View Full Version : Well that was satisfying: -Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke

09-17-2011, 06:42 AM
EDIT: Pictures are being stupid, apparently I should stop using photobucket. trying to fix the problem
EDIT2: Now the editor is being glitchy, I give up for now. I'll fix it later.

Well I've been playing a pokemon nuzlocke run of Emerald on-and-off for a while now. It's been a hell of a lot of fun and I finally beat it... it feels good.

~It was tough but I beat it~
Gotta say it was quite a titload funner and harder than any normal pokemon playthrough I've done.
~It was well worth the time~

Vinny the Magneton Lv. 27~43 (he was the saddest loss, killed by an unexpected earthquake)
Damnbats the Golbat Lv. 7~26 (killed by a critical self-destruct)
...Bats the crobat Lv. 12~27 (killed by a roid-rage zangoose)
AntTrap the Vibrava Lv. 21~40 (killed by a self-destruct)
Rocky the graveler Lv. 10~28 (Killed by the same roid-rage zangoose)
and mexidance the lombre (You fared well as death fodder, I commend you)

09-22-2011, 11:33 AM
All the pictures are gone.

09-22-2011, 11:45 AM
Imma try this with touhoumon.

09-22-2011, 03:00 PM
Yeah I want fixed pics! :mad2:

Anyways! I'm not hardcore enough for a Nuzlocke. So... congrats to you!

09-22-2011, 10:04 PM
The pictures are gone
Why are the pictures gone!
Computer, I hate you.
-fixing it-