View Full Version : The Dark Knight Rises (the spoiler-free thread)

07-18-2012, 08:30 PM
May as well start up a thread now since it's almost out. Looking forward to seeing it.

07-18-2012, 10:02 PM
I've been waiting my whole life for this moment. My body is ready.

Del Murder
07-18-2012, 10:09 PM
My expectations are tempered because I know it won't be as good as The Dark Knight and probably won't be as good as Batman Begins.

07-18-2012, 10:29 PM
I feel the same way. Joker is my favorite villain of all time and I've never really cared for Bane. Hopefully my expectations not being too high will lead to a pleasant surprise.

07-18-2012, 11:29 PM
I don't think it can top The Dark Knight because a) The Joker is the greatest villain ever and b) so was the portrayal of his character in that film. I have a lot of hope, though, because I'm anticipating this to be the darkest one of all three.

I read a lot of hate for Anne Hathaway about this movie a few months ago - not really sure why. I think she'll do a great job with her part. Nolan knows how to direct. He's picked a great cast in the last films and I have confidence that she'll be able to exceed my expectations.

also so fucking excited for Bane.

07-19-2012, 12:18 AM
Batman Begins was balls and I wanted 2 hours and 30 minutes of my life back. The Dark Knight was amaze balls, but that doesn't mean this movie cannot be just as good. I have faith in Christopher Nolan and Tom Hardy.

07-19-2012, 12:21 AM
Batman Begins was balls and I wanted 2 hours and 30 minutes of my life back.

All of your opinions are now necessarily invalid.

EDIT: Also, DKR comes out just a few days before the bar, so I hate both it and all of you because I CAN'T GO TO THE MIDNIGHT RELEASE OR SEE IT FOR DAYS ARGH WHY FSM WHY

I Took the Red Pill
07-19-2012, 12:26 AM
I prefer Batman Begins to The Dark Knight. Yes, yes, I know, send in the angry village mob with their torches and pitchforks.

I will, absolutely, go see The Dark Knight Rises, but I don't find myself too excited about it. I always thought Bane was a pretty lame villain. I wish the erstwhile rumors of Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin were true. :(

07-19-2012, 12:27 AM
Say what you will but I will continue to dislike any movie with Katie Holmes in it and the "villain" sucked. Also, I don't go see a super hero movie to watch Bruce Wayne acting like the capitalist pig he is.

07-19-2012, 12:29 AM
Most of my platoon will go to see if Saturday night together.

Depression Moon
07-19-2012, 12:34 AM
I am highly excited rewatching every Batman film I care about. I also suspect Talia will appear.

Trumpet Thief
07-19-2012, 12:50 AM
Insanely excited! Got tickets for opening night with some friends, and I'm sure that Nolan will deliver. :)

Wolf Kanno
07-19-2012, 05:28 AM
Probably won't be able to see it this weekend but I am excited for it. I don't think it will be as good as The Dark Knight but that was kind of one of those films where everything aligned just right for it. I still feel DKR will be a great film and I am happy Bane was chosen cause he is an underrated villain in the series and his portrayal in Batman and Robin was just criminal. :mad:

07-19-2012, 05:54 AM
Wont be seeing it this week but totally will next we at an IMAX. WOO! The last one came out on my 18th birthday so it has a special place in my heart. This one probably wont be as good but oh well. It'll still probably be really good.

07-19-2012, 06:49 AM
Batman Begins was balls and I wanted 2 hours and 30 minutes of my life back.

All of your opinions are now necessarily invalid.

EDIT: Also, DKR comes out just a few days before the bar, so I hate both it and all of you because I CAN'T GO TO THE MIDNIGHT RELEASE OR SEE IT FOR DAYS ARGH WHY FSM WHY

Shut up, Wesley. That's god punishing you for what you said to Shiny, because she's smurfing right. Batman Begins was balls. The only thing good about it was Scarecrow, and we didn't get to see enough of him and we didn't get to see anything about what happened to the city when the Arkham patients ran fucking rampant. They cut out a whole lot of amazing potential right there.

07-19-2012, 06:52 AM
WHAT? No Batman Begins had Ninjas! Anything with ninjas is automatically awesome. :colbert:

07-19-2012, 06:56 AM
Should have axed more of the ninja time and training and gone with more footage of crazy people, imo :colbert:

Wolf Kanno
07-19-2012, 10:12 AM
It had Liam Neeson playing Ra's Al Gul. I don't know what else a Batman fan would want except maybe a Lazarus Pit. :p

07-19-2012, 05:41 PM
Shiny and Shorty were obviously dropped too hard on their heads as kids. Batman Begins was packed with awesome: Christian Bale, Morgan Freemon, Liam Neeson, Scarecrow, among others.

