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View Full Version : Things you did at Recess/rainy days in school

Miss Lady Shelly
07-11-2012, 07:27 AM
So lets take a trip back in time. When you were young and in school what type of things did you during recess. or games did you play when it was raining outside?

I was always big on doing cat's cradle, Hand clapping games (like slide). TV tag.
and when it would rain i always look forward to playing 7 up.

How about you?

07-11-2012, 10:21 AM
We had this game at my school called "Toilet Monster" which involved having one person (the "Toilet Monster") inside this pyramid-jungle-gym thing who would try to jump up and tag the kids hanging around on the outside before they would hit the top of the pyramid and "flush" him. It was a pretty unbalanced game because the Toilet Monster's odds were pretty damn low but none of the kids seemed to care.

Myself, I liked to stay indoors and play Word Munchers:


07-11-2012, 10:22 AM

And I always played board games like a pro.

07-11-2012, 10:54 AM
We had a ton of four square courts and everyone took it very seriously. During the winter, the snow piles formed by plows also caused dangerous games of King of the Hill!

Old Manus
07-11-2012, 10:56 AM
In our innocent youth, a few friends and I would spend rainy days drawing the levels to an incredibly racist fictional game called 'Muslims Strike Back' (Because terrerists = muslims, natch). They were all dressed like ninjas and were trying to nuke cities.

And then 9/11 happened and we became soothsayers and were championed as patriotic local heroes.

07-11-2012, 11:54 AM
In primary school, during normal lunch breaks we'd either play football with a bunch of kids from various grades (at one point "banned" because there were separate play areas for certain grades or some shit), do backflips off the swing sets or play handball which I have been led to believe is the same as this "foursquare" Sephex mentioned only it rarely was limited to four squares.

During rainy days when we were stuck in the classroom we made castle and catapults out of these wooden blocks used for maths. There were ones cubes, then a stick of ten of those glued together for tens, ten tens stuck together for hundreds, and then ten hundreds stuck together for the fucking behemoth thousands. You could easily make a catapult out of a ten block as the fulcrum and the hundred as the rest of it, and then launch ones around. We often threw thousands around though and got in huge shit for it.

At high school it was the same until we got too lazy to go to the oval so just handball. There was a period in year 12 where we did pissweak "parkour" off this one brick wall but nobody really had the balls to do anything impressive because if you fell you broke your everything. One day I will go back and wallflip that fucking wall, I swear. On rainy days the school fucking hated us so made us stay outside anyway. :bou::bou::bou::bou:s.

07-11-2012, 01:47 PM
Kill the man with the football, some basket ball, hacky sack, and ultimate frisbee.

There was also a good sized bamboo thicket behind the basket ball courts where everyone went to hook-up and fool around, and smoke/drink various things and generally be the horrible little delinquents we were.

07-11-2012, 03:18 PM
I'd just throw a basketball into a hoop by myself because nobody would let me join their games when I was in elementary and when they did I was really obnoxious about it :cry:

07-11-2012, 04:21 PM
...I didn't go to elementary school for long. I didn't have this "recess" you all are talking about. When it rained, I was outside whether I wanted to be or not. I found very dangerous ways to keep myself entertained. Like climbing trees in random yards, playing with stray dogs, and playing with a box of matches I found.

07-11-2012, 04:32 PM
My friends and I got together and did hand-clapping games like Down By The Bank, etc. We played four square and kickball. The last half of elementary school, I started going to the library to read at recess because Harry Potter was a hot item and I had to swallow that shit up.

07-11-2012, 04:51 PM
... a hot item and I had to swallow that tit up.


07-11-2012, 04:52 PM
You are just the worst.

07-11-2012, 05:21 PM
They're your words! It's not even like I'm assembling the sentences from tiny soundbites; that one was clearly written there for all to see!

07-11-2012, 05:37 PM
We'd put itchy pips down other kid's backs and watch them squirm for hours.

We also played pokemon and I ran around all day once pretending to be a pikachu.

Yep... we were wild.

07-11-2012, 05:51 PM
We'd put itchy pips down other kid's backs and watch them squirm for hours.

We also played pokemon and I ran around all day once pretending to be a pikachu.

Yep... we were wild.

That reminds me...I used to have a light blue sweat shirt and sweat pants.

When I wore that to school I was Mega Man.

07-11-2012, 06:00 PM
Dude that's so cool. Me and my buddy used to try and force jump across this little gap in the playground and I think one other kid like died there because he was too fat to jump it or something so they pulled it apart and we just had to do backflips instead :confused:

Trumpet Thief
07-11-2012, 07:18 PM
Sunny days:

Freeze Tag

Rainy days:

7up all day errday (make sure to cheat by looking at the kid's shoes!)

07-11-2012, 08:03 PM
When I was in elementary I can't remember what games in specific we would play, but I remember there was a whole lot of running involved most of the time. We would play a lot of soccer in junior high or some basket ball or even played with marbles, there was no definite game. Or we would just spend our time at the computer lab playing games.

