View Full Version : Least Favourite Final Fantasy

Carl the Llama
12-24-2011, 05:56 PM
Thats right, a new numbered entry means a new poll, discuss here which is your least favourite Final Fantasy ^^.

12-24-2011, 07:07 PM
Final Fantasy VII Spinoffs, they are so overrated.

I Don't Need A Name
12-24-2011, 07:51 PM
Final Fantasy V. I will get a lot of hate, but there's little story and I hate job systems

12-24-2011, 08:48 PM
FFX. It's close between VIII, X, and XIII, but I'm giving XIII some credit for having a good, unique battle system. And I haven't played VIII in so long that my disappointment has waned. X had poor characters, poor gameplay, and at times a story that almost rivals FFXIII's writing.

EDIT: IDNAN, you are a horrible person. Job systems are the best!

Carl the Llama
12-24-2011, 09:17 PM
Is it bad I cant remember what I voted for despite only voting for whatever I voted for only 3 hours ago? =( my brain hurts.

I knew it was a good idea to put the FFVII spinoffs in a separate catagory ^^

12-24-2011, 09:32 PM
I should qualify my statements with the fact that I have not actually played the FFVII spinoffs, so I could not vote for them -- though they do make a good claim for my vote simply by existing (see also: FFX-2).

Loony BoB
12-25-2011, 12:14 AM
FFII. I'm far more vocal about my dislike for FFX, admittedly, but only because I can't stand the main characters. The gameplay I really enjoyed. FFII? There was nothing to the characters and the gameplay was terrible.

12-25-2011, 12:42 AM
Either FFII or FFXIII...
Both were awful.
I would add FFX-2 to that list but at least it had solid game-play.

Flying Arrow
12-25-2011, 02:48 AM
Final Fantasy V.

It seems, my friend, that you and I were never meant to be friends. ;)

I'm throwing in for XIII. Never played XI or XIV, though. Never really even touched the VII Compilation either so I'm kind of out of date.

Explanation: XIII I only ever finished because a) I bought it, and b) it's a numbered Final Fantasy game. It's only the second game in the series that I actually put down and stopped playing for a time during my initial playthrough - briefly during Palompolum, for a week or so during the Chocobo park bit with Sazh, and then almost permanently after the the Fifth Ark part or whatever it was called. After I finished the final boss I was so unimpressed with the ending and the game as a whole that I ended up actually trading it in a few weeks later and I rarely, rarely trade games.

As opposed to most people who disliked the game, I actually liked the combat. Especially when you get free reign over it in chapter 11. The problem is that for me I found very little else to enjoy outside the combat. XIII felt to be like a game about combat that happened to also be an adventure, as opposed to one about an adventure that includes combat as one of its major elements.

EDIT: Overall I'd give the game a 4/10 with at least one of those four points being because of this song and the location that accompanies it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q3tKL2mRl4

I Don't Need A Name
12-25-2011, 11:04 AM
Final Fantasy V.

It seems, my friend, that you and I were never meant to be friends. ;)

I apologise good sir!

12-25-2011, 03:53 PM
FFII? There was nothing to the characters and the gameplay was terrible.


12-25-2011, 06:38 PM
I honestly don't hate any of them, the ones I played were all enjoyable, and I dont want to say xiii because I have only played through chapter 6.....
If I had to go with one I thought was the least enjoyable or had the littlest replay value, for the first option I would have to say 8, because honestly, the game felt very easy and repetative and dark all the time to me, and for the second option, TA2, the laws in that game ruined it for me, especially when I was on a battle where it was illegal to attack monsters, but nothing but monsters where in the match.

12-25-2011, 10:47 PM
Compilation, no doubt. I like all of the games, but games like say...Dirge of Cerberus? No.

12-25-2011, 11:59 PM
Compilation, no doubt. I like all of the games, but games like say...Dirge of Cerberus? No.

Exactly, games like that don't belong in the canon.

12-26-2011, 01:29 AM
XIII. Not only was it even worse than VIII and my least favourite FF game by a huge margin but it is the worst game in my PS3 collection. The only reason I still have it is because I forked out £60 for the limited addition believing the hype....what a fool I was. It is unlikely I will ever play it again.

That said, I'm sure I'd vote for the VII compilation if I had played any of them (which I never will)

12-26-2011, 03:11 AM
I take it back, Dirge of Cerebrus. That game was just awful, on the other hand I adore Crisis Core.

Loony BoB
12-26-2011, 10:27 AM
FFII? There was nothing to the characters and the gameplay was terrible.

I said "FFII? There was nothing to the characters and the gameplay was terrible." ;)

Del Murder
12-26-2011, 06:24 PM
FFII. I'm far more vocal about my dislike for FFX, admittedly, but only because I can't stand the main characters. The gameplay I really enjoyed. FFII? There was nothing to the characters and the gameplay was terrible.
I thought there was something to the characters of FFII, especially for a game so early in the series, but I agree that the experience system was the worst in any FF and it is also my choice for least favorite.

I will mention that I don't hate any of the FF games. Even II and XIII, which are my least favorites, I still enjoyed my time with them.

12-26-2011, 08:53 PM
I will mention that I don't hate any of the FF games. Even II and XIII, which are my least favorites, I still enjoyed my time with them.

