View Full Version : Games you want other EoFFers to play

Wolf Kanno
03-07-2012, 05:49 AM
Title says it all, what games do you wish other EoFFers would play so they can discover how awesome they are.

03-07-2012, 06:07 AM
(Almost) Anything by Paradox Interactive
Civ IV

...guys every single one of my posts in this forum is basically the same, I should really just stop replying xD

03-07-2012, 06:15 AM
have you guys heard of this game series named final fantasy? you guys should totally play those games

also portal

03-07-2012, 06:30 AM
Every non-spinoff Final Fantasy game that you haven't played yet. Seriously folks, you can't discuss a game you haven't played! That and FFT.

Borderlands - a FPS for people who like RPGs. I don't like FPS games and I enjoyed it a lot.
Outland - Amazing and new platformer. Shows how much the genre could have progressed with modern game design.

03-07-2012, 06:40 AM
Any one of you who enjoys an SRPG needs Devil Survivor. It's an amazing story, a deep combat system, huge custamibilty, great artwork, and damned challenging.

03-07-2012, 08:05 AM
NeoCracker winning this thread so far, for recommending something I hadn't heard of before.

Startropics for NES is brilliant. It's sequel (Zoda's Revenge) is also brilliant. You should totally legally hunt down copies and not just find ROMs and play them because it's free and easy... I've also been playing the crap out of Costume Quest and Brutal Legend, and diving into CaveStory on occasion, all recommended.

bleh overdone shoutout to Fallout because everybody already knows it's both awesome and glitchtastic.

Oh, and all fighting games in the last couple years. Seriously, I know a lot of people who have refused to play fighting games since the sega/SNES days, but the retro-comeback has been obscene. Street Fighter IV in any form, the Mortal Kombat reboot, and as of today I can vouch for the gameplay Street Fighter x Tekken. Virtua Fighter 5 as well, but then again Virtua Fighter has always been awesome. They're simple again, they're fun again, so go play some of them.

03-07-2012, 11:06 AM
"Blades of Steel" for the NES (also available for download on the Wii Virtual Console)

Simply one of my favourite two-player games of all time. It's an early ice hockey sim with fantastic mechanics. It has a very unique method of shooting which rewards great timing and sometimes just a little bit of luck!

The fighting system is excellent as well with full screen square-ups mid game. It's fun as well because whoever loses the fight... loses that player for two minutes, as opposed to both players leaving the ice.

The one-player game is great but it really comes into it's own when a friend joins the fun. My best friend and me have literally spent about 5 hours playing non-stop games on this. You won't be dissappointed. Especially when it's only 500 points which equates to what? 5 dollars or £3.50 in the UK.


Loony BoB
03-07-2012, 12:02 PM
Once patch 1.21, comes out, I want us all to play FFXIV. But we'd have to get enough people to start up at the same time to make it really worthwhile. Those that have already done a round of the game already can focus on making gear for the newer members and helping them level and whatnot. =] But that's all optimism, I can't see many people jumping in at the moment. Still, it would be awesome if we had enough interest! The game is getting very good now and I would say after patch 1.21 it will finally be at the stage that it's worth paying to play.

Beyond that, well, let's see. Dreamfall and The Longest Journey would be good, if only to further increase pressure on the developers to finally get Dreamfall Chapters out.

It would be neat if we could find some kind of decent, low spec + high gameplay value MMORPG that we could all play. Like, dozens of us, rather than about ten at most. If we all went in at once, it would be awesome. Even a 2D one would be fine so long as the gameplay value was high and there were enough people interested in it.

EDIT: Also, if we're gonna go old-school, Excelsior is worth playing.

03-07-2012, 02:32 PM
Threads of Fate!

But also Persona 3 and 4.

03-07-2012, 02:57 PM
Every non-spinoff Final Fantasy game that you haven't played yet. Seriously folks, you can't discuss a game you haven't played! That and FFT.

I'm working on it! For precisely this reason, too.

