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11-19-2011, 05:45 AM
Did you travel any interesting places growing up? Did your parents ever take you on any memorable trips abroad? Where to? What do you remember about it? :D

11-19-2011, 05:58 AM
We used to go to this same holiday park thing each year and two or three years in a row there was this other family there and I totally had a crush on the daughter.

11-19-2011, 06:22 AM
I went to Disneyland once. No wait, twice. It was pretty cool.

That's it. I've never been out of the country. Heck, I've never been east of Montana.

11-19-2011, 10:30 AM
My family used to go on holidays together, by family I mean; me, my sister, my mom, my brother, my sister-in-law and their 3 kids (this was in the days before my sister decided to start having her own children so she could live off benefits for the rest of her life) we'd go around different parts of the British coastline staying in Haven caravan sites. (fun fact, the oldest woman compared to my own age that I have slept with happened on one of these holidays) Sometimes the places we went were pretty cool like when we went to Weymouth since Weymouth has a big ass beach and it's quite good fun. Other times the places were boring as fuck such as when we went to Caister Sands which is up on the coast near Great Yarmouth, Sand dunes and beaches made from such sharp sand, builders would like to have it to mix concrete with is not good.

I didn't leave the country until I first went to Poland with my ex-girlfriend. Though I had sailed in international waters briefly prior to this so I suppose that counts as leaving the UK. I found Poland pretty interesting because of the history of the place and also the great natural beauty spots we went to, even if one of them did nearly kill me. We also went to the Red Sea Rivera which was amazing too. I loved being out in the sun there and totally would definitely go back to Egypt for more time there. Though first I would deal with my phobia of masks so I could go snorkeling and diving without having a panic attack from the situation of wearing a mask.

11-19-2011, 12:28 PM
By the time I was ten, I had already been to the Philippines six times, Hong Kong twice, Paris three times and a lot of European countries. My parents made sure to 'cultivate' us, so ironically, I learned how to speak English, a lot earlier than I learned how to converse in Danish.

That being said, I kinda wish that we had stayed at home some more. I did not have a lot of friends as a kid. :cry:

11-19-2011, 02:13 PM
Nope. Poor white trash and all. Going to the grocery store was a big deal.

11-19-2011, 02:53 PM
My mom loved to just randomly load us up and we'd go on some camping/hiking/trek across the wilderness. I loved to climb rocks for a long time. Till I broke an arm and was afraid of heights after that. Everyone should go camping as a kid! The disgusting things about it are less disgusting to you! plus the rocky mountain range (any of the mountains along it) are gorgeous. Seeing all the wildlife was just a great experience.

It wasn't until last month when I went to Cedar Point with Justy that I ever went to an amusement park or anything like that. I lived in the middle of nowhere for most of my life so going to a six flags or something was just out of the question unless we wanted to spend a hell of a lot of money. It was easier to just pick up and go camping for a few days on the weekend since we were right there.

I do remember when I lived in Evanston, Wyoming, which is right on the border and about an hour from Salt Lake City, we went to the zoo when I was like 4!

11-19-2011, 05:26 PM
the only time i ever left texas was on a road trip to san francisco with some hippie friends. they had made some cookies that i wasn't aware were "special" so after i had some and somebody suggested a road trip it sounded like a good idea. i have no idea how we got back.

11-20-2011, 12:55 AM
My mom's boyfriend took us to Las Vegas when I was eight. For some fucking reason.

They have a cool science museum.

11-20-2011, 04:05 PM
The only places we went were parry sound (an hour and a half a way) to spend summers with grandma and the rest of the family

and Erie, PA once a while to visit my parents' friends.

The memories are grand but we never traveled much, had no money.

11-20-2011, 07:24 PM
I think it's kinda a waste to take kids to cool places. I went to New Orleans, St. Croix, and Chicago as a kid, but couldn't fully appreciate them.

11-21-2011, 08:07 AM
Been to Sydney. Been to o_O's place. Heh. :smug:

(I'm still a kid. It counts.)