View Full Version : Characters You Want to See More Of!

02-27-2012, 05:48 AM
Here's another article I found floating around: 5 FF Characters Who Deserve Spin-Off Games. (http://www.gameranx.com/features/id/5130/article/5-final-fantasy-characters-who-really-deserved-their-own-spin-off-game/)

Who would YOU like to see more?

I vote Kain. Because he's motherfucking Kain.

Del Murder
02-27-2012, 06:12 AM
Well, the list started off good, naming one of my favorite characters in the series, but it lost me after that. Zell? Wtf? And the others were just jokes.

The first person who came to mind when I thought spinoff game was Balthier. Thinking about it more, I would love to see a game staring FFVI's Shadow about his early days that are alluded to in his dreams.

02-27-2012, 06:37 AM
I think the only ones that really make sense are prequels to characters with more adventurous backstories. IMO any sort of sequel is just stupid. In any JRPG the characters have become so god slaying powerful that any attempts to have them start over from the beginning of an adventure just feel forced.

Kain is an interesting character that I would like to see more of as he is off journeying on his own, but I can't see that making a good game.

Having a game showing what Auron was up to in between Jecht's defeat of Sin and the start of FF10 would be interesting. (I can't believe I said a return to the FF10 world would be interesting.)

Balthier and Shadow are both great suggestions, they obviously have great adventures prior to their in game appearance.

If you wanted to you could take Orlandu and make a wicked game about the 50 Years War.

02-27-2012, 06:40 AM
Well, the list started off good, naming one of my favorite characters in the series, but it lost me after that. Zell? Wtf? And the others were just jokes.

But Zell is awesome! Zell was one of the characters I was thinking of before I even clicked the article. I even named a guinea pig after him. :p

Cid Highwind is another character I'd love to see more of. He's such a badass. Shame he was only in Advent Children for like two seconds and didn't speak.

02-27-2012, 03:21 PM
Cid Highwind is another character I'd love to see more of. He's such a badass. Shame he was only in Advent Children for like two seconds and didn't speak.

I would play the heck out of a Cid Highwind game.

Quindiana Jones
02-27-2012, 03:54 PM
I would watch a Balthier chat show. I would tune in to a Balthier radio show. I would play Final Fantasy XII-2 as long as it had Balthier in.

Balthier, man.

02-27-2012, 05:46 PM
Cid Highwind is another character I'd love to see more of. He's such a badass. Shame he was only in Advent Children for like two seconds and didn't speak.

I would play the heck out of a Cid Highwind game.

Press the X button to tell guests to sit down and drink their god damned tea.

02-27-2012, 06:00 PM
Zell. Fuck. Yes.

02-27-2012, 07:21 PM
A cheesy tokusatsu series centred on Tifa using martial arts and flashy effects would be immensely cool.

02-27-2012, 07:40 PM
Laguna is an obvious one for me. His story as a soldier was always interesting and his travels would be a good story if not an interesting game.

The journey of Lulu's original pilgrimage would be interesting if a little bit anticlimactic. Auron and Jecht's pilgrimage with Braska would be awesome.

Fratley's journey to rediscover his memory would be awesome too. Even just more on Fratley and Freya would be nice. Quina and Amarant are also underdeveloped.

A lot of the cast in VI could do with more. Setzer is a favourite of mine and his gambling could lead to all sorts of shenanigans.

Depression Moon
02-27-2012, 07:52 PM
I could agree with all of those in the article with the exception of Zell. Since the article mentioned it I think it's a bit weird that we've gotten several games for chocobos, but none for moogles.

I wouldn't mind a FFIX prequel that has you playing as Beatrix and her history with the Alexandrian army. The game would be part action and part strategy where you have to manage your troops and the high point in the game would be the part where Beatrix referenced in the game where she defeated a hundred men singlehandedly.

Loony BoB
02-27-2012, 08:51 PM
Seto, Cid Highwind, Moombas, Wedge & Biggs.

02-27-2012, 11:59 PM
Freya of course!