03-07-2012, 03:08 PM
Enviro-Bear 2000 free Download (http://games.brothersoft.com/enviro-bear-2000.html)

03-07-2012, 03:17 PM
Oh also:



03-07-2012, 03:41 PM
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Memories of the Moon. I love this game.

03-07-2012, 03:56 PM
Etrian Odyssey is a pretty fun game where you draw your own maps to the areas that you're in :D

03-07-2012, 04:33 PM
I've actually played left 4 dead (2) with 3 EoFFers - Dakdak, Stu, and Neotifa.

Neotifa doesn't play no more and I just troll all day so I have to turn that mentality off to play with stu / dak (actually I lie; I don't)

we need an eoff l4d guild!

Madame Adequate
03-07-2012, 06:47 PM
Poy Poy
Poy Poy 2
Jumping Flash
No-one Can Stop Mr. Domino
I.Q. Intelligent Qube
Irritating Stick
Incredible Crisis!
Parappa the Rapper
Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe
Little Big Adventure
Little Big Adventure 2
Populous: The Beginning
Magic Carpet
Theme Park
Theme Hospital
Dungeon Keeper
Warzone 2100
Mr. Mosquito
Vib Ribbon

03-07-2012, 07:22 PM
Beyond that, well, let's see. Dreamfall and The Longest Journey would be good, if only to further increase pressure on the developers to finally get Dreamfall Chapters out.

Yes. Y'all should play Frozen Synapse with Lynx Madonna and I too.

03-07-2012, 08:07 PM
Beyond that, well, let's see. Dreamfall and The Longest Journey would be good, if only to further increase pressure on the developers to finally get Dreamfall Chapters out.

Yes. Y'all should play Frozen Synapse with Lynx Madonna and I too.

I am so terrible at that game but hnnngg that music

Ultima Shadow
03-07-2012, 08:42 PM
- Lunar: Silverstar Story and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue

- The World Ends With You

- Touhou (only for the hardcore/people who seeks a challenge)

- Valkyrie Profile 1 and 2.

03-07-2012, 09:56 PM
The Neverhood. A claymated oldie that I look back on fondly. The gameplay (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqf7Wh-ztbA) is kinda dull compared to more modern games, but the art direction and the sweet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WreJGBEF5iA) tunes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmTDE6rKZQI) make it an awesome experience anyway. Aside from the previously linked videos, here's a cute cutscene.


03-07-2012, 10:02 PM

03-08-2012, 03:44 AM
Beyond Good and Evil. Anyone that skipped it because they were too busy with Prince of Persia. Go get it

I'm trying to think, and drawing a blank, mostly. Because my most adored games are pretty widely appreciated. Things like Ico, and Xenogears, most everyone has at least taste tested and come to their own conclusions on already. And other favored games like Dragon Force and Shining Force 3 are extremely hard to come buy for anyone without the systems or good bandwidth and a computer willing to emulate a Sega Saturn

Old school Sonic fans should give Sonic CD a chance though since its now widely available on most platforms, even mobile devices

Flashback, Out of this World/Another World/Heart of the Alien. Braid. Limbo. Really good atmospheric art-house games. Flashback and Out of this World are retro and widely available

Really glad The Longest Journey's been mentioned a couple of times <3 I love me some adventure gaming, and that was probably one of the better examples.

Policenauts is another awesome example. It was only released in Japan on Saturn and PS1, but a few years ago it was translated and patched and the ISO was re-released for western audiences by a fan group. I played through it on my PSP a year or so after their accomplishment, and just recently watched a Let's Play of it. Pretty good stuff

