View Full Version : Homestuck

05-27-2012, 04:19 PM
So I searched the forum for a thread on this, and considering the size of the fandom, I was somewhat surprised to see that there was only one little thread (http://home.eyesonff.com/lounge/139049-homestuck.html), which no one ever replied to.

So, does anyone else read this? I just started this morning and just finished reading Act 3. I love it so far, and recommend it to everyone.

I think this does a good job of explaining why I love it. (http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?p=002669&s=6) But yeah, go to the main site and start a new save file if you haven't started reading it. :kakapo:

05-27-2012, 08:01 PM
I like Problem Sleuth and greatly dislike Homestruck. I was reading Problem Sleuth before Homestruck began and I quickly abandoned Homstruck after just a little while. The thing I liked about Problem Sleuth was the reader driven aspect of it. At the end that fell off but almost all of the best stuff comes early on in the story when the readers were making people do stupid things that resulted in hilarity.

With Homestruck it was clear this wasn't going to be the case and that animations and eventually game...ish-play, music and messaging text dumps would be heavily incorporated into the story and style while he practically will entirely created the narrative. I was not a fan and it is 3 years later and this story is still going on. I thought Problem Sleuth was too long with something like 2000 images but this one must be at 6000 or something by now.

05-28-2012, 12:53 AM
i tried starting from the beginning twice and i can't really do it

but i like all the random fan art on tumblr for it

06-08-2012, 10:30 PM
I like Problem Sleuth and greatly dislike Homestruck. I was reading Problem Sleuth before Homestruck began and I quickly abandoned Homstruck after just a little while. The thing I liked about Problem Sleuth was the reader driven aspect of it. At the end that fell off but almost all of the best stuff comes early on in the story when the readers were making people do stupid things that resulted in hilarity.

With Homestruck it was clear this wasn't going to be the case and that animations and eventually game...ish-play, music and messaging text dumps would be heavily incorporated into the story and style while he practically will entirely created the narrative. I was not a fan and it is 3 years later and this story is still going on. I thought Problem Sleuth was too long with something like 2000 images but this one must be at 6000 or something by now.

With the content earlier on I would disagree, because a lot of the humor seemed to come from making fun of fan suggestions, especially once the Wayward Vagabond was introduced. But as it's gone on, I can see what you mean. I just finished Act 5 (which is the longest thing since forever), and a lot of that humor is really gone, and it overall is taking itself a lot more seriously than in the earlier acts. Still, I enjoy some of the timey-wimey stuff, and I really like the characters and some of the music and art surrounding the fandom.

It really is way too long though. Like woah holy shiz. Act 5 was just, oh my god. :p

06-08-2012, 10:49 PM
I definitely liked it more when I was binging on it than when I caught up and started reading a few pages every couple of days. It's still pretty adorable, though I don't like the new characters as much as I liked the old ones.