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04-11-2012, 08:31 AM
You guys ever go to these things? See all the little stalls and chat with all the people and whatnot. I've been to a few where it's pretty damn busy, and some where it's kind of...sad. But I thought I'd ask a couple questions to get the ball rolling.

Have job fairs ever helped you out?


Do you like to steal all the little goodies?

Today there was a job fair and I went with my boss to steal some crap and as we entered we realised it was a job fair for like law enforcement and military. Felt pretty bad stealing stress balls (x2) and pens (x7) but I figured it was the best way to get deported anyway. I also get a lot of little freebies when I work these things for my uni so we take goodies to give to the other university guys and we're like one big competitive family.

04-11-2012, 08:38 AM
I went to three job fairs when I was looking for a teaching position. Each time the booths were for schools trying to recruit you into their masters program, companies like Target for some reason recruiting people for entry-level retail work, and that one school out waaaay in the middle of the desert.

Can't say I'm a fan. Though Target's goodie was a deck of cards, so that was nice.

04-11-2012, 04:18 PM
I want to one my junior year of high school. It was stupid. I just enjoyed the day off.

04-11-2012, 04:23 PM
all the usb sticks i have were free

but i've never found a job/real connection at one of these things

although i guess that fold up frisbee is close enough

Shattered Dreamer
04-11-2012, 04:31 PM
I have been to about 3 job fairs. Most of them consist of Universities looking for people for PhD or Masters programs, Army & Police recruiters & most of the companies at them look mostly for Science & IT graduates. The last one I went to lead to a job interview that I had 2 rounds of interviews for just before Christmas last year but didn't get it in the end.

I find the key to them if you're actually seriously there to find work is to come across as charismatic as possible because chances are the people there recruiting may be your interviewer later.

04-11-2012, 11:34 PM
I've gone to one job fair that one of my colleges was holding. I managed to get two or three potential offers, one of which I was very interested in for my major; the other two didn't really fit with my major. Unfortunately, the job they were offering wasn't willing to work around a student schedule and I couldn't get the job.

So.. a job being offered to students (and only to students) wasn't willing to work around a student schedule.

I've never gone to another one. Mainly because my classes don't cancel themselves when the school that I'm currently at holds them.

04-11-2012, 11:48 PM
I've been to a few, but I found it to be nothing but a shameless propaganda machine for each and every single company represented. With all of their little stickers and badges? I conversed with at least twenty different companies, but they all sounded pretty much alike in their rhetoric.

I absolutely hated how fake it all seemed. Nothing but shameless self-promotion. But hey, that was my experience.

04-12-2012, 02:32 AM
I went to one job fair early on in college, and it was a waste of time. I suppose they can be decent networking opportunities, but I already knew what I wanted to do.

04-12-2012, 06:09 AM
I had a guy swear to me three consecutive semesters that he would do all in his power to find me a position at his firm. And never so much as got a response from him.

I did get a phone and later, in-person out-of-state interview with another firm I completely forgot I had talked to. but that also amounted to naught, in the end.

The best swag I got was $20 in iTunes credits from the Navy

04-12-2012, 06:58 AM
I went to a job fair this year through my school and there were alot of different companies there, but most of them were based mostly in California so I don't see how that would be particularly helpful to students based in the East. Although I did get an interview with one of the companies that were there. I basically just went through the list of companies there and underlined the ones I wanted to bother speaking to. Honestly a disappointing experience because it's mostly just for internships that are unpaid.

04-15-2012, 05:51 AM
I went to one in which a culinary school gave me burnt cookies.