I think I'll leave it at that for now though

Wolf Kanno
03-08-2012, 04:25 AM
Actually obscure but awesome games :cool:
Gitaroo Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8-4K5Q0Zc8)
Sky Gunner
Silhouette Mirage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZHV8llPQgA) - It's Gunstar Heroes meets Ikuruga
Robotech Battle Cry - Certainly flawed game but it's got some really good segments and is pretty challenging, Vs. mode is really fun if you want to play with a friend.
Um Jammer Lammy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lPMuPPb7nQ)
Fragile Dreams
Evil Zone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRMaDgt-eOg) - Also a cheesy awful game, but it definetly falls into that "so bad, it's good" mentality.
El Shaddai: Legend of the Metatron - So this is what an acid trip is like...
Incredible Crisis (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pToG1kCXwoo)
Mech Commander
Colonization - It's pretty much Civ2 but why the hell not?
Jade Cocoon (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNpRWHXzNiM) - Even I forget this fun Pokemon rip-off

Not obscure, but damn I'm surprised how many of you have never played any of these :mad2:
Xenogears (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9RB2bSVKO4) - It's on PSN for crying out loud!
Suikoden - Any of the numbered entries, though Suikoden II (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f4eGQ9MIWM), III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV33UDDSOzs&feature=related), and V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ruQt2vEQnc) are probably the best entries to play
Breath of Fire - Any of the five awesome titles are good, though II - IV are the most popular.
Persona 3 and 4 - I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T85-Obx9iE8&feature=relmfu) mean (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j12-ZUIJpLE) come (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6_rl_ldcj4&feature=relmfu) on... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB4WyHe-HRM&feature=relmfu)There have been three versions of P3 released and P4 is getting a port on the Vita, giving you two ways to play this. You have no excuse, they're even on the PS2 for crying out loud, so you can't say you can't afford the system!
Vagrant Story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDiZNuAkqz0) - Also on PSN now. Probably Matsuno's finest game.
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne/Lucifer's Call - I've noticed this game has become a bit easier to get a hold of nowadays. At least where I live.
Digital Devil Saga - are you getting the hint EoFF, I want you to play some MegaTen dammit! :mad:
Legend of Mana (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TrqigkUtuY) - easily one of the most underrated entries in the series. You can even do co-op and adjust the games difficulty.
Front Mission 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQmpPm4P9qI) - Its a turn based SRPG, with giant robots!
Catherine - Oh hell yes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNQhr61W3Eg&feature=related)

I'll probably remember more at some later time...

03-08-2012, 06:51 AM
Question: is it worth it for a Persona hating anti-Christ such as myself to bother to try other MegaTen games?

Loony BoB
03-08-2012, 09:36 AM
I'll second MILF's mention of Warzone 2100. Possibly the best RTS I ever played.

Wolf Kanno
03-08-2012, 05:48 PM
Question: is it worth it for a Persona hating anti-Christ such as myself to bother to try other MegaTen games?

It would largely depend on what you didn't like about Persona to begin with for me to answer this question.

Madame Adequate
03-08-2012, 07:28 PM
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On.

But only if you can find an original arcade machine. Until you've played that you don't get to play a console iteration :colbert:

03-08-2012, 07:37 PM
Poy Poy
Poy Poy 2

oh my jesus christ yes. these were, hands down, best multiplayer games on the PSX.

Wolf Kanno
03-08-2012, 10:53 PM
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On.

But only if you can find an original arcade machine. Until you've played that you don't get to play a console iteration :colbert:

Hell yes! :cool:

Shattered Dreamer
03-08-2012, 11:08 PM
The only game that springs to mind is Shining Force. One of the best RPG's I have ever played. No need to explain how awesome it is because you all just need to go play it!

03-09-2012, 12:20 AM
Overlord. They made 2., for the 360. Must play :D

Depression Moon
03-09-2012, 01:18 AM
Beyond Good and Evil; HD version please as Ubisoft needs the money to make a sequel.
A while ago like maybe one or two years ago I made a thread about an indy studio looking for some help for a fighting game and now that game is near release. Skullgirls is the game and from what I've experienced the developers of the game provide a relationship with its fanbase that I've seen no other company do. SE just watches from afar and doesn't ask for any feedback or replies to our opinions. No personal touch whatsoever. More studios should get involved with their community.

