View Full Version : Animes based off of videogames

07-31-2011, 04:21 AM
So, a couple of hours ago, I just found out that they're producing a Persona 4 anime. Having loved Persona 4, I can happily say that I am ecstatic. What are some video games you would like to see in a TV based medium (not limited to anime)? What are some that you have seen and were dissappointed with?

Personally, I would like to see The World Ends With You, or either Fire Emblem based in Elibe as an anime, the Sly Cooper series as a Saturday morning Cartoon (but like, a good one), and due to having recently watched Trigun for the first time, I would also have liked to see a Wild Arms anime based on either the first or second game (I haven't played any past that).

There are very few video game animes that I have watched, but I was a little dissapointed in the Tales of the Abyss anime and the Tales of Symphonia OVAs (then again, I've only seen the first two).

Agent Proto
07-31-2011, 05:26 AM
There's a Viewtiful Joe anime totally based off, you guessed it, Capcom's Viewtiful Joe series. It's pretty sweet if you ask me. There's also an anime based of the Wild Arms games, but it's nothing like the games. Since I've seen a couple episodes of it, I was strongly disappointed by it. But I still enjoyed the western theme in it.

07-31-2011, 08:07 AM
*It just occured to me, should this thread be under general gaming discussion?*

I couldn't find an english version of the VJ anime anywhere, so I kinda gave up looking for it. But speaking of Capcom, I thought Devil May Cry was alright. What I want to see from Capcom is a Megaman X anime though.

Wolf Kanno
07-31-2011, 10:29 AM
No MMX anime per se, but I've heard there is a manga in Japan... Yet, the MMX remake on PSP does feature a prequel anime segment about the day Sigma went Maverick which is pretty damn awesome. Youtube it if you get the chance.

Street Fighter anime tends o be pretty good, the actual anime Street Fighter movie is really well done and was the basis for the Alpha series. The actual SF: Alpha movie on the other hand is pretty awful. Street Fighter V was a pretty nice adaption of the franchise as well, and actually gave some good screen time for most of the roster. The Fatal Fury movies are pretty good too, unless you hate the Bogard Bros. , Mai, and Joe Higashi.

The original Sonic anime from the 90s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxqASCvLOzg&feature=related) was pretty good too, and I feel it properly portrayed the character better than most of the other shows, games, and comics have done (not that the comics are bad though...). The film is based off partially from Sonic CD but Knuckles makes a quick cameo as well.

I've yet to watch the Arc the Lad anime, though fortunately for everyone it seems to be based on the far superior Arc the Lad 2. There is a Wild ARMS anime but its an original work that is just based on the series mythos. Oddly enough, I've never gotten past the first episode of FF Unlimited, and really don't have much interest in fixing this. FFV: Legend of the Crystals is amusing but suffers from some budget issues and a whole mess of other problems.

I don't like Tekken so I've never bothered to watch the anime OVA. The extent of my experience with the Virtua Fighter anime was a dubbing panel I participated on a few years back, but I don't remember much beyond that. I somehow missed the Disgaea anime, I should rectify that... I've also been meaning to watch the Battle Arena Toshiden anime cause I have a soft spot for that series. I heard their is a TV series based off Shin Megami Tensei DemiKids but that would mean its just a Pokemon/Digimon knockoff. Speaking of which, Pokemon itself was fun in the first season as you played along but quickly grew incredibly grating, Digimon is apparently based off a Tamagotchi type game in Japan. Tamagotchi itself got its own anime but it never saw release outside of Japan.

As for series I'd like to see: Suikoden would be pretty damn impressive, especially if they got Studio Gonzo to do it cause they did an awesome job with the opening to Suikoden III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTr7LjzYkwM).

The Breath of Fire series would be nice as well. I'm actually shocked that P4 got the anime treatment before P3 did. Gitaroo Man would be an awesome anime. Much like Suikoden, if it was done in they style of the cutscenes from WotL I would love a FFTactics OVA series.

Hot Shot
07-31-2011, 11:46 AM
Generally, I don't like Animes based off of video games. I dunno why, but most just get my hopes up and end up disappointing me. Like the Devil May Cry anime. I watched about 3/4 episodes and, according to my rule of thumb, if an anime hasn't hooked you in by then, they generally suck. FF VII OVA had pretty cool fight scenes, but it wasn't as exciting as I had hoped it to be. But in its defense, there wasn't uch you could do with a small section of a long game, is there?

