View Full Version : Packrats Anonymous

01-16-2012, 11:52 PM
I've been doing some organizing lately and combing through old boxes of my stuff that has been sitting in the garage forever. I went through one of these boxes the other day, and it was filled to the brim with binders, notebooks, and old schoolwork from when I was a junior in high school.

For the record, that was eleven years ago.

APPARENTLY I couldn't bear to part with it so I boxed it up and stuffed it away.

I decided it was time to get over it so I dumped it all in the trash. It hurt, but in a good way, I suppose. I did keep a paper I wrote on World War II, though, because it details how "Stalin thought that the A-bomb was starting to look like a really good idea".

Who else is a packrat?

01-16-2012, 11:58 PM
I grew up in a house of packrats. My grandpa's garage was a level five hoarding situation, though the rest of the house was low-level hoarding. When they moved it took a lot to clean out that garage, but their current garage can fit a car (barely) so I suppose he's not so bad anymore. My grandma's craft room is pretty insane. Last time I tried to clean up a bit--just wanted to get the three-foot stack of magazines and empty containers off of the treadmill so they could use it again--my grandpa gave me a spanking. Yes, really.

Then I married an anti-packrat. He thinks I'm a total slob, but I am so much cleaner than I was raised to be, and it's nice. My craft room is insanely organized.

My mom has a lot of my old toys stored in her garage, but those are smurfing treasures.

01-17-2012, 12:05 AM
Ooh me! Me me! I'm a packrat! Pick me!
Although my packratness is developed from being homeless. >.>

01-17-2012, 03:08 PM
I am so bad. I still have a participation award for a game I played during a fair on the last day of fourth grade.

Agent Proto
01-17-2012, 05:42 PM
Anyone claiming to be a packrat in this thread is not a true packrat or hoarder. I hope that you don't live in a place that is filled up with so much that you have barely any free space remaining. It's one thing to keep important items, but it's another that you have to keep every. Single. Item. Of. Any. Importance.

Though, I do have some boxes in the garage with some stuff I am keeping around. And if I had more boxes, I would pack more stuff inside them.

01-17-2012, 07:31 PM
I throw away stuff pretty much as soon as I no longer have a need for them. I throw out all my papers from school as soon as grades are posted (as long as there is nothing that would be helpful for another class).

01-17-2012, 07:34 PM
I don't throw anything away that isn't obvious trash. My wife throws everything away. It balances out. Except when she tries to throw away my D&D character sheets. O_O then I'm like, no way bitch, you lay the funk off my shet yo, except I don't because I respect my wife and also I'm afraid of her.

I wouldn't call myself a packrat, I'm just practical. I hate the times where I'm like, "If I only had..." and it's something that got thrown away for some stupid reason the week before.

01-23-2012, 01:40 AM
I'm not a packrat at all.

Quindiana Jones
01-24-2012, 12:11 AM
I don't throw things away. That's not to say I'm a packrat however, I'm just a messy prick who can't be bothered to clean up after himself.

01-24-2012, 06:48 PM
I keep papers. Documents, homework, receipts, etc. I may NEED them at some point!

01-25-2012, 01:08 AM
I keep papers. Documents, homework, receipts, etc. I may NEED them at some point!

YES. THIS. AUGH. I know this feeling all too well D:

01-25-2012, 01:20 AM
I throw away nothing! (except trash) I have it all piled 3 feet high on my work desk.