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View Full Version : Putting all my eggs in the oven

02-18-2012, 06:14 AM
Hello Folks. As many of you may know I'm on my way to getting my dream job. Being a baker for a delicious dessert company

The basis for the company is liquor infused desserts. Yummy, no?

If you frequent EoFF's chat or are friends with on this thing called Facebook, you may have heard about it, then for the past couple days I have been carrying on about a job that I am super excited about. Although if neither of these apply then let me give you a bit of background.

I have been cooking and baking for over 10 years now. It started when I was moved up to Vermont at the age of 12. Anyone who has ever been to Vermont may know that most of the state is located in Bumfudge Nowhere. My mother, unfortunately, had a job about an hour drive from home and didn't get off work until 6:30-7 pm so I took it upon myself to cook dinner for the family because I hate eating after 8. Being in the kitchen was so natural for me it became more of a hobby than an obligation of mine. Cooking, and more so, baking are very relaxing for me. For a while i have wanted to go to culinary school but never had the chance or funds to pursue this, also the thought of HAVING to cook scared me a bit, for fear that I might come to dislike, or even hate cooking. I have never been one to enjoy stuff that I HAD to do. Anyways, a few days ago I was searching Craigslist for a job that might fit into my life so I could make some money for myself and I had come across a company looking for bakers. I almost had a heart attack. I emailed them immediately and soon later received a phone call from the guy running the business. He wanted me to come in for an interview. This is when I really started to freak out. This was perfect, everything I have ever wanted to do was, presumably, falling right into my lap. He had asked me to bake something to show him if could which I spent hours trying to think of something to bake. I tried to think of flavors and different twists I could put it, but ultimately, with the help of the wonderful Fujiko, I decided to do a simple chocolate cupcake with cream cheese frosting.
VOILA! Finished product. So on February 2, 2012 at 5:15 pm I had my official interview. Now I don;t know for sure whether or not I actually have the job or not, but it does feel promising. He gave me his official business email instead of the one connected to the craigslist add and out of over 1000 applications he only interviewed 4 people. I will hear back from him on Monday. In the mean time, he has given me an assignment. He asked me, if I was serious about the job, to come up with 5-10 possible cupcake ideas that have to do with liquors and/or mixed drinks. I have come up with a few and tossed this idea in chat.

So far I have:

Buttery Nipple
Rum and Coke
SoCo and Lime (compliments of FoA)
Tequila with Lime
Bloody Mary

I would like to ask you all if you guys have any ideas that you think would make a good cupcake. I have linked the business' site and they have some up there already. Any suggestions would be great! And a huge thank you in advance to anyone that can help me.

02-18-2012, 06:25 AM
I would be very excited to try a cupcake version of a Midori sour. Lemon cupcakes are already popular, so it shouldn't be too much of a stretch, right? Midori sour isn't a very appealing name for a cupcake though... I definitely recommend something lemony, though, maybe with, like rock candy as an accent (like how they put sugar on the rim of your drink). There was a fancy kind of course sugar for that but I can't think of the name...

02-18-2012, 06:29 AM
a Kamikaze! Vodka and lemon/lime. Yay!!!

Also, give him ideas but do not give him recipes until the job belongs to you. Don't want no dude stealing yo stuff.

02-18-2012, 06:30 AM
To be 100 percent honest I was REALLY hoping to hear from you Shlup. I simply adore your baking to pieces :love:

02-18-2012, 06:31 AM
OH MAN I KNOW. A Pearl Diver cupcake! Pearl divers are midori and cream so you have this delicious melon-y cupcake (that is greeeen) and then a sweet cream frosting.

NOW I WANT THIS JOB. Actually I just want the coming up with ideas job.

02-18-2012, 06:32 AM
I'm mostly about looks though. Most of the time for a recipe I just do white cake with a few drops of lemon and some honey, and then I bust out the food coloring.

Definitely include little accents like the sugar crystals though. I'll bet you could find episodes of Cupcake Wars on YouTube for inspiration.

02-18-2012, 06:38 AM
I don't really have any advice or comments here, but I just want to wish you luck for the simple fact that I am stuck in a situation where I don't like what I do for a living.

So whenever I see someone who has a chance to do something they like and get paid for it, I root for them.

Good luck!

Wait, I thought of one. Rum cake, if that will qualify!

02-18-2012, 01:43 PM
Strawberry daiquiri cupcake
margarita cupcake
pina colada cupcake with toast coconut garnish

Peppermint schnapps with crushed peppermint garnish
apple cinnamon with apple pucker and goldschlager
fuzzy navel
You could do like a jack sparrow inspired cupcake that's rum and sambuca/ouzo. And it could be black. And glorious.

02-18-2012, 02:09 PM
Now you're just saying any drink you can think of.

I like the peppermint garnish idea though. Try and go with cupcake flavors with an alcoholic twist rather than just making a drink into a cupcake.

02-18-2012, 04:34 PM
I'm hungry... and I want to get drunk.

These cupcakes sound like the perfect remedy for my current bodily desires...

02-18-2012, 05:47 PM
This sounds delicious. I hope you get the job so you can bake me stuff. <3

02-18-2012, 08:48 PM
Now you're just saying any drink you can think of.

I like the peppermint garnish idea though. Try and go with cupcake flavors with an alcoholic twist rather than just making a drink into a cupcake.
no I'm not. I'm thinking of really simple drinks that mimic cupcake/dessert flavors and would be easy to execute. I haven't mentioned anything with multiple liquors or that would make weird dessert flavors. I mean you can't make a LIIT Alabama slammer, rum runner etc into a cupcake because there's too much stuff in them.

I am good at so few things. Just let me be pretend I'm good at this pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase.

02-18-2012, 10:34 PM
Skittles vodka cupcakes? Taste the the fucking rainbow.

Del Murder
02-20-2012, 06:46 AM
For some reason I thought this was going to be a thread about in-vitro fertilization. Yes, I clicked it anyway.

02-20-2012, 03:33 PM
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Best Post Ever! I could see how one might get the impression xD

02-22-2012, 02:38 AM
I hate the god awful stuff, but malibu would work in a cupcake. Frosting with coconut and some malibu in the actual cake should work well. As would cointreau/triple sec for a basic orange flavoured cupcake.

02-22-2012, 04:36 AM
Well I was supposed to hear back Monday and I still have yet to hear anything. I'm not giving up hope though! Maybe it's just taking a bit more time to finalize everything. Tomorrow I'm going to do some more job hunting just in case. Have to be realistic here. Plus having back up plans doesn't hurt anyone :P. As of now I have 2 other jobs I could be getting. Finger crossed <3