07-11-2012, 08:05 PM
In grades kindergarten through third we had awesome playground equipment. Two sets of swings, two jungle gyms, a crazy pyramid thing, four slides that were HUGELY TALL like 12 feet, one of those wooden things with monkey bars, bridge and slides, and some crazy thing that I'm pretty sure were just pipes stuck in the ground with one horizontally across the top to hand upside down. And huge trees to play in. We lived like kings there.

In fourth grade we had a different playground. One swingset. A set of monkey bars. Basketball hoops. That was it. We spent most of our time in the tree line building "forts" with stuff we found from home. And getting in trouble for being there.

In fifth grade we had an old football field with no playground equipment. Just a dusty baseball diamond in one corner. You knew childhood was over once you got to fifth grade and there was nothing to do. I was tall and strong so I gave people shoulder rides around the field until that was deemed "unsafe" and I got in trouble.

When it rained sometimes they let us watch a movie, but usually we just worked on something else.

I think we still need playground equipment and recess. Instead of going to my car and looking at facebook on my break, I think I'd like to swing on a swingset or climb on a jungle gym.

07-12-2012, 08:33 PM
We had this game at my school called "Toilet Monster" which involved having one person (the "Toilet Monster") inside this pyramid-jungle-gym thing who would try to jump up and tag the kids hanging around on the outside before they would hit the top of the pyramid and "flush" him. It was a pretty unbalanced game because the Toilet Monster's odds were pretty damn low but none of the kids seemed to care.

Myself, I liked to stay indoors and play Word Munchers:

Number munchers > Word Munchers :p

07-13-2012, 12:57 AM
Number munchers > Word Munchers :p


07-13-2012, 12:58 AM
Number munchers > Word Munchers :p


07-13-2012, 02:55 AM
3rd and 4th grade I'd play chess during recess with a few other guys from my class. We'd have tournaments like nerds.

07-14-2012, 03:15 AM
In junior school, we'd do a lot of different games:

Kiss chase
British Bulldog
Quick Cricket
Spin the bottle

were all popular, there sure as hell was a lot of kissing going on from years 4 - 6 no wonder I turned out like I did lol.

On rainy days we'd be classroom bound, some teachers I had were terrible and would be like "sit around and read or whatever" other teachers were pretty cool I remember one class teacher had us building an island as a class for geography and so she used to get us working on that whenever we could. We owned the school competition for best class project that year because it RAINED A LOT.

In high school it was a bit different, gone were the games of kiss chase and british bulldog. Instead we played;

penny up the wall - form of gambling amongst kids, bit like marbles except you threw a penny against the wall, the person who landed their penny closest wins bets would consist of around £1 however due to chances of losing the coins we only played with penny coins.
crucifixion - A horrible game were some poor sap would be ambushed and then tied to the school fence somewhere towards the end of break by the perps ties, we all got in big shit more than once for having left the person there at the end of break, unsurprisingly we were all easily caught too, our ties being knotted in to the chainlink fencing.

On rainy days we'd play more basketball if we got put in the gym or the old gym. We'd do trampolining if we got put in the hall, and if we were put in a class often the tamagotchi's came out or the pokemon trading cards. Sometimes there'd be a game or two of spin the bottle but teachers would clamp down on that like it was us playing "go in the toilets and fuck if it lands on you" instead of kiss. Some teachers would simply be all "get on with your homework"

I remember one day in year 10 myself and about 20 other guys were like "fuck the police" or rather "fuck the teachers" and went outside to play basketball in the pouring rain, our last lesson was PE so we didn't care if we got wet... we thought we looked so bad ass with our curtained hair (it was cool in those days, David Beckham had curtains at this point) and white school shirts getting soaked through, looking back and taking off the rose tinted glasses we looked like idiots. We didn't care it was awesome! We got a weeks worth of detentions for that too.

07-14-2012, 05:37 AM
since we're being all dark now

i never went outside during lunch, i stayed in the library and read books. sometimes i did homework. i read every star wars book in my school library between grades 4-6 but now i don't remember any of them. i also couldn't really talk english so i guess this helped me. the librarian eventually insisted i go outside and play, but i think i only played soccer a few times with the other kids. avoided outside like the plague. unfortunately that meant i was playing catch-up in terms of social contacts development with peers for a few years after.

before emigration, grades 1-3, i'd start class wide fights and pretend i had my own gang of jean jacket wearing kids

07-15-2012, 07:15 AM
in the spring/fall i used to take off my shirt, fill it with gravel like a rucksack and then dump it on some unsuspecting sucker below

in the winter i stayed in the cafeteria and played super mario land and link's awakening or read goosebumps books

07-16-2012, 12:52 PM
Played this five-level demo of Lemmings on the Acorn Archimedes and repeatedly failed at the final level.