Tales Of Phantasia OVA, however, was really good. It did justice to a great classic. For me, it captured the essence of the game perfectly. I just wished it were longer.

I'm also very interested about the Viewtiful Joe anime. Is it something you guys would recommend?

07-31-2011, 04:05 PM
I was never a big fan of the Pokemon anime. I watched it a bit, like everyone else, but at that point I was like 16 years old and it was clearly geared toward a younger audience and it grated on me. (I also couldn't stand how they'd bend all the game rules in order to do something ridiculous, like Pikachu one-shotting Onix or whatever.)

Digimon, on the other hand, I was madly in love with... the third season in particular. So good. Dat ending. :whimper:

07-31-2011, 04:46 PM
I think the Persona 4 anime will be good. It seems like it's going to be a faithful adaptation, and it was more of an anime inspired story to begin with. Persona Trinity on the other hand, I wasn't too fond of. It was just kind of meh.


I love the new trailer! Opening theme, Nanako, and everything!

07-31-2011, 09:08 PM
Digimon, on the other hand, I was madly in love with... the third season in particular. So good. Dat ending. :whimper:
All they wanted was to be friends forever... :(

@Wolf Kanno I adore the Sonic OVA. Must've rented it at least 5 times from the local video store. Earlier this year, a friend of mine who actually owned the vhs brought it over to another friend's house and we watched it in his theater. I also thought about mentioning Breath of Fire, but I've only played the second one, so I'm not sure if my opinion is valid on that one.

07-31-2011, 09:26 PM
The Viewtiful Joe anime is indeed quite good. At least in my opinion. I remember watching it every saturday morning.
I know that there's a disgaea anime but I'm not interested in it because I've heard that it's quite... "eh". Doesn't help that I'm not a fan of anime in general.

08-02-2011, 03:06 AM
There's a Valkyria Chronicles anime. It follows the first game pretty closely, but takes a few diversions with odd things (like Alicia and Faldio being close). My other git with it is that they left out Vyse (the awesome Shocktrooper that I pretty much plowed thru the game with)! I heard there was a season 2 following the 2nd game, but I haven't found it yet.

Wolf Kanno
08-02-2011, 03:48 AM
I'm not surprised Vyse doesn't show since he's mostly in VC as a shout out to a previous game they did. For those wondering, Vyse is the main character of Skies of Arcadia. His partner is also in VC as an extra and their ending alludes to their role from SoA.

08-04-2011, 04:52 AM
I got Skies of Arcadia Legends last Christmas. I really need to get around to playing it, but I just recently started FF9 for the first time, and I plan to buy Phantasy Star IV on the PSN. As a connosieur of rpgs Wolf Kanno, do you have any recommendations on which I should play first?

Anyway, I just thought of Phoenix Wright. WHY ISN'T THAT AN ANIME? I own a manga collection of short stories in the Phoenix Wright universe, but an actual anime would be a blast.

Wolf Kanno
08-04-2011, 05:09 AM
Skies of Arcadia is actually a pretty snazzy game. Its a little too happy go lucky for my usual taste but sometimes its nice to play a game where the heroes are genuinely noble and even the badguy's are not pure "feeding children and puppies to meat grinder cause its fun" evil. The Gamecube version even adds a load of cool stuff and the ship battles are pretty snazzy.

Unfortunately, I missed the boat with Phantasy Star, I owned an NES and SNES so I never got the chance to play through the series. I have picked up PS1 for the Wii, so I should rectify this gap in my old school JRPG history. :D

Phoenix Wright doesn't have an anime, but it does have a musical... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UD00kYcmQ8)

08-04-2011, 08:17 AM
I just started reading this thread, the first thing I thought of was Phoenix Wright :D

08-04-2011, 05:05 PM
So they finally recorded the musical. I remember listening to some of the songs, my favorite being Redd White and You.

08-04-2011, 05:34 PM
Phoenix Wright doesn't have an anime, but it does have a musical... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UD00kYcmQ8)

They've also started filming a Phoenix Wright live-action movie.