View Full Version : Final Fantasy Type-0 Sells Nearly 500,000....

11-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Oh Snap...
Final Fantasy Type-0 Sells Nearly 500,000 -- Andriasang.com (http://andriasang.com/comyum/)
SquareEnix, you better release this to the West soon, look at those sales...:kakapo:

Wolf Kanno
11-04-2011, 09:30 PM
I hope they do release it, the demo was fun and it doesn't even really contain many of the game elements like Airship battles, RTS mini-games and chocobo breeding that the finished product is sporting.

11-05-2011, 04:21 AM
That's incredible for a PSP game.

11-05-2011, 10:55 AM
:omg:My god.... Final Fantasy Type-0 [JPN] Walkthrough Part 1 [HD] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIm4OnfjjOc&feature=related) This....this is what I live for... They HAVE to release this in ENG...omg did you see that opening?! Amazing....

Wolf Kanno
11-05-2011, 06:45 PM
Well now that the Japanese version has released, maybe they'll start talking about a worldwide release, especially since it's doing so well. The game has really shaped up into something very interesting. It kind of makes me sad most people have been ignoring it for XIII/VersusXIII, and now XIII-2.:(

Also, just let you know, though you only control one character, you can switch between all the members of the team, and they all have very different playstyles. Their is also a super cue group of Moogles that give your characters missions and they are all dressed up in different costumes. ;)

11-06-2011, 01:46 AM
yup, I know most of this because I downloaded and played the Jap demo :jess:
I'm learning japanese, enough to get a basic grasp of the battle system when I play it :kakapo: I'm actually looking forward to FFXIII-2 though, but I really wanna get my hands on Type-0. Its a shame its not getting to much attention in the West...:(

Wolf Kanno
11-06-2011, 04:18 AM
The Western Market is still predominately home console base. I still bet it's going to get a release over here, but it's probably going to be like Four Warriors of Light, in that we won't be seeing it until sometime next year. Course the excellent sales in Japan will probably make them get localized for worldwide release faster.

I agree that I feel it is a shame this game has been kind of the forgotten entry in the whole XIII mythos. Everyone is more concerned with XIII-2 and VersusXIII.

Del Murder
11-06-2011, 04:35 AM
I really hope we get it!

11-06-2011, 05:10 AM
I mean, have you seen the graphics on that game? The opening CGI cutscene is just pure awsome, Square constantly blows my mind when it comes to pushing the PSP to its limits(graphicaly, in my opinion)...and the soundtrack is fantastic...wow, look how much i'm blabbering on about this game ^^;

Wolf Kanno
11-06-2011, 05:15 AM
I like the Scorpion Tank skirmish in the demo, it was both hectic and visually exciting. One of the first times I really felt 3D being utilized as a game mechanic rather than a visual aid, course it helps that Type-0 is an action RPG but the sentiment still stands. The game sets up some pretty great set pieces and battle grounds.

11-06-2011, 07:47 AM
Looking over the intro: Did Bahamut just get destroyed again? First Alexander ruins him, now he's busted up by an airship and anti-magic field. Poor dragon king can't catch a break. :(

And once again, people learn: DO NOT MESS WITH ODIN.

PS: Law Cards! Okay, they're summoning cards, but still, when I saw that, I just flashed back immediately to FFTA.

11-06-2011, 01:35 PM
I mean, have you seen the graphics on that game? The opening CGI cutscene is just pure awsome, Square constantly blows my mind when it comes to pushing the PSP to its limits...and the soundtrack is fantastic...wow, look how much i'm blabbering on about this game ^^;

I dunno. How well a video looks isn't really an attestation to pushing something to its limits. The actual ingame graphics don't seem much better than many other PSP games.

As for the gameplay, all I see is cards appearing and teleporting around like a madman. Maybe it is better when you're actually playing it yourself.

11-07-2011, 07:10 AM
I'm just fangirling ^^'' I'm probebly making it sound a bit better than it is, but I can't help myself :love:

11-17-2011, 09:28 PM
I don't know about pushing limits, but it does look pretty slick. I agree with Mirage that the battle system isn't very enjoyable to watch, but I can tell that I would enjoy playing it regardless, though it I'm afraid the combat's kinda choppy.

11-18-2011, 02:16 PM
I don't know about pushing limits, but it does look pretty slick. I agree with Mirage that the battle system isn't very enjoyable to watch, but I can tell that I would enjoy playing it regardless, though it I'm afraid the combat's kinda choppy.
GAMEPRO featured an import preview, you can read it here:
Final Fantasy Type 0 Preview from GamePro (http://www.gamepro.com/article/previews/224997/what-do-demons-souls-and-final-fantasy-type-0-have-in-common/)
I agree with everything he said but i do think he makes the game sound much more difficult than it is, the game has PDs/raise ability just rare or missable, i just think it isn't streamlined when you lose there is no checkpoint or retry , it is game over. The combat itself isn't flashy but think of faster and need more technique from player and you'll spend quality time with 14 character each one of them is unique.

11-18-2011, 03:28 PM
I've gotta admit, this seems like the best entry in the compilation by far (Until Versus comes out in 2026), but am I the only one who assumed that it would be released worldwide to begin with?

I was pretty shocked when they came up with the whole 'we have yet to decide on a western release' a few months ago!