View Full Version : Concepts for Dissidia 3

09-10-2011, 10:06 PM
If Square Enix decided to make a Dissidia 3, what would your concept be?

My concept would be taking place after the 13th cycle, in which the final ten current remaining Cosmos warriors, along with Golbez, Jecht, and a few other new allies, go on another quest to save those who had fallen in the 12th cycle, as well as other warriors who had fallen at the hands of the manikins. Those characters will not be playable, and will have their roles reduced to those of damsels in distress.

Returning characters:
Warrior of Light
Onion Knight

New characters:

The reason why these ten characters will be introduced is because even though they were not present in the 12th and 13th cycles, they were previously summoned in prior cycles. The difference is that these warriors (with the exception of Serah, who is making her debut fighting in this aftercycle) were expelled from the battle and sent back to their homeworlds, but it is possible that even though they can sit one cycle out, they can be summoned again for a future cycle. The characters who were defeated by the Manikins will instead be banished to the Void.

After the 13th cycle ends, the characters will realize that something is not quite right, and then, they will each have dreams that tell them of the fates of the other warriors, who are all trapped in the void, and it is up to these warriors to save them. Cosmos will then guide the heroes on their journey to rescue the other warriors. Along the way, they will encounter Zemus and Seymour, who are torturing the other fallen warriors, and also threaten to reinstate the cycle again.

Also what would the name for this new game be? It can't be Dissidia 014, because 013 was the final cycle.

09-10-2011, 10:36 PM
Why not just call it "aftercycle"? lol.

09-12-2011, 05:57 AM
I'd want Leon, Rydia, Faris, Celes, Edea, Freya, Auron, Balthier, and Sazh, personally.

Giga Guess
10-07-2011, 02:16 PM
I'd like to see Beatrix in there, if for no other reason than to hear her battle theme one more time.

10-12-2011, 07:11 PM
What about gameplay mechanics? I'd like to see more Soul Calibur, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Super Smash Bros. influences.

And remember: the ones that fell in cycle 12 will not be playable, for they are now damsels in distress.

10-12-2011, 09:06 PM

Del Murder
10-14-2011, 03:47 AM
I'd like to see tag team battles, or even three-way battles. I think those would be the best way to expand this series. I hope they don't just add new characters and expand the story while the battle system stays more or less intact. That worked well for Dissidia 012 but I think doing it again would make the series stale.

black orb
10-16-2011, 11:53 PM
>>> All they have to do is hear the fans..:luca:

I guess I`ll help them a little..

Cosmos side:
FF1- Matoya
FF2- Minwu
FF3- Sara
FF4- Rydia
FF5- Galuf
FF6- Celes or Locke
FF7- Vincent
FF8- Anyone is fine I guess
FF9- Steiner and Vivi
FF10- Auron
FF12- Balthier

Chaos side:
FF1- Astos
FF2- Leon
FF3- Goldor
FF4- Zemus
FF5- Necrophobe
FF6- Gesthal or Leo
FF7- Hojo
FF8- Seifer
FF9- Beatrix and Black Waltz 3
FF10- Yunalesca or Seymour
FF12- Cid

Giga Guess
10-19-2011, 05:54 AM
Actually, for FF6, I'd kinda like to see Edgar. Most of his Tools could be adapted pretty easily to make some impressive moves, I think. Between Aut-Crossbow and Chainsaw/Drill, he'd make a decent variable range character.

Though I think Seifer would be an interesting addition, story-wise.

Del Murder
10-19-2011, 08:13 PM
Edgar would definitely be good for this game. He has one of the more unique abilities for FF characters.

10-22-2011, 02:50 PM
And Setzer! Gotta have Setzer.

10-22-2011, 08:08 PM
If they include Shadow or Edge, then they can have Onion Knight use a different form other than Ninja.

FF6, Edgar. Tools - Aut-Crossbow and Chainsaw/Drill, he'd make a decent variable range character.

Also, Barret

10-24-2011, 03:06 PM
And Setzer! Gotta have Setzer.

Yeah! I think Shadow and Setzer were the most badass looking dudes in the game.

11-25-2011, 02:51 AM
I wouldn't touch it unless they added a characters from FFVI and IX. They lost me and few friends purchases by making that poor decision on Dissidia 2. Not like this franchise really knows what it's doing anymore. It's better to have low expectations in case they straighten up and fly right again it'll be a pleasant surprise.

12-19-2011, 09:34 PM
Do you think that perhaps make a few more main series games (for instance, until about XVI) and then make Dissidia 3?

01-07-2012, 08:38 PM
I'd like to see tag team battles, or even three-way battles.

Imagine a battle in which you have no partner but are forced to fight two adversaries. Now imagine those two adversaries take shots at each other while fighting you. Imagine that if you're taken out first, the battle ends but the winner is decided instantly from among the survivors and that you can still win in you had placed a bet on the winner, kind of like they were your second choice of hero. Maybe that last part's a bit far-fetched. One-on-one battles are so played out. Tag-team battles are old-news too. They're still just o-o-o with a dash of character swapping.
But Dissidia's dash-around combat system would allow for multiple adversaries. It would make sense to take on Cecil, Kain, and Golbez all at one. Maybe it wouldn't make so much sense to pit Cloud, Sephiroth, and Tifa against a player, but whatever.

Del Murder
01-11-2012, 07:23 PM
Why stop at 3? 4 is a nice round number and makes more sense, since in a 3-way battle one of the players could just hide while the other two duke it out. Then you could also have 2 vs 2 battles.

Basically just give us all the options of the SSB games.