In yo face, BoB. :tongue:

12-28-2011, 03:03 PM
An honourable mention to the original, but for me it's between 13 and 6. And 13 was at least fun.

The only credit to 6 was its story, which has the least final fantasy feel to it (maybe the reason it's the best in the series lol). The gameplay was barren, stock JRPG trite and is the first entry in the series where you need only "hold X to win." Completely inexcusable after 5's example. In summary, it's a terrible game. Hell, even the story only really qualifies as the best in that objective "you can only really appreciate it after taking a literature course" kind of way. 7's story was a hell of a lot more interesting in spite of the numerous imperfections.

I can understand the hate for 2, but sheesh I can appreciate that battle system. It's the little stats engine that just gosh dang could.

Loony BoB
12-28-2011, 04:57 PM
I will mention that I don't hate any of the FF games. Even II and XIII, which are my least favorites, I still enjoyed my time with them.

In yo face, BoB. :tongue:
Hey, man, it's a thread where you discuss what game in the series was your least favourite. Just 'cause my answer doesn't please you doesn't make me any less right when I say it's my least favourite. It simply is. :p I finished it, though.

There was more to the characters than, say, FFI. And I understand FFIII was a backwards step from FFII, although I've not played FFIII yet, so it's hard to say. But for me, FFI had a better experience system. Given that fighting and subsequently gaining experience pretty much made up for all of the gameplay there is to speak of in those early games, if they can't get that to be enjoyable then what is there left to enjoy? I thought there is great potential for a remake in FFII, more so than the other early games. The characters hinted at their personalities but SE opted against expanding on this, or developing them, or anything. The whole thing was very, very subtle indeed. A step in the right direction (ie, towards actual characters), yes, certainly! But that doesn't make it suddenly better than the other games. If they remake it and suddenly expand on the personalities, add in notably more storyline/dialogue, add in minigames etc... it could be great. But it would definitely need a new experience system. I for one could not stand that I had to constantly use a spell just to level it up just to make my characters useful in later stages of the game.

12-28-2011, 05:15 PM
I really, really didn't like XIII. I still haven't bothered to finish it and if it weren't for me wanting to own all of the main series I'd have traded it in already.

12-28-2011, 05:38 PM
Out of the FFs I've played and finished, I'd say FFIV was my least favorite. I was just bored the whole way through. But not bored enough to stop playing I guess. FFIII I never finished, FFI and FFII don't appeal to me enough to even start. If I played either of them, it would only be so I could say that I did.

Final Fantasy VII Spinoffs, they are so overrated.

They can not be overrated. To be overrated somebody has to actually think they are good :confused:

I admit I enjoyed Crisis Core, but it's not something I'd recommend to someone else. The ending was nice. I read a humorous Let's Play of Dirge of Cerberus. Looks pretty awful.

Wolf Kanno
12-28-2011, 06:46 PM
FFXIII is pretty much the only right answer, I hate the VII spin-offs as well, but at least they have some entertainment value even if the majority of it is silly DBZ style whoring out...

XIII had an interesting premise that doesn't go anywhere, a battle system that quite literally makes every battle feel the same, a pointless XP/Customization system, a terribly terribly implemented weapon upgrade system that is shot in the foot from the get go by the games awful economy setup, a cast of annoying misfits whose entire persona can be described as:

Lightning: I'm a badass and angry LIGHTNING SMASH!
Snow: I'm a Hero. I'll rescue Serah! I'm a Hero!! Serah wants us to save Cocoon! I'm a Hero!!!
Hope: *Whimper* I'll teach Snow a lesson! *whimper sob* Friendship is the BEST THING EVAH!!!!!
Sahz: Girl you crazy!! I miss my son... I'm getting too old for this shit...
Vanille: *giggle* Isn't thing fun? *giggle* It's all my fault... *giggle* *giggle* *orgasmic moan*
Fang: I love Vanille...?

Their drama is played so hard that it bypasses sympathy and goes straight into "you're trying to hard" like some needy ex-lover who desperately just wants attention of any kind, even if it's loathing.

It's world design is a massive road with pretty wallpaper and nothing else worth mentioning. There is no real exploration, no good customization, the battle system is sped up so fast that its difficult to even appreciate the pretty pyrotechnics, the battles themselves are artificially challenging cause all the enemy A.I. has to do is gang up on your main character to win, the same strategy needed to beat a random monster is the same to beat the games bosses, and for a game that was designed to "trim the fat" and remove unwanted elements from the "stale" RPG formula, I find it ironic that they kept the one thing most gamers universally hate which is grinding. This is all the post has to offer as you grind for overpriced miniscule stat increases, and save scum to get rare drops so you can actually get money and transformation items.

FFXIII isn't just a bad FF it's a terrible game in general. FFX and Crisis Core get an Honorable Runners Up award, but at least they are playable.

Carl the Llama
12-28-2011, 07:07 PM
I am quite surprised no one has voted for X-2 so far, considering how many people mentioned it in the previous thread.

12-28-2011, 07:45 PM
I will mention that I don't hate any of the FF games. Even II and XIII, which are my least favorites, I still enjoyed my time with them.