Failing that I'd walk laps of the place waiting to go back inside. The other kids didn't like me much because being good at school work was frowned upon in my school.

When I was older I went to the library and did my homework, if I did it at all. Always objected to having that. Otherwise due to the fact I had no computer at home I was playing FF6 on an emulator. With no sound. I'll let the misfortune of that sink in.

07-16-2012, 01:03 PM
Bro that is fucking horrible. Do you just listen to the soundtrack on loop now while crying into your cereal? I fucking would :(

07-17-2012, 04:05 AM
Rainy days were the best in second grade.

My classroom was very large and had this small elevated stage area, so you could recline like a Roman against it while playing with these badass mathematical blocks. There was one small 1x1 square, a long 1x10 squares, and a large 10x10 square. They were supposed to teach you about place value systems, but we just built with them instead. (see jiro, but less propulsion)

the worst was during the winters if it didn't dry up, because we were forced to stay on the paved blacktop part of the playground, but we couldn't stay inside because teh teachers were like 'smurf daaaaaat'. So the entire population on recess was constricted to a small fraction of the total area, with none of the fun playground equipment. So we had to resort to playing foursquare (both variations-- the one with the ball, and the local variation where players ran to switch squares while one person stood in the middle to try and take someone's position), basketball, tetherball, hopscotch (none of us were very certain on this, so we made it up a little), jumped rope, stood on this giant painting of the 50 states (or maybe just the lower 48), or just milled around while staring at the fun swings and slides and jungle gyms we were prevented from accessing on account of mud.

but! glorioski! when the mud dried and we had full reign! kick ball games, swinging, doing flips'n'tit, hanging out in the super elite only-four-at-a-time penthouse treehouse
picking flowers and weeds, running amok on the merry go round, the short-lived jogging club, the pull-up bars

The absolute worst was in high school. Coke break and lunch break, you had 300 students milling around a small courtyard and common area, bored, drinking sugar and caffeine. A breeding ground for drama!

In fifth grade we had an old football field with no playground equipment. Just a dusty baseball diamond in one corner. You knew childhood was over once you got to fifth grade and there was nothing to do. I was tall and strong so I gave people shoulder rides around the field until that was deemed "unsafe" and I got in trouble.

hahaha, yes this. The exact same fucking thing with us. One of the girls who ran from class president campaigned that she would get us better recess equipment. At least we got kickball balls eventually.

07-17-2012, 10:06 AM
I just realized I'm forgetting the details of my childhood. Fuck.

07-17-2012, 02:48 PM
1-3 did whatever. Pokemon on the playground
I can remember in 4th grade I spent recess checking a live webcam of ducks.
5th grade was 4 square.

07-17-2012, 05:27 PM
1-3 did whatever. Pokemon on the playground
I can remember in 4th grade I spent recess checking a live webcam of ducks.
5th grade was 4 square.

Aaaaaaaand this post has made me feel pretty damn old.

07-17-2012, 05:34 PM
That list ends almost ten years ago. How old are you?

07-17-2012, 05:55 PM
That list ends almost ten years ago. How old are you?

Ten years ago I was 20. I am now 30.


Recess...Recess has changed...

07-17-2012, 05:57 PM
1-3 did whatever. Pokemon on the playground
I can remember in 4th grade I spent recess checking a live webcam of ducks.
5th grade was 4 square.

Aaaaaaaand this post has made me feel pretty damn old.

I'm with you there. Pokemon came out when I was in eighth grade.

I skipped a day of high school to go see Pokemon the First Movie with a friend

07-17-2012, 06:46 PM
We just sat in a classroom doing bog all really.

I remember trying to impress this girl at school for about two years. On rain breaks, I used to persuade my friend to let me beat him at arm wrestling whenever she walked past. Christ, I was lame.

07-17-2012, 06:47 PM
I remember trying to impress this girl at school for about two years. On rain breaks, I used to persuade my friend to let me beat him at arm wrestling whenever she walked past. Christ, I was lame.

You aren't anymore? ;D

07-17-2012, 06:57 PM
I remember trying to impress this girl at school for about two years. On rain breaks, I used to persuade my friend to let me beat him at arm wrestling whenever she walked past. Christ, I was lame.

You aren't anymore? ;D


No we just take our pants off and have a cock fight.

07-17-2012, 07:17 PM
Pokemon. Freaking. Cards.

07-18-2012, 04:07 AM
I didn't even know what a webcam was in primary school, so even I feel old.

07-18-2012, 04:09 AM
It was the first webcam anyone in my school had ever seen, so that's why we didn't even care what was on the other end. Coulda been dogs humping and it still would have been neat.

07-18-2012, 04:09 AM
It was the first webcam anyone in my school had ever seen, so that's why we didn't even care what was on the other end. Coulda been dogs humping and it still would have been neat.

Even more so.