View Full Version : Resident Evil Retribution Theories

09-05-2012, 06:04 PM
Intended for those who do not want a surprise upon first viewing of the actual film (whatever surprise could possibly be retained after having since viewed the trailers)

The following is a bit of my theory on how parts of the film will play out. Feel free to add your own ideas/theories but be sure to put them in spoilers and give a non-sarcastic reason for your beliefs otherwise I will hunt down and make you drink frog urine.

So the trailer's show Alice has a family and a normal life. But then that illusion comes crashing down. Hector Olivieros is still dead and Umbrella is apparently more powerful than ever.

There's a scene that looks like it shows Rain beating up on Alice. At first I thought they'd put one of those mind-control bugs on her. However, Rain was originally a squad member for the Umbrella Corporation and if this version is a clone like Alice, she still has no idea the depths of the atrocities Umbrella has sunk to.

I also have a theory about the order of the film as the trailer also shows the approaching army from Afterlife just as it hits the oil tanker holding the survivors. Now, most would probably assume the movie will play out like the trailer with Alice living a dream and then having to face reality leaving the oil tanker scene as a flashback. However, we, the genre savvy ought to know better. I believe the oil tanker will be the very first thing we see and then Alice will end up in her dreamy life. Hell, it'll probably be a bit longer than just waking up to find she has a husband. After all, wouldn't be a little difficult swallow such obvious bulltit?

Forsaken Lover
09-26-2012, 03:57 AM
Well I just saw Retribution.

The different Alice's and Rains was interesting, even if Alice and teh little girl felt too much like Ripley and Newt.

The different simulated cities made this movie have my favorite environments in any of the films. Extinction and Afterlife had "desolated ruins" and that was dull. RE1 had sci-fi facility and RE2 had urban sprawl. Now here we have everything combined together and also an icy plane for a final, climactic battle.

I thought Leon's actor was nice, even if Leon didn't do much.

Barry was pretty cool for doing the typical villain thing but on the hero's side. How many times does a villain, riddled with bullets and apparently dead, come back and manage to get off one final shot? Well it's time the good guys got to do it.

Bad Rain was awesome and so was catsuit Jill. They both provided a very nice climax which was my main complaint about Afterlife. (it had a cool fight at the end but too short)

The ending was un-frickin-believable.

I have every high hopes for RE6 which is more than I can say for every movie after 2.