In yo face, BoB. :tongue:
Hey, man, it's a thread where you discuss what game in the series was your least favourite. Just 'cause my answer doesn't please you doesn't make me any less right when I say it's my least favourite. It simply is. :p I finished it, though.

There was more to the characters than, say, FFI. And I understand FFIII was a backwards step from FFII, although I've not played FFIII yet, so it's hard to say. But for me, FFI had a better experience system. Given that fighting and subsequently gaining experience pretty much made up for all of the gameplay there is to speak of in those early games, if they can't get that to be enjoyable then what is there left to enjoy? I thought there is great potential for a remake in FFII, more so than the other early games. The characters hinted at their personalities but SE opted against expanding on this, or developing them, or anything. The whole thing was very, very subtle indeed. A step in the right direction (ie, towards actual characters), yes, certainly! But that doesn't make it suddenly better than the other games. If they remake it and suddenly expand on the personalities, add in notably more storyline/dialogue, add in minigames etc... it could be great. But it would definitely need a new experience system. I for one could not stand that I had to constantly use a spell just to level it up just to make my characters useful in later stages of the game.

Lesson learned: Be sober when browsing the forums.

Did not want to start an argument, sorry. :D

12-28-2011, 09:22 PM
I am quite surprised no one has voted for X-2 so far, considering how many people mentioned it in the previous thread.

Well, it was bad, yes the writing was awful... the thing is, the gameplay isn't just solid it's really fun.
A cringe-worthy story and writing may be what it's known for... but so is FF13, and that game doesn't have the solid gameplay to back it up.

Carl the Llama
12-29-2011, 12:18 AM
I am quite surprised no one has voted for X-2 so far, considering how many people mentioned it in the previous thread.

Well, it was bad, yes the writing was awful... the thing is, the gameplay isn't just solid it's really fun.
A cringe-worthy story and writing may be what it's known for... but so is FF13, and that game doesn't have the solid gameplay to back it up.

Oh you don't have to tell me the virtues of X-2, I personally loved the light hearted fun I had while playing the game, and the combat system was the best in any FF if you ask me.

12-29-2011, 12:35 AM
I am quite surprised no one has voted for X-2 so far, considering how many people mentioned it in the previous thread.

Well, it was bad, yes the writing was awful... the thing is, the gameplay isn't just solid it's really fun.
A cringe-worthy story and writing may be what it's known for... but so is FF13, and that game doesn't have the solid gameplay to back it up.

Oh you don't have to tell me the virtues of X-2, I personally loved the light hearted fun I had while playing the game, and the combat system was the best in any FF if you ask me.

I may actually play through it again soon... I stopped after I lost my save file 75% of the way through but I think it's time.

12-29-2011, 12:39 AM
FF XII. Don't like it

12-29-2011, 01:07 AM
FF XII. Don't like it


Loony BoB
12-29-2011, 03:03 PM
I'm actually quite surprised at the spread of the votes.

12-29-2011, 04:39 PM
I'm actually quite surprised at the spread of the votes.

Me too. Historically, there have been just one or two FFs that everyone hated, the primary game being FFVIII. The new fad is FFXIII. Other than some FF newbs picking FFI or FFII I don't know what's going on here.

12-29-2011, 05:01 PM
I think the writing in FFX-2 is a lot better than people give it credit for. Not the best in the series maybe, but I would describe it as "good, with limited appeal."

Flying Arrow
12-29-2011, 05:59 PM
I think the writing in FFX-2 is a lot better than people give it credit for. Not the best in the series maybe, but I would describe it as "good, with limited appeal."

I haven't played the game but I imagine this is probably true, based on what I've seen about the demographic of gamers. The quality of the actual writing is never their concern but more whether or not they find the surface content appealing. I should really give this game a spin, although I never really liked X...

Carl the Llama
12-29-2011, 10:02 PM
You should man, I honestly don't know why so many people hate it.

12-30-2011, 01:34 AM
You should man, I honestly don't know why so many people hate it.

Because the lead characters are all obnoxious as hell.
EDIT: or well... a LOT more so than usual.

Carl the Llama
12-30-2011, 02:45 AM
A lot more then say... Zell or Tidus or Hope or Snow or Vanille... need I continue? lol

12-30-2011, 03:13 AM
XIII... I liked (notice how I said 'liked', for any other game I would've said 'loved') the story and characters, but the gameplay was just so BAD... I hated only being able to control the party leader. Also, parts of the story were just way to melodramatic and cliche for me :l. A lot of cutscenes just made me feel.. awkward while watching them.

I loved VIII even though, apparently, a lot of people didn't. Hate the story, characters, and drawing system all you want, but at least VIII had a world map filled with different towns and such to explore, shops, a nice weapon upgrading system, and side-quests. When it comes to XIII, you either play for the story or you don't play at all.

Wolf Kanno
12-30-2011, 04:44 AM
I would disagree the writing in X-2 is good, it's pretty silly and can get cringe worthy at times. What was amusing was that it actually tried to incorporate a deeper plot but then that's when the game's writing really kind of screws up cause it can't decide if its going to be a plucky fun story about Yuna adventuring or a darker and more somber tale about the political strife in the post-Sin world and the re-emerging of dark elements from Spira's past. It never quite balanced it very well and I honestly feel its climatic moment of "WTF?!" was when Yuna decided to sing a JPOP song to unite Spira together and just drop all the political shenanigans. I may love Macross/Robotech, but this was ridiculous.Shuyin is also a bit of a whiny bitch and considering how most of his past drama is kind of his own fault for taking a bad situation and making it worse, honestly, I felt Lenne should have been the vengeful boss, not Shuyin.