I still feel DKR will be a great film and I am happy Bane was chosen cause he is an underrated villain in the series and his portrayal in Batman and Robin was just criminal. :mad:

Seriously. I can only assume that the people bitching about Bane have only experienced him through Batman & Robin, where he was a comically mindless brute (just one of a great number of travesties that movie committed). Bane is otherwise a very dark and menacing villain, so I think he is perfect for a Nolan film.

07-19-2012, 06:14 PM
Seriously. I can only assume that the people bitching about Bane have only experienced him through Batman & Robin, where he was a comically mindless brute (just one of a great number of travesties that movie committed). Bane is otherwise a very dark and menacing villain, so I think he is perfect for a Nolan film.

Not only that, but I'd say the people disliking may also have only seen the artwork of him from the 90's with his ridiculous mask and costume, or his appearance in Arkham Asylum (which wasn't a good depiction of him frankly).

What people need to keep in mind is that Bane is a character who is not only more than a physical match for Batman, he matches him intellectually as well. Despite the art from when he was originally designed making him look like a Mexican wrestler, he is an intelligent villain, and strong tactician, and, oh yeah, he beat Batman. And I mean we're not just talking about beating him in a fist fight. He figured out Batman's identity, made Batman push himself over the limits of his physical and mental endurance, capturing every villain in Arkham, then finished him off when he was as battered and broken as he'd ever been. And it looks like TDKR is going to be pulling from all of the best aspects of the character.

The only reason someone wouldn't be excited about that is if they didn't know why they're supposed to be excited.

07-19-2012, 06:16 PM
Fell asleep during Batman Begins.

Bring back George Clooney and Uma Thurman and Arnie. Camp Batman > Gritty Batman... Forever. :smug:

07-19-2012, 06:24 PM
I always thought Tom Hardy was an underrated actor but he is absolutely the perfect choice for Bane.

I'm watching it at the IMAX on Sunday and I'll make sure that I wear tight underwear in order to contain my excitement.

07-19-2012, 06:28 PM
I always thought Tom Hardy was an underrated actor but he is absolutely the perfect choice for Bane.

I've liked him a lot in the roles I've seen him in, but I have to agree, he looks absolutely perfect as Bane. I know he's got the acting chops for it, but he also just plain looks like he'll break someone in half. If I saw that man anywhere near me, I wouldn't even bother running. I'd just ask that my death be quick.

07-19-2012, 06:48 PM
He could definitely tear you a new one...


07-19-2012, 08:02 PM
I'm with Raistlin on this one.

Batman Begins > The Dark Knight.

07-19-2012, 08:30 PM
Shiny and Shorty were obviously dropped too hard on their heads as kids. Batman Begins was packed with awesome: Christian Bale, Morgan Freemon, Liam Neeson, Scarecrow, among others.

I still feel DKR will be a great film and I am happy Bane was chosen cause he is an underrated villain in the series and his portrayal in Batman and Robin was just criminal. :mad:

Seriously. I can only assume that the people bitching about Bane have only experienced him through Batman & Robin, where he was a comically mindless brute (just one of a great number of travesties that movie committed). Bane is otherwise a very dark and menacing villain, so I think he is perfect for a Nolan film.

Listen, I have no problem with Neeson. I quite enjoy some of his movies. I hated him as Wayne's mentor, though. I hated that character. I won't deny that Morgan Freeman was awesome and god, I wish I could have seen more of Scarecrow more than anything. But the first half of the movie was utterly terrible.

I don't know how anyone can deny that TDK is a better film :colbert: Heath Ledger's portayal of The Joker will go down in the history of film forever. He made that movie his. Christian Bale was the sideshow, as far as I'm concerned.

What people need to keep in mind is that Bane is a character who is not only more than a physical match for Batman, he matches him intellectually as well. Despite the art from when he was originally designed making him look like a Mexican wrestler, he is an intelligent villain, and strong tactician, and, oh yeah, he beat Batman. And I mean we're not just talking about beating him in a fist fight. He figured out Batman's identity, made Batman push himself over the limits of his physical and mental endurance, capturing every villain in Arkham, then finished him off when he was as battered and broken as he'd ever been.

This. And I am so smurfing excited for it.

The Captain
07-19-2012, 09:08 PM
I am interested to see how exactly this film ties together the other two movies. Other then you know, it being about Batman. From what I understand, this one especially is meant to feel like a finale, not a stand-alone movie.

I guess I may have to go back and watch the two previous movies beforehand if I want the full impact.

Take care all.

07-19-2012, 10:33 PM
Man, after everyone has seen this movie during this weekend, it's going to be easier and more friendly to debate abortion and religion.

