09-05-2012, 05:24 AM
Hurray, answers to the Round 4 questions posted by Freyacrest!
1) Loony BoB has told Psychotic to "shut the smurf up". We don't allow swearing! We also don't allow people to order other people around in such a manner. Loony BoB has been a bad boy. He needs to be punished. What do you do?
Knock their heads together and tell them that I have no qualms about turning this car around and going back home. Then I'd turn on Rantz and I's My Humps duet and I'd force them to listen to it as punishment. (Knock it off, you don't get to tell others what to do!)
2) Pike and I'm My Own MILF were caught having sex in front of the children at her kindergarten. That's disgusting! What do you do?
Contact the authorities to have Pike jailed until she rots and deport Huxley not back to the UK, but instead to France for the rest of his life. He'll love it there. :bigsmile: (Knock it off, no sex in front of the children!)
2a) Now the kids are asking what they were doing. What do you tell them?
Look, here comes the ice cream truck, kids!
3) Wolf Kanno is drunk. Again. He's also posting pornographic pictures of Pike and I'm My Own MILF having sex in front of children into a thread in EoFF. What do you do?
Bring out the shears. Snip, snip, snip! A more elaborate punishment will be decided by a jury of his peers as he is put on a humiliating trial in which he is forced to do a reversed version of Thriller dance over and over until he collapses and then has pies thrown at him while he writhes around on the floor. (Knock it off, no porn allowed, especially disgusting botporn :aimmad:)
4) Shiny is replying to threads with nothing more than the statement "fire_of_avalon, I forgive you for what you have done. I'm sorry for what I have also done. Let's make up. Will you marry me?" This has nothing to do with the topic of the threads, and she will not stop. What do youah do?
She just wants foa to love her, I see no problem here! (femme et la femme amor is a beautiful thing but knock it off and stay on topic or else :aimmad:)
5) Del Murder has set Eyes on Final Fantasy on fire. It's already reached The Lounge, and the smoke is making it hard for Raistlin and Vivi22 to breathe. What do you do?
WE DON'T NEED NO WATER LET THE MOTHERsmurfER BURN (We all knew this day would come.)
6) krissy has started a thread demanding that all of Staff step down because "they're a bunch of titty pussy wanking homotwats that couldn't tell a mothersmurfer from a toilet seat if it hit them on the head." What do you do?
I wouldn't need to do tit cause Loony BoB would ban that sumbitch faster than I could say Jack Robinson.
7) Rantzien has been constantly entering porn links into the #eoff chatroom. What do you do?
babe quit posting porn but it's okay cause ily just don't do it anymore okay honeybearlovesaucesbabycakesmoochmuffin (stop it or I'll ban you too)
8) Hypoallergenic Cactuar is humping your leg. What do you do?
Scream for Pike because she knows how to deal with him. She gets tit done like a boss.
9) Hypoallergenic Cactuar isn't humping your leg. What do you do?
Remain hidden in the shadows to avoid the herpolie urpolies and every once in a while sic him on Raistlin.
10) You're unsure of what to do. What do you do?
Consult my Book of Mormon like my bishop taught me to do when in times of doubt.
1) Loony BoB has told Psychotic to "shut the smurf up". We don't allow swearing! We also don't allow people to order other people around in such a manner. Loony BoB has been a bad boy. He needs to be punished. What do you do?
Knock their heads together and tell them that I have no qualms about turning this car around and going back home. Then I'd turn on Rantz and I's My Humps duet and I'd force them to listen to it as punishment. (Knock it off, you don't get to tell others what to do!)
2) Pike and I'm My Own MILF were caught having sex in front of the children at her kindergarten. That's disgusting! What do you do?
Contact the authorities to have Pike jailed until she rots and deport Huxley not back to the UK, but instead to France for the rest of his life. He'll love it there. :bigsmile: (Knock it off, no sex in front of the children!)
2a) Now the kids are asking what they were doing. What do you tell them?
Look, here comes the ice cream truck, kids!
3) Wolf Kanno is drunk. Again. He's also posting pornographic pictures of Pike and I'm My Own MILF having sex in front of children into a thread in EoFF. What do you do?
Bring out the shears. Snip, snip, snip! A more elaborate punishment will be decided by a jury of his peers as he is put on a humiliating trial in which he is forced to do a reversed version of Thriller dance over and over until he collapses and then has pies thrown at him while he writhes around on the floor. (Knock it off, no porn allowed, especially disgusting botporn :aimmad:)
4) Shiny is replying to threads with nothing more than the statement "fire_of_avalon, I forgive you for what you have done. I'm sorry for what I have also done. Let's make up. Will you marry me?" This has nothing to do with the topic of the threads, and she will not stop. What do youah do?
She just wants foa to love her, I see no problem here! (femme et la femme amor is a beautiful thing but knock it off and stay on topic or else :aimmad:)
5) Del Murder has set Eyes on Final Fantasy on fire. It's already reached The Lounge, and the smoke is making it hard for Raistlin and Vivi22 to breathe. What do you do?
WE DON'T NEED NO WATER LET THE MOTHERsmurfER BURN (We all knew this day would come.)
6) krissy has started a thread demanding that all of Staff step down because "they're a bunch of titty pussy wanking homotwats that couldn't tell a mothersmurfer from a toilet seat if it hit them on the head." What do you do?
I wouldn't need to do tit cause Loony BoB would ban that sumbitch faster than I could say Jack Robinson.
7) Rantzien has been constantly entering porn links into the #eoff chatroom. What do you do?
babe quit posting porn but it's okay cause ily just don't do it anymore okay honeybearlovesaucesbabycakesmoochmuffin (stop it or I'll ban you too)
8) Hypoallergenic Cactuar is humping your leg. What do you do?
Scream for Pike because she knows how to deal with him. She gets tit done like a boss.
9) Hypoallergenic Cactuar isn't humping your leg. What do you do?
Remain hidden in the shadows to avoid the herpolie urpolies and every once in a while sic him on Raistlin.
10) You're unsure of what to do. What do you do?
Consult my Book of Mormon like my bishop taught me to do when in times of doubt.