12-30-2011, 05:27 AM
A lot more then say... Zell or Tidus or Hope or Snow or Vanille... need I continue? lol

Actually, yes they were. 10-2 had a lead cast that made those characters look like they were dead serious.
WK pretty much described my thoughts on X-2 exactly...

12-30-2011, 01:28 PM
Final Fantasy XIII. I think it's a decent game and I enjoyed playing it, but it cannot, by any means, meet the standards of a Final Fantasy. It's not bad, the others are just better.

I Don't Need A Name
12-30-2011, 02:12 PM
Seems I'm the only V hater. I will have to hunt down and kill the VI hater though!

12-30-2011, 02:31 PM
I've not played XIV, so by default my least favourite is XI. I just can't get into MMORPG's. The thing that sets FF apart from other RPGs is the incredible personal stories of the characters, and that just can't be achieved with the same effect on an MMO. I tried XI, but I just couldn't get along with it.

12-30-2011, 05:12 PM
Either FFII or FFXIII...
Both were awful.
I would add FFX-2 to that list but at least it had solid game-play.

Inorite? This is my summary of that game. The only reason I kept playing was for the battle system and things like that. The story was just........oh god......

12-30-2011, 08:22 PM
Either FFII or FFXIII...
Both were awful.
I would add FFX-2 to that list but at least it had solid game-play.

Inorite? This is my summary of that game. The only reason I kept playing was for the battle system and things like that. The story was just........oh god......

Exactly, the classes in combat were really fun to use, but I skip every cut-scene I possibly can. It's just... not worth it. At times I couldn't tell if they were going for intentionally stupid or not. Need I even bring up character design?

Carl the Llama
12-31-2011, 02:30 AM
You think that Zell is considered more serious then the crew of FFX-2? Seriously? they guy was a fucktard, I loved the way they were after the seriousness of X, cmon how would you behave, you went from sacrifice to world hero and found the guy you were in love with was still around, after all you have done you think the world owes you some fun right, so Yuna's behaviour is completely expected, secondly, as my favourite Ronso once said "Rikku should stay Rikku" and that's exactly what she did, Paine was the aloof one of the 3 so I'm not sure who you mean aside from Rikku who is staying true to her personality, sure Le Blanc was annoying but the game makes up for it by allowing you to lay the smack down on her so many times.

The game was awesome fun to play and the battle system was the best in any Final Fantasy game out there, and the mini games were awesome aswell (I loved Sphere Break), and (if you went far enough through the game) Yuna and Tidus got their happy ending, tell me where the bad is..?

12-31-2011, 03:24 AM
I say that him and Rikku are pretty equal honestly.
Personally I just think the game wasn't needed story wise. It was wrapped up at the end of X as it should've been.
Just because it's understandable doesn't mean it's tolerable. Rikku got far more annoying alongside Yuna and it was so peppy for most of it I wanted to rip my ears off. Paine seemed to be thrown in at the last minute, and she's just a generic emo girl wielding a big sword.
The character design for nearly all the characters is atrocious as most of them are just sluttier versions of their previous designs...
I mean for christ's sake look at LeBlanc http://forums.eyesonff.com/attachments/general-final-fantasy/35405-least-favourite-final-fantasy-17.jpg

I just think they overdid the silly antics and that the game didn't know what it wanted to be. It went from serious to stupid over and over again. Most of the writing was cheesier than the original, and the cringe-worthy moments were in nearly every scene.

The battle system is the games only saving grace.

EDIT: Keep in mind, I'm not trying to convince you that the game is rubbish, I'm just stating why I believe that it is. To each his own.

Removed attachment because NSFW. ~Shorty

01-02-2012, 03:54 AM
I had to say ffxiv cuz i actually played that game for a day or 2 and i never played ffxi. the fact they give ffxi and ffxiv a number i think is retarded. its a mmorpg makes it harder to say "i've played and beaten all ff games in the number series" it should have just been called final fantasy online and final fantasy online 2 or something like that lol. I thought about voting for all the ff7 spin offs cuz ff7 has gotten to be really overrated now because of them. i would like ff7 a lot more without those spin-offs and all of its overrated unnecessary attention it has gotten compared to some other truly great, possibly more deserving, final fantasy games in the series. That's just my opinion, but that would be a silly reason to not like a game so i eased off of that section and picked a more honest choice for myself.

02-11-2012, 02:46 PM
Final Fantasy XIII. While it wasn't terrible as such, I just don't think it really belongs under the FF banner. That game could have been called something completely different and I probably wouldn't have thought "Hmm, this reminds me of a Final Fantasy game".

