View Full Version : [Art] The Concept Art thread.

Pete for President
08-14-2012, 01:07 PM
So recently I started dreaming to try and push my artwork into the direction of animation/video game concept art, with a focus on creature and environmental design. I've been speaking to ex-lead concept artist of Triumph Studio's (Overlord I & II) and he's been giving me some feedback. Turns out I could use some big improvements and up the standard to 'real' concept artist level.

So hereby I call upon the power of you, fellow EoFF-ers, to post your favorite concept art & artists and inspire both yourself and me to create beautiful, jawdropping things. And let's discuss concept art in general.

I'll start with a rather simple piece: 36730

Why do I find it interesting? Well, it is sort of a standard undead Gargoyle, but what surprised me is the artist's way of working. The head up top is cutout pretty sloppy, and part of the tail doesn't seem to be colored at all. The structure in the wings and helmet is what gives this creature his personality. It looks like old copper, instantly making him feel old and well, static like a statue. What do you think?

black orb
08-22-2012, 05:21 AM
>>> Very nice, it could be mistaken for a dragon though.. Well, thats was my first impression of it.

Not exactly Concept Artists but the artists that inspire me are Vincent Van Gogh and Antoni Gaudi. No other artist alive or dead comes even close to them in my opinion. :luca:

08-22-2012, 09:07 PM
There is an artist on dA that inspires me. Lone Momo (http://lone-momo.deviantart.com/). I love their work and have forever been influenced by it. They do some concept art too.


But I like their humans



Pete for President
09-17-2012, 09:28 AM
Excuses for my absence!

>>> Very nice, it could be mistaken for a dragon though.. Well, thats was my first impression of it.

Not exactly Concept Artists but the artists that inspire me are Vincent Van Gogh and Antoni Gaudi. No other artist alive or dead comes even close to them in my opinion. :luca:

Gaudi was way ahead of his time indeed!

I love that first and last pic Freya. Very dark and chilly. Funny how the leaves in the last pic add the autumn-ish feel. Also adds credibility to the dark dear imo : ) Gonna check out their profile!

Here's a piece I quite like:


Aside from the action of the swordfight I think the background is very atmospheric and quite hostile. In fact the guy who made this and pretty much all the concept art for Puss in Boots (Nathan Fowkes (http://nathanfowkes.blogspot.nl/)) makes much darker work than you'd expect. You can tell he had to put some 'standards' in Puss in Boots and the black cat, because the cats in the background have a way crazier, creepier design. Love those : )