View Full Version : Eligor, Eligor... where for art thou Eligor?

02-28-2012, 03:45 PM
What the hell is wrong with this guy Eligor from the train graveyard?

He just just won't appear and fight me. Does he just not like fighting or something? It's like he's the Dalai Lama of Midgar.

Maybe he's shy. Maybe he got teased as he looks like a naked Sephiroth... sat on a horse thats had it's back legs run over... then replaced with umbrellas.

Firstly, can anyone tell me which part of the train graveyard he's most likely to appear in?

Secondly, discuss Eligor.

Peace-loving, Tibetan Leader? ... or socially awkward retrovert? Any alternative theories are welcome.


02-28-2012, 05:20 PM
You know the area where you actually get to drive the trains? Yeah, around there. He has a low encounter rate, took me like twenty minutes to find the bastard. For the Dalai Lama of Midgar, he's not afraid to kick your butt though!

02-28-2012, 05:32 PM
*looks up picture*

Oh, that? I haven't encountered one of those is ages. Jiro is correct. When I was a FFVII newbie, I used to level up there (only for a bit) for no real reason, so I came across that enemy more times than I should.

02-28-2012, 07:55 PM
You can steal Aries's Striking Staff weapon off of him, which you normally wouldn't be able to buy until Junon. It puts Aries's attack higher than Clouds. Trade off is you have to run arround long enough to find him.

Worth it? Not in the least when you consider immediately after you loose her for the rest of Midgar where it would be a considerable boon.

02-29-2012, 12:31 AM
I used Aeris up until I got Yuffie this playthrough and she was remarkably effective. She was my second hardest hitter after Cloud and his Hardedge, so I made Tifa my magic ho and let the other two beat the shit out of everything :monster:

02-29-2012, 01:10 AM
Aye, the only reason I want to fight the fucker is so I can experience that Striking Staff first hand. I plan to use Aeris enough to finally see her Great Gospel on this play through as well. Cheers, I'll try the top end.

I still say he's a coward at least

02-29-2012, 04:06 AM
I've only came across him once per playthrough, now that you mention it.

I never really stayed in the train graveyard very long though.

12-12-2015, 07:08 PM
Right so, ever since the game came out on psx I've been keeping notes and stuff on the game but some of it still stuck in my head for some reason XD

Today, 12/12/2015 I found out through a friend that FF VII was available on ps4 apparently, went to download it and started a new game.

I figured eh what the heck I might as well get Aeris a decent run this time and maybe i'll get to see Great Gospel XD

Aaaaanyhooo I was beating myself up over what enemy i needed again - i knew where to find it, knew what i could steal from it...just not which enemy....

anyhoo my favorite farm spot is on the train graveyard part where you can move the trains.

There's an oil drum on the lower left side of the screen, just run cirkles around it for a bit.

Today I actually encountered an Eligor on the 3rd encounter and after going for another 5 encounters another one so that's pretty decent right? considering the fights don't last for even as much as 30 seconds :P

Hope it helps you if you haven't gotten it yet.

Also.....I think the Eligors have been watching too many Greek/Roman movies hehe

Cheers from the Netherlands,


12-12-2015, 07:14 PM
Ha, cheers man!

My original post was three-and-a-half years ago though. Managed to find him a few times in that time. Welcome to Eoff though :D

12-13-2015, 10:51 PM
Woah, that's quite the necropost.

07-25-2016, 09:16 PM
While this is another revival of a dead post, the initial question hasn't been (definitively) answered.

The Eligor is only encounter-able on the 2nd screen (with the moving trains), and have a 15/64 chance of appearing, which is actually the highest encounter chance of all 5 formations for that map, however the Deenglow appear in 3 of the 5 formations, and the Ghost appear in2 of the 5 formations, so technically you'll encounter them more often the the Eligor, which only appears in 1 formation. Still, statistically speaking the Eligor's formation is the most likely to be encountered.

Also, the Deenglow have an extremely easy Ether steal, which can be sold on for 700 gil. I strongly recommend anyone who is trying to obtain the Striking Staff also make sure to farm a few Ethers. It's also worth noting that if you do steal from the Deenglow, then they will not drop an item (or have a chance of dropping should I say). The item they drop is a Graviball, and is an extremely useful item when facing the Midgar Zolom, as it will hit for 25% of its HP (so 1000 HP).

I advise not stealing from 1 Deenglow per battle, as to try to gain as many Graviballs as possible.

07-26-2016, 09:22 AM
Well, I think that closes the chapter on Eligor!

Thanks for the detailed answer DynamixDJ, top stuff :D