I think that if they focused less on making it so visually appealing and added a bit more bulk to the story, maybe had a less stupid battle system (I REALLY don't like controlling just one character because the computer controlled one often doesn't do what you want - and how even if your other party members are on full health when you get KO'd it's still game over) and gave the characters a bit more depth and development then it would have been a much better game. I also hate how some bosses have a time limit on them when they have crazy amounts of health, crazy attacks and your party's attacks and healing abilities are pathetic. Maybe if levelling up worked a bit better I wouldn't think it as big of a deal, but... Eh.

I can only really enjoy the game if I pretend that it isn't an FF game. :p

Quindiana Jones
02-11-2012, 05:52 PM
I hate the VII shit-outs not merely for what they are, but also for what they represent; piss-weak and unoriginal staff trying to scrape back some dignity by attempting to latch onto the glory of the golden era.

Kenshin IV
02-21-2012, 09:18 AM
As someone who has not played the MMOs, I was debating whether to put Eight or Thirteen when, to my pleasant surprise, I saw the option for the entire Compilation of Final Fantasy VII separate from Final Fantasy VII (my favorite in the series).

I gladly chose the trash known as the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII.

02-26-2012, 04:42 PM
As much as I thought X, XI and the FFVII spinoffs were vacuous dross, no one game made me yell abuse and basic storytelling advice at the screen as much as Final Fantasy XIII, granted that's because my friend put me up to it but still.

FF13's hopelessly lazy storytelling method is "new" and "original" for a reason: everyone who came before it knew better.

03-23-2012, 10:25 PM
Final Fantasy 2. It was the only game in the series that I didn't like.

03-28-2012, 07:02 PM
I can only speak for games I've played or attempted to play. In general, I don't have many complaints about the games, except for a couple:

FF3 (the NES copy, not the DS one) is WAY too hard toward the end. It becomes an endurance test by the end, and when it was over, I was glad to be done with it, which is not the feeling you should have when you beat a game.

FF5's story bored me, so I quit halfway. Looking back, I'd like to try again, and just focus more on the job system, which at its core is pretty cool.

FF12 didn't sit well with me at all. I really didn't like the License Grid. That thing was just lame. I also felt that the battle system became too confusing with all the gambits and techniques and things. Whatever happened to "It's your turn, would you like to attack, use magic, use an item, or run?"

07-15-2012, 12:29 AM
Whatever anyone says, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is the worst game in the series, period. Yes, worse than II. Come on! It's so bad that people forget to include it in the series!

It doesn't just suck. It's trying to suck.

07-15-2012, 01:59 AM
It doesn't just suck. It's trying to suck.

Yeah, my tit.

07-16-2012, 07:53 PM
I feel bad for Crisis Core, because I'm sure most of the votes gone towards FF7 Spinoffs are because of DoC.

07-16-2012, 08:47 PM
I feel bad for Crisis Core, because I'm sure most of the votes gone towards FF7 Spinoffs are because of DoC.
Most Assuredly.
Crisis core is pretty epic on most scales.

07-16-2012, 10:20 PM
Crisis core is why I didn't vote the FFVII spinoffs. The sad thing about it is that everything that recaps what we already saw in FFVII is really amazing, and everything else (especially Genesis) sucks ass. Angeal is...okay.

Trumpet Thief
07-16-2012, 10:25 PM
Haven't played I-III, or V, but I would say that XIII was my least favorite. The game wasn't bad or anything, but I just didn't enjoy it as much as it's predecessors.

07-16-2012, 10:32 PM
Fuck every single one of the FFVII spin-offs. FFVII is probably my favorite, and I don't consider the spinoffs canon. None of them. And you shouldn't either.

07-16-2012, 11:07 PM
The only game in the final fantasy series is ff XII or ff 12 but I have a reason it is just my personal taste. First I felt the game was just way to big I got lost a lot of times. I like games where you go into a town and I don't feel over whelmed just me. I did not like the battle system too complex for me. What really bugged me is even if you run you cannot escape from the enemies. I just did not like the leveling up. The game just confused me. I just did not get it. I am for a few of you on all of the ff 7 spin offs haven't they milked that series dry to bone already good grief. I think they need to move on and come up with something brand new.

07-17-2012, 03:03 PM
Crisis core is why I didn't vote the FFVII spinoffs. The sad thing about it is that everything that recaps what we already saw in FFVII is really amazing, and everything else (especially Genesis) sucks ass. Angeal is...okay.
You didn't enjoy the final scene or the missions?

07-17-2012, 07:36 PM
I said FFII before, but that was before playing VIII.

07-17-2012, 08:23 PM
Crisis core is why I didn't vote the FFVII spinoffs. The sad thing about it is that everything that recaps what we already saw in FFVII is really amazing, and everything else (especially Genesis) sucks ass. Angeal is...okay.
You didn't enjoy the final scene or the missions?

Okay everything else plotwise, I mean. The final scene is part of what I mean by recapping events we saw FFVII. It was pretty amazing and definitely the best part of the game. The missions were okay. Combat was pretty fun too.

07-17-2012, 09:47 PM
I like the Final Fantasy 5.

07-17-2012, 10:13 PM
I like the Final Fantasy 5.

I prefer The Jackson 5. The Final Fantasy 5 blatantly ripped off their material.

07-21-2012, 10:00 AM
Final Fantasy XII

After playing through Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy IX and Kingdom Hearts it was a huge letdown. I didn't really enjoy the new battle system change, and it was frustrating getting lost all the time. The storyline felt like watching grass grow; and the character growth wasn't even there. Vaan was a terrible main lead. I didn't like Tidus at first but he changed, and got more serious and developed into the main character as time went on. Vaan didn't. He faded into the background while minor characters took the stage instead. Vayne was a exteremly disapointing badguy compared to the likes of Kuja even Seymour; and Seymour was weird and had stalkerish pedo vibes; but at least creepy Seymour was interesting as a badguy.

Music was okay; but a massive letdown compared to the usual Final Fantasy soundtrack. After playing through FFIX and FFX and hearing these excellent battle themes. It felt like the low after that huge high.

I didn't even really like or enjoy any of the characters. It only felt like they were all following each other just because they could. They had no development whatsoever minus Basche, Ashe and Balthier. They rest felt like plastic dolls. No personality and just some stereotyping. Even the 'evil brother ' thing with Basche felt very done before and just not as thirlling as it could of been.

Most of the FF games have flaws, errors and mistakes but FF 12 just takes the cake.

07-29-2012, 07:05 PM
I'm going to say FFXII, mainly because out of all the FF's that I've played (even without completing) it was the least memorable. The only thing I remember about it is "Heeey there have been two boss fights and no save point... I must be at the end of the game! ...how did I get here? :s"

08-10-2012, 01:18 PM
X-2 I really tried to get into it but it wasn't happening, the more I played it more I hated it.

11-12-2012, 05:14 PM
III. Didn't like anything about it really. Broken story. Broken job system. Seriously, I could beat that that game with a bunch of lvl 10 jobs. Just didn't care a lick for it. I honestly thought I and II were better. V's class system rocked. Other than DoC I kind of like Crisis Core. VI, VII, IV, IX and X are in noooo way the worst functioning/playable games and if u voted for them I feel sorry for u. Those are the best Final Fantasies. I thought VIII still has it's merits and I personally love it but can see why others don't. X-2s battle system imo is the best FF has to offer although the story is lacking. I just like XII more and more as time goes on. XIII was meh but still was visually pleasing. I just know I will never pick up 3 again.

Also I don't think XI or XIV should count. Tactics series rocks.

Red Mage Coffman
11-12-2012, 06:27 PM
I'm here to dog on VIII, X, and X-2!

VIII sucked. No one will convince me otherwise. EVER. If God approached me and told me Final Fantasy VIII was the best Final Fantasy, I would seriously consider where I've placed my faith. While I could rant about it, I won't. That'd take to much time. I'll save it for another time.

X, well, was dumb. Mainly because of REALLY dumb writing, REALLY dumb characters, and REALLY dumb Blitzball. I mean, really.
After Kilika's destruction
Wakka: Well, glad that's over. Come on guys, let head to the Blitzball tournament in Luca!
Tidus: Yeah, Zanarkand Abes baby!
Yuna looks at the two, shocked
Yuna: B-but what about Sin? He JUST destroyeda village before our very eyes..! Shouldn't we be heading to the next temple! I mean, He needs to be-
Wakka throws his Blitzball at Yuna and hits her in the face
Wakka: Look at the nerd! "We need to save the world, no time for sports, blah, blah, blah!" Give it a rest, ya?
Tidus: Yeah, nerd! Blitzball is TEN times more important than Sin!

Is THAT a good example of my hatred for this game?

X-2 had just as many as problems as X. The three biggest redeeming factors though, are no Tidus, Revival of the Job system, and a different direction from normal Final Fantasies. Everything else from the shitty writing, to the stupid characters, to the horrible monkey breeding mini games, is horrible. I still prefer it over X though.

11-12-2012, 07:13 PM
Hmm... I thought the game made pretty clear that Blitzball was a very important sport in Spira, that it gave the people something else to worry about than Sin and that the players 'carry huge responsibility'. Not that they didn't care about saving the world from Sin.
Besides, considering how quickly everything went ("when we arrive, the tournament will start immediatly"), the whole tournament probably didn't take more than a couple hours, considering it's 6 matches of 10 minutes... I really don't think it was that big of a deal.

11-12-2012, 10:54 PM
It breaks my heart that so many people voted VI and XII when they are Top 5 games for sure. :'(

Red Mage Coffman
11-12-2012, 11:06 PM
It did stress how important Blitzball was, yeah. But... that's REALLY stupid. I understand the point of it, being a relief from Sin, having entertainment and whatnot. Imagine if WE were in that crisis. Would we be worried about Blitzball or saving the world from Sin? It just seemed really dumb to put THAT much emphasis on a sport.

I can understand what you're saying though. It was a pretty big thing in Spira and such. I just never liked it, always felt out of place for a world like that. Then again I didn't like Spira that much, but never mind that.

11-13-2012, 08:40 PM
I was pretty convinced I was going to come into this thread and slag off either VIII or X, but having thought on and read some posts, I think I might plump for II. I didn't really enjoy the game much at all, whereas I definitely did with VIII and X. I can appreciate the game for what it tried to do and how it tried to innovate and likewise that its story and characters weren't bad for such an early game. Having said that, I just wasn't a fan of the game and have never felt the urge to play it again.

