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01-27-2012, 01:07 PM
Hola. My names Mellissa and I'm new to this site (clearly), however not new to the whole forum scene. I decided to join this site cause I am on a quest to finding like minded people who enjoy the loveliness and deliciousness of rpgs.

I'm just a gamer looking for other gamers who like to game and shoot the poop.

So if any of you wanna tell me the unwritten rules and observations of this forum and how it actualllyyyyy works go right ahead, I'm all eyes >.>


01-27-2012, 01:38 PM
So if any of you wanna tell me the unwritten rules and observations of this forum and how it actualllyyyyy works go right ahead, I'm all eyes >.>
According to the forum's secret documentation:


However, the only rule that is enforced is the one about not having human rights. It's true. We haven't had any human rights. :( Not since the ShinRa renovated our neighborhood.

Welcome to the community. If you choose so, I will gladly be your tour guide.

01-27-2012, 02:38 PM
Greetings Foob!

Look no further! I am a gamer who likes to game and shoot the poop, especially if said game involves staring at maps and spreadsheets the entire time! :monster:

We're a pretty laid back bunch; just post around and let us grow on you like a lovely mold.

01-27-2012, 02:44 PM
A mold that interferes with your sensory perception.

01-27-2012, 05:12 PM
I will gladly take you up on this tour you offer...I'm just not exactly sure how one tours a noob around an e-community >.>
But I'm sure you have your nifty ways!

Greetings Foob!

Look no further! I am a gamer who likes to game and shoot the poop, especially if said game involves staring at maps and spreadsheets the entire time! :monster:

We're a pretty laid back bunch; just post around and let us grow on you like a lovely mold.


Well so far I'm enjoying what I'm reading so wuuuu!
Also, I love final fantasy I do but will anyone be all like, appalled and e-shun me if there's talk about other video games? I know how touchy FF fans get ;p

Vincent, Thunder God
01-27-2012, 05:26 PM
Greetings Foob!

Look no further! I am a gamer who likes to game and shoot the poop, especially if said game involves staring at maps and spreadsheets the entire time! :monster:

We're a pretty laid back bunch; just post around and let us grow on you like a lovely mold.


Well so far I'm enjoying what I'm reading so wuuuu!
Also, I love final fantasy I do but will anyone be all like, appalled and e-shun me if there's talk about other video games? I know how touchy FF fans get ;p

Actually most people who post regularly here post about other games anyway. xD So feel free to post about any game you want.

01-27-2012, 05:58 PM
But I'm sure you have your nifty ways!
Indeed, I do.

01-27-2012, 06:23 PM
Also, I love final fantasy I do but will anyone be all like, appalled and e-shun me if there's talk about other video games? I know

Nope. At least I hope not, because all I play are my aforementioned spreadsheet strategy games. And Skyrim, sometimes.

01-27-2012, 11:04 PM
I am on a quest to finding like minded people who enjoy the loveliness and deliciousness of rpgs. I'm just a gamer looking for other gamers who like to game and shoot the poop.
Your quest is complete, madame. Also, I'm loving your avatar; although it needs more rainbow and Jean Jacques-Perrey's Little Ships playing in the background. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZBWfyYtYQY)

01-28-2012, 03:25 AM
Pike: I've never really played games with spread sheets and all that jazz. In fact I don't even know what that entails. Are you talking like, Rome total war or am I completely off? Orrrrrrrr oldschool risk? Suikoden II is awesome for strategy stuff when the war sequences happen.

Vincent: Well thats good to hear! So what chu playing right now?

Sylvie: I'm still waiting for my super e-tour ;p

Cloud Strife: Hahaha you should see its actual form, it actually runs in place, so your music choice is superb

Sorry if my reply is confusing, apparently I havent mastered the quoting methods of this site yet

01-28-2012, 04:56 AM
Pike: I've never really played games with spread sheets and all that jazz. In fact I don't even know what that entails. Are you talking like, Rome total war or am I completely off? Orrrrrrrr oldschool risk? Suikoden II is awesome for strategy stuff when the war sequences happen.

Mostly stuff by Paradox. And sort of Total War and Civ. I haven't played Suikoden II yet, much to my boyfriend's chagrin. :(

01-28-2012, 06:23 AM
I haven't played Suikoden II yet

Vincent, Thunder God
01-28-2012, 12:20 PM
Vincent: Well thats good to hear! So what chu playing right now?

A bit of Broken Sword: Director's Cut, Bioshock, and FF 4: The Complete Collection. I also plan to dive back into Skyrim and try to get more immersed within it as I did with Morrowind and Oblivion - haven't been able to devote enough time to it yet. How about you?

01-28-2012, 01:36 PM
Pike: Much like Clouds response.......SAY WHAT?? It has got to be in my opinion the most diverse and satisfying game in all of its different components I've ever played. The story alone is worth playing. You should get on that! I know on the PSN right now you can buy Suikoden I for 9.99 in north america. But I don't think they have II yet :(

Vincent: Ohhh how do you like FF4? I just bought FF chronicles with 4 and Chrono trigger in one package. I played Chrono for the 64th time but I haven't tried ff4 yet. And right now I'm playing Star ocean second story and I just received FFXIII in the mail!

Quick question, xenogears, yay or nay? I think I may wanna buy it.

01-28-2012, 05:12 PM
Hi foob! Welcome to here. Please disregard anything Sylvie tells you. He is full of lies. Lies and rancid cotton candy.

Also I merged all of your double posts together. We try to discourage double posting and encourage post editing! Hurray! Also the way I quote multiple people is by using the Multi-Quote function. It is at the bottom right hand side of a person's post and looks like a speech bubble with quotation marks inside, and a + on the right.

