View Full Version : pinkerton

09-02-2012, 07:43 AM
We know that Weezer kinda sucks now, you can't really deny that at this point. But what if that one disenfranchised fan did actually accrue ten million dollars to just get them to quit? Would you pony up ten bucks for another copy of Pinkerton already knowing that it is totally the best Weezer album and they'll never outdo it? This comes at the price knowing they will totally never make another shitty album with two good songs on it again.

Me? I'll forget about the average-ness of the Green Album and the two good tracks from Maladroit and whatever the fuck else, Pork and Beans is a really good song but this is for the greater good.

this is the single longest thread about Weezer ever posted at these here forums

09-02-2012, 10:23 AM
I like The Green Album. Of the stuff since then The Greatest Man That Ever Lived is my favourite by miles.

Anyway bands going downhill is par for the course really. So I'm happy to let Weezer rumble on.

09-03-2012, 06:20 AM
Wait... Weezer had two good songs? What songs are these?

The Man
09-03-2012, 06:25 AM
Let's be fair here, not many bands could outdo Pinkerton. Then again, it's like Rivers hasn't even been trying since about 2002.

09-03-2012, 07:33 AM
Pinkerton is gold, but I'm pretty partial to The Blue Album. Things started going downhill for me with Make Believe. I thought, "ehh, this is okay, but most of it kindof sucks."

It's safe for me to say I have not heard anything past Make Believe, so I will take your word that they have indeed hit the downward spiral.