12-20-2012, 05:45 AM

12-20-2012, 01:21 PM

And you are from UK?

12-22-2012, 03:43 AM
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Go back to Neverland Wendy.:greenie:

12-24-2012, 01:47 PM
FF is my favorite and I won FFIV yesterday. Found out about a new site called FreeAppSlots.com from the TouchArcade forums. You can download free apps just like FMA to get spins then play a slot machine for prizes. They just added Final Fantasy IV yesterday and I got a copy FOR FREE!. Use my referral link to sign up FreeAppSlots and we both get spins ;)

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and replied.........
to herself...............................

12-31-2012, 08:23 AM
...That Bot wasn't even trying. XD

Tonberry Time
12-31-2012, 02:24 PM
My least favourite FF game has to be, without a doubt, FFXIII-2. It just might be among my least favourite games ever. Other Final Fantasy have characters which annoy me, sure(like half the cast in FFXIII), but there's usually a few characters which I like. Serah and Noel? No, just... No. Not only that, but the combat system is a poor version of XIII's, the time travelling is a cheap gimmick(let's travel 20 years into the past! The only difference? It's NIGHTTIME) and I'm not particularly fond of the setting. Oh, and let's not forget Serendipity, the trouttiest theme park ever conceived. There's slot machines and chocobo betting and... Wait, that's everything. I had to turn on my FFVII save and spend a few hours in Gold Saucer just to cleanse myself of that traumatic experience. The only reedeming feature was that I could have a tonberry as a party member. :tongue:

01-05-2013, 08:56 PM
Serah and Noel? No, just... No.

I actually really liked Noel. He's the first male protagonist in a long time that is neither aggravatingly whiny and / or insignificant, and also not depressingly sour all the damn time. I really like Noel and I hope he's in Lightning Returns.

As for Serah, I don't like her as much as Noel, but I don't dislike her. She's as stubborn as her sister, but lacks the initial "piss off" attitude Lightning did have in the first half of XIII. She's okay I guess, not the best protagonist ever, but certainly not the worst.

Not only that, but the combat system is a poor version of XIII's

Really? I think it's a slightly better version of XIII's system. The main reason is because you can change your leader mid-battle, and the death of a leader isn't an automatic game over (Unless the other member is fallen, obviously). That's a good start. There's also a wide variety of customisation in the levelling system! Unlike XIII, where the character's base stats are fixed, the modified crystarium system have role bonuses on those large nodes, which affect your stats quite widely. This involves some degree of forward planning, and I again loved that.

The monster system appears strange, but once you get used to it you can spend hours building the perfect monster. Hell, whole walkthroughs have a dedicated section on suggested monster builds. Plus, the ornament collectables are cute, sometimes self-aware accessories that just add something to the game.

the time travelling is a cheap gimmick(let's travel 20 years into the past! The only difference? It's NIGHTTIME) and I'm not particularly fond of the setting.

I both agree, and disagree. I disagree in so far that a mere twenty years isn't exactly going to change much, short of a nuclear fallout. You would be surprised even in real life how little twenty years actually does aesthetically. On the other hand, when locations have wide gaps between visits, for example 200AF and 400AF, I do expect more than just a change of time. Half the time, routes are blocked off by simple debris like in the Vile Peaks, rather than some more dramatic landslide or something. I'm not sure what I was looking for, just something more than a straightforward obstacle.

As for the settings, it depends on what your talking about. I found New Bodhum quite a quaint starting location, and it's very stark change in 700AF is very gloomy. The Bresha Ruins are featured a full four times, and it's okay I guess, if slightly boring after awhile. The Sunleth Waterscape has very good music and is incredibly different from XIII's incarnation of it, though I do wish you could explore abit more. Meanwhile, the Archylte Steppe unfortunately shrunk in size. Another disappointment was Augusta Tower. The world was just flat for me. Thankfully Academia 400AF and 4XXAF was very good, and surprisingly large. The locations aren't huge, but their more bitesized chunks, while in XIII the world maps was huge, but linear. That's what I think anyway.

Oh, and let's not forget Serendipity, the trouttiest theme park ever conceived. There's slot machines and chocobo betting and... Wait, that's everything. I had to turn on my FFVII save and spend a few hours in Gold Saucer just to cleanse myself of that traumatic experience.

Now this I can agree with. I'm sorry, but Serendipity had so much potential, but just fell flat. I kept hearing the assistants saying "There's a brand new attraction that's being built", and I downloaded Sazh's episode, and when I came back, their still saying the same damn thing. At the end of the day, you had:

Chocobo Racing: You were more a manager, but I liked it. The track was dull however and you just went round and round

Slot Machines: I wanted to grab a baseball bat and smash them. Getting 5000 coins to get the Lucky Coin Fragment damn near killed me. I just wedged the controller against something and read a book

Poker: Eh. I didn't much care for it.

Chronobind: I actually never played it, it looks convoluted.

The only redeeming feature was that I could have a tonberry as a party member. :tongue:

The Tonberry is actually a very good commando. Good choice sir!

