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View Full Version : Really, Finland? REALLY?

01-14-2012, 04:51 AM
Apparently, beating a woman's head against a bathroom wall and raping her isn't actually considered any more than "coercive sexual contact" in Finland. Oh, and did I mention she was disabled? Yeah, he raped a handicapped woman in a bathroom and didn't go to prison. You have to do something pretty bad to be considered a "rapist" in Finland; and even then, only half (54%) of convicted rapists go to prison.
Wtf, Finland?

Shattered Dreamer
01-14-2012, 03:15 PM
After Greece declared paedophilia a disability, see here (http://news.yahoo.com/furor-greece-over-pedophilia-disability-174002476.html), there is probably very little in this world that will surprise me honestly. And the Scandinavians normally don't do things that are utterly stupid :/

01-14-2012, 03:21 PM
This really ought to be an EoEo thread as I can see some of the responses being fairly trollish and immature with this in GC!

However that's fairly disgusting from a "civilized" European nation which is a core part of the eurozone, surely European courts much like they love to interfere with British rulings and laws ought to be intervening here for the good of the people?

01-14-2012, 03:26 PM
This really ought to be an EoEo thread as I can see some of the responses being fairly trollish and immature with this in GC!
We don't move threads between GC and EoEO unless a specific request to do so is made by the topic creator. Although while GC is more relaxed than EoEO, it shouldn't be considered a lawless outpost either.

01-14-2012, 04:32 PM
:( psy y u so meen. but you said to relax so I'll just tell iceglow 'Fighting evil by moonlight / Winning love by daylight...'

as for the topic itself, America freed its slaves (13th commandment) about 20 years before Germany introduced the world's first universal health care system under Bismarck.

It's been five billion years and America still doesn't have universal health care because 'dem commies be ter jer' or some other such reason. My point is that no country is perfect and pointing fingers at Finland ignores the relatively grotesque foolishness in one's country.

I'm from Canada where gay marriage was only legally recognised in 2005. Oh wait usa...but the point is that netherland, spain...um...crap I forget. belgium chocolates? yeah that. They beat canada in legislating 'federal' laws recognising it.

I like picking on usa.

01-14-2012, 04:52 PM
This absolutely horrifying, how come I have a sinking feeling as I type this some person will read this and immediatly move to Finland.

01-14-2012, 05:12 PM
It's been five billion years and America still doesn't have universal health care because 'dem commies be ter jer' or some other such reason. My point is that no country is perfect and pointing fingers at Finland ignores the relatively grotesque foolishness in one's country.

Tell you what then PG, you go make a bunch of threads called "Really, [insert country here]? REALLY?" and make one for every single country and then we can talk about those countries in their respective threads. This one happens to be about Finland.

No one is ignoring stuff going on in other countries, broski. We're just trying to stay on topic for this thread. :monster:

01-14-2012, 05:14 PM
:( psy y u so meen. but you said to relax so I'll just tell iceglow 'Fighting evil by moonlight / Winning love by daylight...'

as for the topic itself, America freed its slaves (13th commandment) about 20 years before Germany introduced the world's first universal health care system under Bismarck.

It's been five billion years and America still doesn't have universal health care because 'dem commies be ter jer' or some other such reason. My point is that no country is perfect and pointing fingers at Finland ignores the relatively grotesque foolishness in one's country.

I'm from Canada where gay marriage was only legally recognised in 2005. Oh wait usa...but the point is that netherland, spain...um...crap I forget. belgium chocolates? yeah that. They beat canada in legislating 'federal' laws recognising it.

I like picking on usa.
You're comparing apples to tacos here. Do you really think it's okay to say the United States struggles to give equal rights to all of its citizens is worse than Finland's failure to protect the rights of it's citizens to have an appropriate expectation of justice if they're beaten and raped? A law intended to to further protect survivors of rape is being used against survivors in favor of perpetrators. We generally call that a miscarriage of justice. But your argument in favor of this is the fact that other countries have or have had archaic, unjust laws? Doing the right thing, punishing people who engage in violence, shouldn't be predicated on what's allowable elsewhere. C'mon PG. you're better than that.

Old Manus
01-14-2012, 05:21 PM
I hope he came clean

Shattered Dreamer
01-14-2012, 06:17 PM
The Irish government nationalized the banking debt of some of the countries riches people & we have basically no proper white collar crime laws either, so I don't think I'll be pointing out another countries flaws :lol:

01-14-2012, 08:38 PM
Veeery interesting, this is being bookmarked, might come in useful for my criminology degree. I have actually done a module on rape actually, you'd be suprised by alot of what goes on regarding rape accusations.

Don't want to get too into a debate but you can't generalise the Finnish CJS based on this web page; without knowing how they have conducted the research, it's credibility and validity. This could quite easily be a case of a media moral panic, propaganda attempting to provoke some kind of response.

01-14-2012, 09:13 PM
It's been five billion years and America still doesn't have universal health care because 'dem commies be ter jer' or some other such reason. My point is that no country is perfect and pointing fingers at Finland ignores the relatively grotesque foolishness in one's country.

Tell you what then PG, you go make a bunch of threads called "Really, [insert country here]? REALLY?" and make one for every single country and then we can talk about those countries in their respective threads. This one happens to be about Finland.

No one is ignoring stuff going on in other countries, broski. We're just trying to stay on topic for this thread. :monster:
Oh FFS don't give him ideas.

01-15-2012, 06:53 PM
If you think that's the worst court decision we've had over here, you've seen nothing yet. Thankfully some of the most annoying things have been corrected in later revisions, but it's true that sometimes our courts have quite colourful views on certain subject matters. Despite these sad cases, most of the time the courts are doing well with the cases that are handed to them, so I'm mostly pleased by their decisions. :)

Also, the blog entry has somewhat misleading information which it should've elaborated a bit. It's true that a Finnish man goes to jail if he doesn't spend at least six months in the army, but there are other alternatives than army and jail: you can go to the army without ever having to touch a weapon, or you'll be able to complete your time in civil service. It's not that common that people choose none of the alternatives and go to jail instead (unless you're a Jehovah's Witness in which case you get scot free because of your beliefs). :p

01-15-2012, 09:14 PM
In the US, punishments are continually increased beyond all reason to allow politicians to show themselves as "tough on crime." It looks like Finland has the opposite problem. The complete disregard for the protection of women is horrifying.

A quick google search revealed even more info from Amnesty International (http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ACT77/001/2010/en/5ba7f635-f2c3-4b50-86ea-e6c3428cf179/act770012010eng.pdf).

Finnish prosecutors and courts have in many cases considered a rape to constitute coercion into sexual intercourse even when it has resulted in clear physical injury. For example, the crime in a case where a woman was held captive for several days, raped repeatedly and denied her medication was considered to be coercion into sexual intercourse.

What. The. Fuck.

01-16-2012, 05:20 AM
geez you guys.


the first and major step in bringing a country out of disgusting brainless mediocrity is to instill a generally accepted equal rights mentality. Typically this happens first with female rights.

>implying pg isn't disgusted whenever he has to realize violence against women happens