03-09-2012, 02:14 AM
The only game that springs to mind is Shining Force. One of the best RPG's I have ever played. No need to explain how awesome it is because you all just need to go play it!

oh man I loved what little I played of this game. I need to finish it.

03-09-2012, 10:04 AM
Its an entire series. Most people prefer Shining Force 2, because unlike most other SRPGs, you get to travel the world and explore. Like in a real RPG (not sure why no other SRPG lets you do this). And Shining Force CD is just fun. And fortunately there's a few emulators these days that play Sega CD games <3

I remember watching a bunch of videos on Skullgirls about a year ago. It reminded me a lot of Darkstalkers/Night Warriors

And Overlord was indeed awesome. I loved my minions

03-09-2012, 11:26 AM
Once patch 1.21, comes out, I want us all to play FFXIV. But we'd have to get enough people to start up at the same time to make it really worthwhile. Those that have already done a round of the game already can focus on making gear for the newer members and helping them level and whatnot. =] But that's all optimism, I can't see many people jumping in at the moment. Still, it would be awesome if we had enough interest! The game is getting very good now and I would say after patch 1.21 it will finally be at the stage that it's worth paying to play.

Beyond that, well, let's see. Dreamfall and The Longest Journey would be good, if only to further increase pressure on the developers to finally get Dreamfall Chapters out.

It would be neat if we could find some kind of decent, low spec + high gameplay value MMORPG that we could all play. Like, dozens of us, rather than about ten at most. If we all went in at once, it would be awesome. Even a 2D one would be fine so long as the gameplay value was high and there were enough people interested in it.

EDIT: Also, if we're gonna go old-school, Excelsior is worth playing.

I have been tempted since the newest patch notes are amazing, but I just really need to wait until 2.0 comes around. I also very much agree to the Dreamfall games! You can get them on Steam!

Defintely people should play the Myst series, especially Riven, Exile and Revelations.

Grim Fandango is a must, too.

Shattered Dreamer
03-09-2012, 03:35 PM
The only game that springs to mind is Shining Force. One of the best RPG's I have ever played. No need to explain how awesome it is because you all just need to go play it!

oh man I loved what little I played of this game. I need to finish it.

I keep meaning to play through Shining Force 2 & the prequel to the series Shining in the Darkness but I haven't gotten around to them. Shining Force does one thing a lot of modern games fail to do & that's create an immersive experience

03-10-2012, 03:38 PM
Beyond Good and Evil; HD version please as Ubisoft needs the money to make a sequel.
A while ago like maybe one or two years ago I made a thread about an indy studio looking for some help for a fighting game and now that game is near release. Skullgirls is the game and from what I've experienced the developers of the game provide a relationship with its fanbase that I've seen no other company do. SE just watches from afar and doesn't ask for any feedback or replies to our opinions. No personal touch whatsoever. More studios should get involved with their community.

oh yeah agreed
definitely one of my faves

03-11-2012, 12:00 AM

- Lunar: Silverstar Story

Suikoden - Any of the numbered entries, though Suikoden II (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f4eGQ9MIWM), III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV33UDDSOzs&feature=related), and V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ruQt2vEQnc) are probably the best entries to play
Breath of Fire - Any of the five awesome titles are good, though II - IV are the most popular.
Vagrant Story (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDiZNuAkqz0) - Also on PSN now. Probably Matsuno's finest game.

All of the above.

03-11-2012, 01:38 AM
Baldur's Gate I/II for the PC and Planescape Torment are some of the greatest games of all time. Play them.

EDIT: I second Beyond Good and Evil.

Quindiana Jones
03-11-2012, 03:13 AM
It probably says something about me, and the estimations I have about you all, that I assume that everyone on this site has played Bladur's Gate 1 or 2.

Flying Arrow
03-11-2012, 06:10 PM
Outland - Amazing and new platformer. Shows how much the genre could have progressed with modern game design.

