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View Full Version : It's that time of year again

12-09-2011, 11:17 PM
I have been slack in my posting lately due to being very busy with law school, but as it is Ciddie's time, I would be remiss if I did not take the opportunity to start up my votes-buying brothel again, worked by our very own ShlupQuack. Or at least her boobs.


Speaking of brothels, and to give this thread a topic, I came across this image the other day. It is apparently from an Australian newspaper:


I can't really blame them.

So do you think prostitution should be legal? Is a brothel or a church more disturbing to have nearby? How much would YOU spend for ShlupQuack, despite her wrinkles? Discuss whoring.

12-10-2011, 12:03 AM
I've raised my prices this year.

I've never lived near a brothel, so I can't compare it to living by a church. The church I grew up living near had a nice big parking lot for riding my bike and a fun playground with a bridge.

12-10-2011, 12:12 AM
I've been to both a brothel and a church before, and I liked the brothel better.

So I'd rather live closer to one of them.

12-10-2011, 02:08 AM
I would buy ShlupQuack a video game despite her wrinkles. If she let me ride her bike and see the playground, I would throw in another.

The turnabout is exceedingly humorous. Prostitution should be legal; it is a service that can be regulated and licensed, so it is silly to miss out on a chance to get some cash, government. Living near a church sounds like a nightmare for Sunday parking and a loud disturbance for services. Going for an evening stroll near a brothel sounds like a chance to possibly be ran over or accosted by less than savory pedestrians. I cannot decide which would put me out first.

12-10-2011, 05:01 PM
one of my colleagues lives by a church right next to a strip club.

in canada you can touch strippers. not in their vagoo (and you wouldn't want to anyway).

one of my friends lost his virginity to a stripper. yay

12-10-2011, 05:28 PM
one of my colleagues lives by a church right next to a strip club.

in canada you can touch strippers. not in their vagoo (and you wouldn't want to anyway).

one of my friends lost his virginity to a stripper. yay

Ya I've seen this happen many times working as a bouncer.
Guy comes in, young, not hideously ugly or creepy, looks like he's got a lot of money for a kid. Stripper gets all excited cause he's obviously young enough to be loose with his money, good-looking enough to think the stripper actually wants him, and horny enough not to notice the mole on her thigh with the hair growing out of it. They make eye contact. He flashes a $100, queue lap dance. She comes down off the stage and he sits in a chair leaning back and spreading out his legs, inviting her to forget stripper code and just freak it out right there. But there's no money in that so she just starts grinding his leg when suddenly there's a popping sound and a whoosh of air and the poor guy just gets sucked right up in there. We saved most of them, but some dudes were never seen again.
Lesson learned: it takes a lot of concentration for the strippers to keep their vacuum vag's sealed while they dance. Show em too much money too fast, then it's not really their fault when you get sucked into a black hole.

12-14-2011, 03:30 AM
I don't believe that the newspaper is Australian. We're too conservative. Wat.

12-14-2011, 09:00 AM
Ya I've seen this happen many times working as a bouncer.
Guy comes in, young, not hideously ugly or creepy, looks like he's got a lot of money for a kid. Stripper gets all excited cause he's obviously young enough to be loose with his money, good-looking enough to think the stripper actually wants him, and horny enough not to notice the mole on her thigh with the hair growing out of it. They make eye contact. He flashes a $100, queue lap dance. She comes down off the stage and he sits in a chair leaning back and spreading out his legs, inviting her to forget stripper code and just freak it out right there. But there's no money in that so she just starts grinding his leg when suddenly there's a popping sound and a whoosh of air and the poor guy just gets sucked right up in there. We saved most of them, but some dudes were never seen again.
Lesson learned: it takes a lot of concentration for the strippers to keep their vacuum vag's sealed while they dance. Show em too much money too fast, then it's not really their fault when you get sucked into a black hole.
You must have worked in a nasty place for the strippers to not even bother with proper hair removal.

12-14-2011, 09:14 AM
It grew back, yo. Daily.
As far as that goes, though, I'm in Appalachia. You know, the general vicinity of the setting for Deliverance. Banjos. Squeal piggy! Pretty mouths and all that. So a hairy mole is just par for the course, really.

12-14-2011, 09:21 AM
I should not have bothered to imagine what a strip club in Appalachia might be like. Now I'm all disturbed.

12-14-2011, 09:28 AM
I thought all the hair in Appalachia got used on Bert Reynolds in that movie. That guy is basically just a handsome shag pile rug.

12-14-2011, 09:34 AM
I should not have bothered to imagine what a strip club in Appalachia might be like. Now I'm all disturbed.

As well you should be.

I thought all the hair in Appalachia got used on Bert Reynolds in that movie. That guy is basically just a handsome shag pile rug.

XD Every man wishes he were a handsome shag pile rug. Every man with a man card that is. If you don't want to be Bert Reynolds, give your man card back. There's a box by the door.

On topic: Legal? maybe, but certainly controlled.