07-19-2012, 11:56 PM
I don't think it can top The Dark Knight because a) The Joker is the greatest villain ever and b) so was the portrayal of his character in that film. I have a lot of hope, though, because I'm anticipating this to be the darkest one of all three.

I read a lot of hate for Anne Hathaway about this movie a few months ago - not really sure why. I think she'll do a great job with her part. Nolan knows how to direct. He's picked a great cast in the last films and I have confidence that she'll be able to exceed my expectations.

also so fucking excited for Bane.
Anne Hathaway looks sweet and not feline at all. Thankfully, I think she's a very good actress so I'm not too worried that she won't be able to pull it off.

Batman Begins was balls and I wanted 2 hours and 30 minutes of my life back.

All of your opinions are now necessarily invalid.

Say what you will but I will continue to dislike any movie with Katie Holmes in it and the "villain" sucked. Also, I don't go see a super hero movie to watch Bruce Wayne acting like the capitalist pig he is.
Okay, well, Katie Holmes did do a lot of damage to my enjoyment of that movie. So did Rachel Dawes as a character in general. I like the villains though.

07-20-2012, 02:19 AM
Shiny and Shorty were obviously dropped too hard on their heads as kids. Batman Begins was packed with awesome: Christian Bale, Morgan Freemon, Liam Neeson, Scarecrow, among others.

I still feel DKR will be a great film and I am happy Bane was chosen cause he is an underrated villain in the series and his portrayal in Batman and Robin was just criminal. :mad:

Seriously. I can only assume that the people bitching about Bane have only experienced him through Batman & Robin, where he was a comically mindless brute (just one of a great number of travesties that movie committed). Bane is otherwise a very dark and menacing villain, so I think he is perfect for a Nolan film.

The film barely had Scarecrow and not enough of Neeson or Freemon imo. This was the problem! I will agree with you on the Bane thing though. I asked someone why they didn't want to go see The Dark Knight Rises and they pretty said what everyone who some how hates the film already has been saying, "BANE IS NOT A MAIN VILLAIN HE'S JUST A HENCHMAN" or they say that it doesn't look like it has enough action in it. To those people: just go see the film and stfu before you make your accusations. These are the same hoo ha's who were complaining about Ledger being casted as the Joker.

I actually have a semi-funny Neeson story from a while back on the set of movie he did with Christina Ricci. Don't feel like telling that story though. I stand by my statement that Batman Begins is utter balls and boring.

07-20-2012, 02:31 AM
I asked someone why they didn't want to go see The Dark Knight Rises and they pretty said what everyone who some how hates the film already has been saying, "BANE IS NOT A MAIN VILLAIN HE'S JUST A HENCHMAN" or they say that it doesn't look like it has enough action in it.

If you see this person again, please slap them for me. Even if you were going to make the ridiculous statement that Bane is just a henchman (henchmen can run Gotham's criminal underworld now?), thinking there won't be enough action is insane. I'd like to know how old this person is because I think the only excuse for not knowing that Bane broke Batman's back then tossed him off a building to make a statement is if you weren't even born when it happened. Even then, if you're even passingly familiar with the villain you should know he broke the Bat. Kids these days.

I stand by my statement that Batman Begins is utter balls and boring.

Feel free to slap yourself for me too.

07-20-2012, 02:34 AM
If you see this person again, please slap them for me. Even if you were going to make the ridiculous statement that Bane is just a henchman (henchmen can run Gotham's criminal underworld now?), thinking there won't be enough action is insane. I'd like to know how old this person is because I think the only excuse for not knowing that Bane broke Batman's back then tossed him off a building to make a statement is if you weren't even born when it happened. Even then, if you're even passingly familiar with the villain you should know he broke the Bat. Kids these days.

Even if he was "just a henchman," he cracks Batman's back over his goddamn knee like it ain't no thang. That right there is legendary enough for me.

but no. Slap 'em twice, Shiny.

07-20-2012, 02:41 AM
Even if he was "just a henchman," he cracks Batman's back over his goddamn knee like it ain't no thang. That right there is legendary enough for me.

Yeah, I mean that image is just the stuff of legends. Particularly the cover art which shows him just really bending the Bat over his knee. Just so brutal and violent. The 90's may have produced a lot of shit in terms of comic book writing, but stuff like that image stay with you. Anyone not expecting much from Bane in the movie needs a lesson in nerd history.

07-20-2012, 02:43 AM
foa got mad at me on facebook for posting that I was excited about Wayne getting destroyed. Then Sharky pointed out that it's shown on the cover of the original comic. :colbert: (but I used a spoiler here cause I don't want to get yelled at again)


07-20-2012, 02:49 AM
I actually have a semi-funny Neeson story from a while back on the set of movie he did with Christina Ricci. Don't feel like telling that story though.
What in the literal fuck is wrong with you.

07-20-2012, 05:50 PM
Oh man. Some guy posted his bloody shirt (http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/wvbbk/i_am_one_of_the_50_wounded_in_the_aurora_theatre/)from the incident on reddit (http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/wv4q2/someone_came_into_our_theater_at_the_midnight/c5gq9c0), and the comments, so many actual comments from the event and videos, and police reports. EVEN A BABY WAS SHOT! Why you'd have your baby at DKR theater who knows but sad!

He even had explosives in his apartment! It's crazy :(

07-20-2012, 06:25 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing this, but I never saw Batman Begins. Can someone who's seen it confirm is Begins is necessary viewing for this movie or not?

07-20-2012, 08:46 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing this, but I never saw Batman Begins. Can someone who's seen it confirm is Begins is necessary viewing for this movie or not?

I've heard it references the original a bit more than the second one. You might want to check it out just to make sure TDKR makes sense.

Also, because Batman Begins is awesome and anyone who disagrees can eat a turd.

07-20-2012, 11:05 PM
Also, because Batman Begins is awesome and anyone who disagrees can eat a turd.


Batman Begins is likely to end up being the weakest of the three but it still kicks the arse out of every other Batman film ever made.

07-20-2012, 11:07 PM
I read about that shooting this morning. I thought it was fake/a joke at first. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?

I'm looking forward to seeing this, but I never saw Batman Begins. Can someone who's seen it confirm is Begins is necessary viewing for this movie or not?

I'm not sure if it is necessary to see Batman Begins, I'm not familiar with the plot for current release, but it's not a bad movie at all, and regardless of how much it ties up with the new movie, you should see it.

Also, I hope all the victims involved in the mass shooting make a quick recovery and that justice is done with the man who did this. There's just no words to describe this.

07-20-2012, 11:49 PM
I've moved the off-topic posts to their own thread in EoEO.

I'm looking forward to seeing this, but I never saw Batman Begins. Can someone who's seen it confirm is Begins is necessary viewing for this movie or not?
Yes, you need to see the first and second movies to fully understand the third.

I loved the last installment of this trilogy. I've never really cared for Bane, but I found the ending very satisfying nonetheless.

07-22-2012, 08:39 PM
Turns out that Nolan is going to make another movie you guys!


07-23-2012, 03:20 PM
Oh my good lord... I can't believe how ridiculously good this film was. I'll be watching it again on Wednesday and I can probably say I'll be watching it again before the run ends.

There was very little to fault. A great script and story, fantastic action pieces, superb acting and just the best possible way to end it. I can safely say that there doesn't need to be another Batman film made again. Ever. It would be pointless.

07-26-2012, 02:58 AM
that was pretty amazing

gonna go to spoiler thread now to geek out

07-26-2012, 05:52 AM
I have now given it enough thought to say that I think The Dark Knight Rises is the best film in the series. It built upon everything from the previous films and gave a fantastic conclusion to the series. I loved the villains and Catwomen has finally been done in a way in which I actually like her. So much good stuff in this movie.

Depression Moon
07-27-2012, 11:41 PM
Movie was phenomenal!

08-12-2012, 05:03 AM
Today I went to see the movie with my family. I was at the point when the kid is singing and was thinking that the movie was pretty good, but not great yet, when a guy in the very back of the theatre yelled "DIE" as loud as he can. His friend quickly said "dude not cool" but it was too late, the movie was ruined for everyone, a kid started crying, and everyone started giving him (and me in a case of mistaken identity) dirty looks.
How could someone be insensitive enough after what happened to do this in a movie theatre?
I've been told he did this about the same point in the movie the massacre began.

I later became immersed in the movie, but others were visibly upset.

08-12-2012, 07:13 AM
Hopefully he never gets laid again. Find him and post this story and his identity on the interwebs.

08-12-2012, 10:27 AM
Some people think they're comedians. George Costanza shouting out 'that's gotta hurt!' during a scene in an airship disaster movie, now that's funny.

08-12-2012, 06:30 PM
Hopefully he never gets laid again. Find him and post this story and his identity on the interwebs.
I have no idea who he was, but if there were an etiquette police, he'd be facing the death penalty

08-13-2012, 07:11 AM
I first saw Tom Hardy (actually, I've really only ever seen him) on... Warrior? I could see how that movie could fly under the radar. It's hard to immediately see it's quality from the outside. But it was a good movie. He's a good actor. I didn't realize he had an accent ("oh, holy crap," just saw his picture and realized he's the same guy I recently watched in This Means War strangling Chris Pine's character for confessing he'd once slept with his wife). Awesome.