01-30-2012, 08:09 PM
Put some Guilty Gear, Soul Calibur, and Marvel vs Capcom influences in there, too.

02-04-2012, 08:42 PM
4 makes more sense, in a 3-way one could just hide while the others duke it out.

Therein lies another layer of complexity. Are you the one who's stealthy enough to lie in wait while one of the fighters takes out your potential opponent or will you be the one forced to battle at the point of exhaustion while your new enemy is fresh for the fight? In some cases, the character/player levels may not be equal and may require two combatants to willingly gang up on the third just to survive.
I think Halo is like this to an extent, though I don't have much experience with the game.

My main problem with 2 on 2 battles is that usually both on one side have to survive, being that if one loses, both default.

02-06-2012, 06:13 PM
I would say only 2 players can play at a time, but have 2-on-2 tag-team gameplay akin to Marvel vs Capcom.

02-10-2012, 01:43 AM
Fine... I guess I'm the only forward-thinking mind on these forums... I'll just have to build a 1-on-1-on-1 fighter from the ground-up myself... as soon as learn how to build a video game to begin with.... in thirty-five years time... *sigh* can someone else just do it?

02-10-2012, 08:25 PM
I think you should make it a 4-way free-for-all battle, or 1-on-1-on-1-on-1.

02-11-2012, 06:17 PM
Well, my main concern would be the requisite minimum. I don't care if the free-for-all is 1-on-1-on-1-on-1 or whatever higher number one can think that'll fit on a gamemap without slowing its animation pacing. As long as you don't actually need a fourth player (or computer controlled character), I'm fine with the free-for-all. That's what I consider the purity of the free-for-all. Smash Brothers allows you to play with just three characters 1-on-1-on-1, but it doesn't offer the open map like Dissidia or Halo. I suppose my idea is more of a strategist's free-for-all because instead of simply hacking mindlessly, you may be able to find a place to hide out and plan while the others do the monkey-work.

02-16-2012, 07:09 PM
True, but why do you like 3 players anyway? It makes no sense. Also:

My main problem with 2 on 2 battles is that usually both on one side have to survive, being that if one loses, both default.

In the Marvel vs Capcom series, you have to eliminate all of your opponent's characters in order to win; simply eliminating one is not enough. On the other hand, in Tekken Tag Tournament and Street Fighter X Tekken, matches span multiple rounds, and you only need to knock out one of the opponent's characters to win a round, and win the most rounds in order to win the match.

04-01-2012, 05:56 AM
Let's go straight DoA style shit, breast physics engine and all.

04-06-2012, 03:31 AM
True, but why do you like 3 players anyway? It makes no sense.

That's the end result of thinking for myself rather than like every other humanoid Duplicate surrounding me. It makes no sense to you, but it sounds all the more interesting to me. More VS games use some cheap game mechanic the programmers don't make you privy to in order to make the game seem harder than it actually is. For example, your opponent always knows every move you're going to make before you make it. Or: your attacks don't deal as much damage as your opponent's do to you.
Why rely on equal numbers to balance a fight when balanced combat is an illusion to begin with? Unbox the mind, brother.

04-12-2012, 07:21 PM
True, but why do you like 3 players anyway? It makes no sense.

That's the end result of thinking for myself rather than like every other humanoid Duplicate surrounding me. It makes no sense to you, but it sounds all the more interesting to me. More VS games use some cheap game mechanic the programmers don't make you privy to in order to make the game seem harder than it actually is. For example, your opponent always knows every move you're going to make before you make it. Or: your attacks don't deal as much damage as your opponent's do to you.
Why rely on equal numbers to balance a fight when balanced combat is an illusion to begin with? Unbox the mind, brother.

Well, that's because it depends on the difficulty level you're setting it to. The higher the difficulty, the harder the computer AI is to predict and beat.

04-12-2012, 09:24 PM
But Dissidia's dash-around combat system would allow for multiple adversaries.
The mechanics of Dissidia are based on a polar coordinate system with the enemy as the origin. Which basically means everything you do is based on the enemy.

In a game like Super Smash Bros. it is based on a Cartesian co-ordinate system where everything is based off of the background, something which is static for all players. So not having a focal enemy can make sense. However the dissidia gameplay is essentially designed around having one enemy as the entire focal point for the game design.

04-13-2012, 04:01 AM
Well, that's because it depends on the difficulty level you're setting it to. The higher the difficulty, the harder the computer AI is to predict and beat.Difficulty settings are just another excuse one-on-one fighters exploit to not include realistic dynamics.

Dissidia's dash-around combat system would allow for multiple adversaries.
The mechanics of Dissidia are based on a polar coordinate system with the enemy as the origin. Which basically means everything you do is based on the enemy.Details. In the coming years, this problem will be all but forgotten... or so these game companies intend that we believe... "for what is a game designer if not a god?" lol

04-20-2012, 08:49 PM
Well, that's because it depends on the difficulty level you're setting it to. The higher the difficulty, the harder the computer AI is to predict and beat.Difficulty settings are just another excuse one-on-one fighters exploit to not include realistic dynamics.
What exactly do you mean by that?

And one player would certainly run away, causing the other two to hunt him down.

Dissidia's dash-around combat system would allow for multiple adversaries.
The mechanics of Dissidia are based on a polar coordinate system with the enemy as the origin. Which basically means everything you do is based on the enemy.Details. In the coming years, this problem will be all but forgotten... or so these game companies intend that we believe... "for what is a game designer if not a god?" lol
If it was more of a "brawler/beat-them-up" or "hack-and-slash" like Kingdom Hearts, that could be nice too.