02-28-2012, 02:08 AM
Freya of course!
This. She was one of the best characters in FFIX and her story was greay and should be expanded on. Maybe about her reserving her kingdom and reconnecting with Fratley?

Del Murder
02-28-2012, 05:03 AM
Freya would be a good one. She has a back story, but she's a side enough character in the game that her own story would be fresh.

Though I like Auron, the problem with him having a game (with Jecht and Braska) is that their story was such a focus of FFX that any prequel would have to go through severe retcon to be interesting or fresh. And you can't have a sequel with him for...obvious reasons.

02-28-2012, 05:39 PM
Beatrix of course

02-28-2012, 05:47 PM
I want to play Zell Dincht Punches the World. Somebody make this game.

Quindiana Jones
02-29-2012, 01:38 AM
I wish they'd make a game about Vincent from FFVII. Preferably a third person shooter. That would be great.

...heh heh.

Kenshin IV
03-04-2012, 11:33 PM
None, because then they would be making more spin-offs.

But, for the purposes of debate, I will reluctantly answer the question:

FF4: Rydia (a story about what happened to her between her age gap would be interesting if done properly... Which it wouldn't be.)
FF5: The original Warriors of Dawn... Or Gilgamesh (because, hecks yeah, Gilgamesh!)
FF6: Shadow has a lot of back story that they could be theoretically interesting to delve into.
FF7: Just leave this game alone, please.
FF8: Seifer or Laguna I guess.
FF9: Beatrix. Definitely.
FF10: Auron... Also, definitely.
FF11: Uhhhhhh...?
FF12: Either Ashe or Balthier.
FF13: Fang and Vanille prior to the main story would be the obvious choice.
FF14: Again, uuuuuuuuuuuh?

03-04-2012, 11:42 PM
The first guy already got a little bit of a spin off in kingdom hearts.
the second thing doesn't need a spinoff, it already has enough games.
If the third gets a spinoff I will be killing someone
The fourth one can't get one because they've already been in too many.
If the fifth ever shows up in another game ever I will be killing the whole of japan with my american wingwang.

People I wouldn't mind seeing with their own spinoffs;
rufus shinra- I would prefer this to be a movie to a game because I want to see the apocalypse from the other point of veiw, if it is a game, it better have a mini game where you can feed and raise your own dark nation.

faris- from the years that she was kidnapped to the game she came from, and then the game could flow into an expanded version of the game.

Puck- call it ff9 the after years, you would get to see the reconstruction of the world after all technology was rendered useless, and overcoming the hate the burmecians must feel towards the Alexandrian soldiers. (bit like ishvall for ff)

delita- play the game from his point of view.

03-05-2012, 08:51 PM
Mysterious characters are usually the ones that need spin-offs IMO.

Biggs & Wedge although not necessarily mysterious deserve something for the time they've devoted to the series. The same is true of Cid and Gilgamesh.

FF1: Garland's war-filled past sounds like it would be epic to relive.
FF4: Golbez
FF6: Shadow
FF7: Sephiroth, Seto, ... I'm glad Zack, Vincent, and the Turks have theirs (even if BC will never be released in America)
FF9: Beatrix. Vivi.
FF10: Auron. Chappu.
FF11: What's the point?
FF12: Definitely Balthier... most likely, Fran will still be in his story. Reddas.
FF14: Again, what's the point?

Quindiana Jones
03-09-2012, 08:47 PM
I'm not sure how a Vivi spin-off would work. His early life is covered in the game, and it's strongly implied that he died in the end. The rest of his life is simply FFIX, which already exists. The only bit that would work as a separate story is how he made the other Vivis, though that would just be a Cooking Mama game.

03-13-2012, 07:09 PM
I would play the heck out of a Cid Highwind game.

05-22-2022, 01:20 PM
Braska! I wanna know more about him smashing Al Bhed woman, being a struggling single father and going on sasuage adventures with 2 other men until he is murdered by one of them! :bigsmile: