my underwear and a stick, and I beat the bloody hell out of every guard and civilian. It was hysterical. Using berserk just smacks the guards to the ground for little to no damage, but they can't get up long enough to hurt out intrepid hero~! Bwahahahahahhahahahaha!
Also I once got every bandit in the bandit camp to join me, I had I think... 2 hired bodyguards, my summon, and my maxed out sword spell. I raided oakvale. My xbox in a desperate attempt to keep up lagged for 3minutes, when it finally stopped lagging corpses lined the streets. These corpses belonged to woman and civilian men, many a guard but mostly all my bandit buddies, who were brutally slaughtered.
Ahh I love Fable 1....

08-02-2011, 04:25 PM
In Final Fantasy X, when I get bored, I have Lulu kill Tidus. Cuz she's the best at it.

08-03-2011, 03:17 PM
I ruin my Sims' lives. When I get sick of that, I do stuff like wait till they make a sandwich and then command them to throw it away.

This is off topic, but sometimes I feel like a Sim. I'll do things in the wrong order even when I prioritize them differently (like making coffee when I'm supposed to shoot the boss an important email), and it just reminds me of a Sim that refuses to stop making salads while I'm trying to tell it to go clean up the puddle it left in the skill room :|

08-03-2011, 04:41 PM
I feel like a Sim pretty much all the time, to the point that I've halfway convinced myself that the entire universe is just someone's Sim game.

Carl the Llama
08-05-2011, 01:11 AM
I once got bored and killed 100+ people in Albion in Fable 2, cause the blacksmith refused to get new stock in his weapon shop, it started off with me just killing the BS but then the guards cam and told me to pay up for killing him... so I killed them and then went on to kill every single person I could find for an extended period of time, I felt a little guilty at first but then I got used to the guilt and went about slaughtering all of them.

I also showed my brother the poison/money trick in AC II and he cracked up, he does that alot now, also in AC I would always kill those annoying crazy hobo's that hit me as I walked past them, bitches aint gunna be hitting me no moar!

08-05-2011, 02:54 AM
In FFXIII I passed up a lot of the C'ieth instead of freeing them.