I played and enjoyed Outland this past summer. I should give it another spin soon. What do you think modern game design has done to hold back the platformer, besides obviously making it an obsolete genre for most people? What did you think of LittleBigPlanet? I love the idea of it myself, but controlling sackboy is kind of joyless. Every time I get the urge to play it, I think of the annoying physics and just go and do something else. Oh, and you should really try Rayman Origins. I only played the demo but I heard the full game is just wonderful.

Answering thread:

EoFFers should play both Alpha Protocol and Dark Souls, two of my favourite games from the last two years. I think there's two dead threads for Dark Souls and that's about it. Come on people, I want to help you!

Suikoden - Any of the numbered entries, though Suikoden II (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f4eGQ9MIWM), III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV33UDDSOzs&feature=related), and V (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ruQt2vEQnc) are probably the best entries to play
Breath of Fire - Any of the five awesome titles are good, though II - IV are the most popular.

I've been hankering for a good PS1 RPG lately and BoF IV and S1 on PSN seem to be what I'm looking for. I played some of BoFIII over a weekend once when I was young, and I played Dragon Quarter a few years ago was iffy on it but now that I think back it's probably one of the best games I've ever played.

As for Suikoden, my only experience is with III which I didn't really enjoy and ended up trading in part way through.

Wolf Kanno
03-12-2012, 12:26 AM
I'm curious, what was your gripe with Suikoden III? I'm currently replaying through it myself and trying desperately to get back to finishing my stack of PS3 games instead of replaying through Wild ARMS and Xenosaga while I patiently await Xenoblade Chronicles. :D

Flying Arrow
03-12-2012, 02:05 AM
I think I found it boring and slow, but I can't remember why. That was during one of my JRPG downswings, though. I really wish I didn't trade it in because I'm really looking for a quality game from that era that I haven't played.


Now there's a game I've been considering getting off the PS Store. I have the original discs of 2 and 3, but the first one still has that early Playstation charm and I never actually owned it. WA2 was way different in vibe, IIRC. The third one was closer to 1, but from what I remember kind of boring and drab for whatever reason. I never played 4 or 5 because they basically looked like completely different games than what I liked about the first three.

Wolf Kanno
03-12-2012, 06:44 AM
I think I found it boring and slow, but I can't remember why. That was during one of my JRPG downswings, though. I really wish I didn't trade it in because I'm really looking for a quality game from that era that I haven't played.

I'm guessing it has to do with the game being heavy on backtracking and forcing you to actually manually travel through towns and dungeons to reach places (which even the older games are guilty of doing as well, though a bit less annoying) which is especially notable because the dungeons are nothing to write home about, though they are thankfully short when you compare them to the dungeons maps of FFX and XIII by comparison. I've been actively trading and hunting down rare finds and fighting optional bosses in all three chapters for the three main characters, and doing all that without Viki's quick travel teloportation has balooned my gameplay time to nearly fifty hours despite the fact I just got to Chapter 4, which some would argue is when the actual overall plot begins.

The series is far from perfect and often the games suffer from Konami not giving them the same level of production value that Squenix would throw at one of their series, I mean the sprites in Suikoden 1 are fairly lifeless compared to FFIV's sprites if you can imagine that. Still, the series really does a fantastic job of building a very cohesive world that each new installment builds upon. Not to mention the stories will often deal with some rather mature themes, like how Suikoden III allows you to see the same conflict from the eyes of three different perspectives, which greatly changes how one would think of the very childish notion of war simply being "us vs. them". You now get to see how both sides are a bit desperate and not happy with the situatiosn they inflict on others. There is a lot of depth and lore as you explore the series and it is definetly one I feel you should play in order instead of just skipping around. Several characters return and new time players who start in the middle will miss the more subtle fans service and the gravity of the situation when certain characters show up. The gameplay also gets better, so in case you don't like how simple and basic Suikoden 1's system is, just know that it gets better as the series goes along, minus a simple bump in the road that is Suikoden IV.


Now there's a game I've been considering getting off the PS Store. I have the original discs of 2 and 3, but the first one still has that early Playstation charm and I never actually owned it. WA2 was way different in vibe, IIRC. The third one was closer to 1, but from what I remember kind of boring and drab for whatever reason. I never played 4 or 5 because they basically looked like completely different games than what I liked about the first three.