Tonberry Time
01-07-2013, 02:09 PM
I should clarify I bit when it comes to the combat system, I'm actually quite fond of XIII's combat system, but when it comes to XIII-2 it just substitutes the summoning system with the monster catching. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I feel it's not enough flavour when it comes to monster choice. I wanted to see my tonberry slowly creep up on my foes and decimate them! Instead he just simply... Decimates them. :p The combat system isn't where XIII-2 falls flat though.

The time traveling part is where the game really shoots itself in the foot. If you're going to make time travel a major selling point of the game(and thus evoke memories of Chrono Trigger) they'd better make it worthwhile. More times than not the changes are so minor you either can't spot them or simply don't care. The place where you meet Hope for the first time is an excellent example of this. So while I agree that 20 years isn't likely to change much, why bother putting it there in the first place?

Collecting the crystals is another massive flaw of the game, with tasks either so tedious or convoluted that I don't understand why I should bother. It just comes off as busywork added by lazy programmers to increase the playtime.

And one's opinion of characters in the FF games always boils down to relatability and personal preference, I guess. Serah is just the typical timid female character, and Noel... If I remember correctly, he's supposed to be the very last human being in existence, right? If you're going to establish a character as a sole survivor, he should be tough, grizzled, bitter, unsociable, have some sign that this guy has been through hell. They could've made a great character, rising up from hopelessness and certain doom, instead we get the happy-go-lucky Noel, who couldn't be farther away from what I imagine a sole survivor would act and look like. Let's not forget the bad guy, whose name I can't remember, who has some of the poorest dialogue in the series. It's like it was written by the Soul Calibur-team.

And I don't like the setting because you never feel like part of the world in XIII's universe. Every populated area is just a set piece, a background. I simply don't feel immersed in the world as I'm accustomed to in previous FF-games.

Lastly, and I don't know why I failed to mention this earlier, I didn't really start to actively dislike the game until I first heard the boss music. You just don't put RAP MUSIC in Final Fantasy. That's sacrilege.

05-24-2013, 01:49 PM
I picked XI, which I intended to play for two weeks but only lasted six hours at. I'm afraid I can't sum up all the things that are wrong with it better than this guy did:

I was also extremely unimpressed with XIII from what I've watched of HCBailly's let's play (a fairly big portion of it at that), but I haven't directly played it and for that matter, there's no way it could be worse than XI.

06-10-2013, 05:28 PM
FFII. Mostly because of battle system, but I don't really hate this game.

Tardar Sauce
06-21-2013, 05:13 AM
As I mentioned in the previous thread, I hate them all... but the ones that get my blood boiling the most are the VII spin-offs.

07-27-2013, 02:22 PM
Definitely XIII. I have yet to finish it, I am 40 hours into the game right before you fight The Proudclad for the second time, but at this point I am basically forcing myself to complete it as I already got sick of it. Even by around the 15 hour mark I was already finding the game a chore to play through. It is not only insanely linear and limited in it's game play, nor does it only has an awful pacing and storytelling, but it is also one of the most repetitive/monotonous games I have ever played. I regret getting this game even tho I only paid around 16 bucks for it. Worst FF ever, and I played Mystic Quest.

Right now I am more motivated to play through VII or X again than I am completing this game.

07-27-2013, 04:46 PM
Out of the ones I've played (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, 14, Tactics), I liked FFX the least. I just didn't like the characters very much, thought most of it was corny, and didn't like the linearity of the world. Based on how you could run from one end of the world to the other, the entire game seemed to take place in no more than a few city blocks. Weird.

I looked into FFXIII a lot and even played a demo, but it didn't seem interesting enough to me to play. The bad things I heard about it seemed important enough to me that I'd probably dislike it, so I didn't bother.

07-28-2013, 08:38 AM
My least favorite. Yeah...

"Worst birthday ever."

I'm sorry but that one line was all I needed to hear to directly turn me off.

Delivery is a combination of inflection and facial expression/body language.

Lightning (ugh...that name) is expressionless in her face, and is sitting with her arms folded and her legs crossed. If the actress had delivered this with some heat, some hiss, maaaaaybe it would have come off. As it is, she just keeps hitting the same emotional note she's been hitting since the beginning of the game.

Do you know what device hits the same note over and over again? People call it an alarm clock. Picture the sound of your alarm clock in your head.

Things that hit the same note over and over again sound irritating to the human ear. This is the mark of either a bad actor/actress or bad direction. I hear this a lot in TV crime dramas, from guest characters, usually. For a lead to do it is really, REALLY bad news.

I will never be able to play this game for this reason.

10-13-2013, 03:36 AM
I feel like I can't judge FFII fairly because I wasn't really there to experience it but I think its safe to say that the leveling/battle system was pants on head ass backwards.

I felt FFXII was mediocre, but XIII was the first Final Fantasy I truly disliked. Straight as an arrow level design, a plot you need a fucking in-game glossary to follow and doesn't even make sense when you understand it, a battle system that means getting your characters to do anything specific is like directing five year olds to paint a perfect recreation of the Mona Lisa with Crayola markers, and a weapon upgrading system so needlessly convoluted i'd need a spreadsheet to follow it. XIII blows.

10-13-2013, 03:59 AM
Final Fantasy XIII and I am in no way, shape or form surprised that it's in the lead here. The rest are either games I like, have never played or haven't played enough of to form a concrete opinion on them.