View Full Version : EoFF's 100 Greatest Songs

03-11-2012, 03:36 AM
Yep. I'm doing one. And there will be more if this improves.

Welcome, EoFF. Today I will start a contest determining the greatest songs ever (in EoFF's opinion). The rules are simple:

EoFFers can PM 20 songs to nominate as the "best". They can be from any time, artists, genre, and a cover if they wish. From then, the songs that get the most nominations will be placed in a pool from which EoFFers choose a list to vote for, from there, the entries will be ranked from 100-1. Commentary and small essays for certain songs will be written by those interested.

1. I'm a prick when it comes to musical tastes. That being said, don't judge someone's tastes. At least, not rudely.
2. Only nominate 20 songs. Please. And preferably from a variety of artists. If you gimme, say, six Lady Gaga songs, four Katy Perry songs, and the rest are just a grab bag of randomness, I'll accept it. But if you gimme all the songs from your favorite band, I won't.
3. Justify your choice. The songs that are given the best reasoning will get priority on the Nominations list.
4. I can vote and nominate. That being said, I will be fair. Capice?
5. For the sake of having a concise list, no orchestral scores or classical pieces. To do so would cause more problems than solutions.

All right, nominate away! Once I get a sizable and even number, I'll reveal. Get to it!