I also stopped playing after WA3, partially cause WA3 was a bit of a letdown and also because I felt WA4 strayed too far away from the series roots by dropping the Wild West theme for heavy dystopian future theme. Still, alot of game were going that route at the time. 1 and 2 are the closest to simialrity, though 2 does some weird stuff with Force abilities and the character of Tim that really changes it up from the more simple Wild ARMS 1. WA3 was the readical departure with characters getting like one unique Force skill and actually making the guns standard weapons that need to be reloaded in battle. Not to mention the customization system is similar to the concept of the Esper/Materia/Junction system where you equip summons and the equipped summon gives you spells connected to it. It was an odd game that I have never really felt inclined to give it a second playthrough like it's predecessors.

It's because of the mix bag approach of the whole series that I wasn't as inclined to add them to my list, much like my feelings about Xenosaga which I also really enjoyed but understand most people don't care for that particular flavor of game. Though I guess I should add Wild ARMS 1 and 2 to my list as well, because they were both fairly fun old school style games.

03-12-2012, 02:44 PM
I would recommend Sin and Punishment 2 to everyone. It's a really good game.

03-12-2012, 11:50 PM
I'm guessing it has to do with the game being heavy on backtracking and forcing you to actually manually travel through towns and dungeons to reach places (which even the older games are guilty of doing as well, though a bit less annoying) which is especially notable because the dungeons are nothing to write home about, though they are thankfully short when you compare them to the dungeons maps of FFX and XIII by comparison. I've been actively trading and hunting down rare finds and fighting optional bosses in all three chapters for the three main characters, and doing all that without Viki's quick travel teloportation has balooned my gameplay time to nearly fifty hours despite the fact I just got to Chapter 4, which some would argue is when the actual overall plot begins.

I don't want to hijack this thread to be all about Suikoden, but after Suikoden IV, I was never so happy to get Viki as in III. It takes a long time to get around in that game, without the benefit of being able to explore much. The battle system also had its flaws, with the buddy system and the fire rune (aka rune of self-immolation). Really, I think the game just wasn't as polished as others in the series, with some changes not being well thought-out in the transition to 3D and the PS2 (another example: the skill system was too easily maxed out for the main characters; V handled it much better). The story can also be more or less engaging depending on how you choose to play the chapters. If someone new to the series played, say, all of Hugo's chapters first, I could see how that could bore someone to the point of them not wanting to play the rest.

I still think III is a great game, largely due to the plot and very interesting characters and the innovative 3-character system. I would rank it similarly to V, despite V's far superior polish. But I can understand how someone new to the series could be a bit put off by it. I agree that full appreciation is benefited by playing the games in order.

Back on topic, I've been meaning to play Wild Arms for a while. It's on my ever-growing list of games I need to get around to playing eventually.

03-14-2012, 02:51 AM
I feel so proud of myself for having played almost every game in this thread. Although I've only beaten about half of those :(

03-14-2012, 03:03 AM
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On.

But only if you can find an original arcade machine. Until you've played that you don't get to play a console iteration :colbert:

Hell yes! :cool:

Voot is here in canada but years ago. Probably gone now :sad:

I like "Apharmd" and viper

03-14-2012, 03:06 PM
Oh yeah. Baldur's Gate. Those were some of the deepest and most compelling gaming experiences out there. The days when the Fallout boys and the Mass Effect boys collaborated and created something awesome. I have Planescape Torment on my external drive, but my desktop took a poop right after I got the patches and stuff for it, and my laptop was never something stable enough I'd trust to a gaming experience. But I need to get back to those games. Games with 100+ hours of content are usually boring and repetitive to me. But those games were enthralling and immersive. And excellently written

03-15-2012, 07:16 PM
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MSX (or PS2 if you're lucky enough to find a copy of MGS3: Subsistence.)

