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11-15-2011, 12:06 AM
Senior year of high school. Fucking A.

Were/are you popular? I never was. It's not to say I don't get along with people. I make good grades and stuff, it's just I've always shared more in common with less popular kids than popular ones.

Now let's see who lies and claims he/she was popular.

11-15-2011, 01:21 AM
There were several hundred kids in my graduating class so I think it was difficult for pretty much anyone to be popular. There were kids in classes I had that I'd never seen before and would never see again.

Then again, I didn't really pay attention to that sort of thing. I hung out with my little group of friends (about six or seven of us) and I didn't know anyone else.

11-15-2011, 01:51 AM
There were several hundred kids in my graduating class so I think it was difficult for pretty much anyone to be popular. There were kids in classes I had that I'd never seen before and would never see again.

Yeah same here. Which worked in my favor, because I was in permanent I-don't-give-a-shit mode all through high school and people got a weird vibe from me. There was a rumor at a rival school that I was some kind of psychopath and also a lesbian :confused:

11-15-2011, 02:03 AM
We're on a RPG/video game forum. Of course we weren't popular. I bounced around many different groups too much to be popular.

11-15-2011, 03:18 AM
inafter anyone who says they were popular is lying

1. Play varsity sports
2. Win high school popularity
3. ?????
4. Move on with your life

11-15-2011, 04:39 AM
I was popular and that is not a word of a lie. But you see, the nerdy crowd outnumbered the normal people, so we won on a technicality.

Not so much these days.

11-15-2011, 05:29 AM
I was known but not especially liked or disliked

11-15-2011, 05:58 AM
I was well known because I had different opinions from most people. Well known and thought of as amoral. But my teachers liked me and I had good friends.

11-15-2011, 10:28 PM
I don't know if I was particularly popular or unpopular, but I always had exactly as many friends as I desired. I have no social-related complaints about my public school years.

11-16-2011, 12:57 AM
I don't know if I was particularly popular or unpopular, but I always had exactly as many friends as I desired. I have no social-related complaints about my public school years.
Yeah, I wouldn't consider myself popular, but I wasn't unpopular either. I figure most people fall into the middle-of-the-road category.

But I did wish for more friends and still do. You can never have enough friends I don't think. I love creating new relationships with people. I made a new friend just last week!

11-16-2011, 01:13 AM
I take offense at the term 'cool'. It implies those people are better, or actually interesting.

I had various social groups in my employ - grade school friends who maintained contact with me through high school, chinese friends from grade 9, a group of girls from a grade younger, this vietnamese girl in my english class and her friends (her friend Joanne is cousins with my brother's friend), then there's marching band. On topic - I was just some invisible guy in the back. Sometimes eccentric but usually quiet. I never really developed until university.

They had things like environmental club and other clubs as I got older but I never joined. Anyway the point is I'm friends with zero of the people in my age group. All of my high school friends are my brother's friends - so around 3-5 years younger. They are more interesting people. The people who were my peers were forgettable and never bothered to keep in touch. Do not want.

11-16-2011, 02:01 AM
It's my senior year of high school, too, and I don't give a tit about anything. Nothing at all. Well, I give less of a tit.

My graduating class is about 681, and something that I've noticed is that at my school, kids generally hang out with kids who are around the same in class rank because they've been in the same (AP, Pre-AP, etc.) courses together since freshman year, so they just know each other well. My rank is 86 out of 681, placing me in the top 12%, so not quite enough to label me as a person who's obsessed with their grades (I am actually, to a reasonable extent) and it's not low enough to label me as someone who's just trying to get through high school no matter what kind of grades they get. So it's an interesting mix, and I'm familiar with kids on both sides of the spectrum.

I'd say I'm well known, but I shift gears so fluidly with different surroundings and different people that I wouldn't say I have a group I fit into; popularity's on a class-by-class (1st period, 2nd period, etc.) basis for me, which is fine, but it sometimes leaves me with not a lot to do on weekends since there's not that one group people always associate me with. :/

Whatever, senior year.