01-28-2012, 05:17 PM
Pike: Much like Clouds response.......SAY WHAT?? It has got to be in my opinion the most diverse and satisfying game in all of its different components I've ever played. The story alone is worth playing. You should get on that! I know on the PSN right now you can buy Suikoden I for 9.99 in north america. But I don't think they have II yet :(

Vincent: Ohhh how do you like FF4? I just bought FF chronicles with 4 and Chrono trigger in one package. I played Chrono for the 64th time but I haven't tried ff4 yet. And right now I'm playing Star ocean second story and I just received FFXIII in the mail!

Quick question, xenogears, yay or nay? I think I may wanna buy it.

Star Ocean: The Second Story - GREAT game.
Xenogears - Sure, buy it. I'm not going to say it's a great game, but a lot of people seem to think so. I personally thought it was pretty cool, just not something I'd replay a million times like Chrono Trigger (or Chrono Cross (or every FF other than X.))

Vincent, Thunder God
01-28-2012, 06:14 PM
Vincent: Ohhh how do you like FF4? I just bought FF chronicles with 4 and Chrono trigger in one package. I played Chrono for the 64th time but I haven't tried ff4 yet. And right now I'm playing Star ocean second story and I just received FFXIII in the mail!

FF 4 is one of my favourites - one of the first games in the series that I played, and probably the one I've replayed the most. I would recommend the PSP version over Chronicles, because it has a new Interlude and the sequel, and also the Chronicles version has music that restarts every time you exit a battle and really ridiculous load times - you could also grab the GBA or original SNES version (though the SNES version is named FF 2). Also if you're a Chrono fan you might want to consider the DS version - I believe it has some extra content, as well as the anime cutscenes. The PSX version has the cutscenes too, but again the load times are pretty bad.

Also I've only started Xenogears, but so far it's been quite good. I'll have to get back to it at some point.

01-31-2012, 06:30 PM
Good to have you here, Foob!

It's already been said but we discuss just about anything here so post about. I'm currently battling my way through Skyward Sword whilst also enjoying my first playthrough of FFVI on the side.

I only joined here back in August and everyone on here is filled with awesomeness. Even disturbed posters like Sylvie have their charms!

Welcome! :p

02-01-2012, 08:53 PM
Avalon - Thanks ya! I just tried to figure out the multi quote but I'm not there yet apparently haha. So I will reply like this for a bit longer me thinks >.>

Cloud: I heard xenogears had a lot of fmv's. Is it that one or xenosaga? One I can play over and over is deff suikoden II. So good. I absolutely love chrono trigger but i never got chrono cross. I played it about 6 years ago and gave up on it. Idk, maybe now if I'd replay I'd appreciate it more.

Vincent: I only have my plastation 3 right now so, maybe I can buy it at the PS store, I'm not sure which version that would be though. Long loading times suck. Deff don't want that. With what you know so far, which is better....breath of fire III or xenogears?

Bubba: My thank you much! Man, I think I need to be filled in with what this Sylvie character is all about! I've been warned about both Sylvie and pike haha.

Vincent, Thunder God
02-01-2012, 09:17 PM
Vincent: I only have my plastation 3 right now so, maybe I can buy it at the PS store, I'm not sure which version that would be though. Long loading times suck. Deff don't want that. With what you know so far, which is better....breath of fire III or xenogears?

The PSN version also has long loading times, as it's a direct port of the PSX version.

I have both Xenogears and BoF 3 but I haven't played BoF yet. I would be inclined to choose Xenogears, but as I don't have all the info, I can't make a definitive statement on that. But I would try out Xenogears - me and shion are going to be playing it.

02-01-2012, 10:54 PM
Welcome to the forums, I was reading through the thread, but I'm a lazy lazy guy so I stopped.
I have a very strange assortment of favorite games and I never have anyone to talk to about them, NICE TO MEET YOUR LETTERS.

02-02-2012, 12:27 AM
the newbie thread titles are getting better, they are


EDIT: DARNIT EOFF! the forum keeps directing me to my own posts, saying they are new posts

Quindiana Jones
02-02-2012, 11:51 PM
Sylvie is a sexual predator who has made conquests of almost every member on this site. Always carry soap.

02-03-2012, 02:03 AM
Sylvie is a sexual predator who has made conquests of almost every member on this site. Always carry soap.
I still have nightmares.

Quindiana Jones
02-03-2012, 04:49 AM
I still have saddle sores.

02-03-2012, 06:14 AM
Late to the thread but welcome foob! be wary of those who tell you to be wary of whomever. They are a shifty sort :shifty:

02-04-2012, 01:04 AM
Late to the thread but welcome foob! be wary of those who tell you to be wary of whomever. They are a shifty sort :shifty:
Also, be wary of pots calling the kettle black fuchsia.

02-05-2012, 06:20 AM
Sylvie is a sexual predator who has made conquests of almost every member on this site. Always carry soap lube.
Fixed. Because I don't cater.

02-08-2012, 08:06 PM
Welcome to EoFF, Foob. Please enjoy your stay. Don't worry about all the crazy stuff going on in the forums; you'll get used to it pretty quickly. :)

02-14-2012, 09:44 PM
*sexors newbie*

02-15-2012, 04:16 AM
...Well then.

Loony BoB
02-15-2012, 01:14 PM
Heya Foob, I've noticed you about and you're a pretty good addition to the place, I like the cut of your jib! But also, was the name in the first post a typo or do you actually have two L's in your given name? If you do have two L's, that's pretty unique!