Words can't describe how much I enjoyed this game. There is some annoying backtracking to do but if you can enjoy the rest of the game enough I find it rather forgivable. Oh, and you'll notice it plays a hell of a lot like MGS.

It's not a very long game either so if you end up not liking it you won't even waste that much of your life on it.

03-16-2012, 01:06 AM
It's on the MGS:HD collection as well, since MGS3 is based on the subsistence version. :kakapo:

Forsaken Lover
03-19-2012, 10:53 PM
Baten frickin' Kaitos: Eternal frickin' Wings and the Lost frickin' Ocean.

This game is awesome. If you are a Chrono fan, Masato Kato also wrote this.

It is a Gamecube-exclusive with stunning visuals, a very creative battle system and a pretty neat little story.
Oh and can't forget the music. A taste of things to come should you play this awesome game-
Normal Battle Theme. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNtWj4bStOY )
Normal battles are now amazing because of this song.

Soft Labyrinth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Heb8iFf_Sww)
A pretty rarely used track that is nevertheless very exciting and guaranteed to get your blood pumping.

Vitriolic a Stroke (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDoBcqdPx-Y)
This game has a great variety of boss themes. This is the weakest but since the OST is so good that hardly means anything.

I'm told the composer is famous for doing most of those Tales games that a lot of my fellow JRPG enthusiasts talk about all the time.

If you want a bit more detail, here's a review a friend of mine did way back when.
Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean - Zelaron Gaming Network (http://zelaron.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35690)

If you like good music, a cool story, beautiful fantasy worlds and fun gameplay, you will like this game.

The voice-acting is kinda bad but who cares.

03-19-2012, 10:55 PM

I Took the Red Pill
03-19-2012, 11:01 PM
I will agree with whoever said Dark Souls.

I'd like to add:
Legend of Legaia (PSX)

Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSX)

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PSX)

Pikmin 2 (GC)

Miner: Dig Deep (XBLA) - A $1 XBL Arcade game that consists solely of digging deeper and deeper, collecting and selling gems, and upgrading your equipment. It isn't the most exciting game but it is great to come home, turn off the brain, listen to the soothing music, and dig for some gems.

03-20-2012, 12:52 AM
Trace Memory (DS)
Elebits (for those into cute cuddly things you get to suck up with a vacuum)
Hey You Pikachu (NO SHAME)
EDIT: Threads of Fate. Gave it to my cousin, never got it back. IT'S A GOOD GAME, CHECK IT OUT
Tomba, a sorta rare game, but good nevertheless.

03-20-2012, 04:40 AM
999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

is one of my favorite games even though its just a visual novel/escape game

best part of this post? you can play the DEMO right here:

999: Enter (http://www.aksysgames.com/999/pages/demo)

999 - Trailer (DS) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfioFxOEHKA)

03-21-2012, 04:22 AM

Now there's a game I've been considering getting off the PS Store. I have the original discs of 2 and 3, but the first one still has that early Playstation charm and I never actually owned it. WA2 was way different in vibe, IIRC. The third one was closer to 1, but from what I remember kind of boring and drab for whatever reason. I never played 4 or 5 because they basically looked like completely different games than what I liked about the first three.

Play it. Just... just play it. The first Wild Arms is quite possibly one of my favorite PS1 games. That and the original Parasite Eve (which if you haven't played it, please do so, like right away). The dungeons had great zelda inspired puzzles (although some of them require a stretch of the imagination), and the music is amazing.

Also, I would recommend the first Sin and Punishment and give Theglassesgirl a huge thumbs up for mentioning trace memory.

03-21-2012, 09:39 PM
I'm always trying to get people to play Guild Wars. And I'd love to have some EoFFers with me adventuring around Tyria in Guild Wars 2!

I used to be really into the Saga Frontier games, always telling people to check those out. I too loved Threads of Fate. Wish I still had it. Maybe I'll have to emulate it.

03-21-2012, 10:13 PM

black orb
03-27-2012, 12:41 AM
>>> Super Ninja Boy - SNES..:luca: