View Full Version : [Art] Final Fantasy Fan Art Showcase of the Week #5

Agent Proto
10-05-2012, 05:56 AM
Hello again friends! It's time for another week of fan art, and we have a nice collection this week. All are simply amazing, so please take a look. Be sure to visit the artists and send them your compliments as they would no doubt truly appreciate it. If you want to see more artwork, be sure to visit our group in Deviantart! It's been a month since the fan art showcase started, so please take the time to celebrate one month of fan arts with me in this week's gallery!

Source 1 (http://fav.me/d5gc54i)
FF3: Warriors of Light

We start this week with this cute picture featuring the Warriors of Light from the DS version of Final Fantasy III. Let's see if anyone can recognize the classes.

Source 2 (http://fav.me/d5gctr1)
Relm Arrowny

Here's a cute pencil drawing of everyone's favorite young artist, Relm!

Source 3 (http://fav.me/d5gg4g5)
Into the night

An outline of Penelo from Final Fantasy XII. Very crisp and clean, and nice use of colors.

Source 4 (http://fav.me/d5giu1r)
Nanaki and Seto

We have another powerful pice featuring Nanaki and Seto. This time it's in color and Nanaki is not a cub here like the last time we've seen an art of him.

Source 5 (http://fav.me/d5gjyx8)

The three female protagonists of Final Fantasy X-2! This piece was done using markers, water color, and some silver paint. You couldn't tell, but this is rather very vividly colorful.

Source 6 (http://fav.me/d5govdh)
Hope and Vanille

D'awww! Here's an adorable picture of Hope and Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII which I shall now dub "Big Smiles!" It's great as it is, but we should see how it looks if it's colored. Maybe that's for another week of fan art? We'll see how that goes!

Source 7 (http://fav.me/d5gq5nu)

Aptly named "1002", but this amazing artwork depicts FFVII's Vincent Valentine walking. It looks awesome.

Source 8 (http://fav.me/d5gr7t0)

Another beautiful artwork of the lovely Beatrix. The atmosphere in this makes it complete.

Tune in next week for another great round of fan art madness! That's all for now. This is Agent Proto signing off. Til next time!

Agent Proto
10-06-2012, 01:50 AM
Colored version of picture #6 (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/279/2/f/hope_and_vanille___colored_by_j3_proto-d5gzw98.jpg)

10-06-2012, 06:25 AM

Pete for President
10-06-2012, 01:16 PM
That Vincent piece is awesome. Amazing lighting and the background is insanely beautiful and grim.

10-08-2012, 01:51 PM
Damn, some of these are friggin' amazing! Especially Relm and Penelo! Kudos to the artists.

Lone Wolf Leonhart
10-08-2012, 02:07 PM
These pictures are great! I've always been amazed at how well fan art can truly be drawn. I stopped drawing in elementary school, but a little part of me always feels like "I wish I could do this" every time I look at a great piece of art. My favorite one of these has to be Beatrix....or Vincent....or Nanaki. It's hard to pick. They're all good. And thanks for putting up that colored #6, Proto.

10-08-2012, 02:11 PM
I love the Beatrix! Wow.

The Vincent one is badass, and the Penelo one is cool and lovely. :) I love how they just did an outline, and the colour fades.

Loony BoB
10-08-2012, 03:13 PM
The Beatrix one is incredible. I mean, I've only really just started FFIX so I don't know much about the character and all that, but wow, what a brilliant piece of art.

Axem Titanium
10-08-2012, 04:35 PM
Ooooh Beatrix! IX is a game that needs more love, especially by today's SE. Anyone know who lead character designer was? It wasn't Nomura or Amano...

10-08-2012, 04:45 PM
These are absolutely stunning! Wish I had skills like that. :|

10-08-2012, 04:46 PM
I love the first FFIII one. Also the Vincent and Beatrix ones are just awesome.

10-08-2012, 10:50 PM
That Relm is awesome, even if it is just a sketch! There isn't enough good Relm artwork out there. Yeah, she's a minor character, but she's a lovable minor character with the most interesting AND useless special ability ever!

Heck, I just love the idea of artwork featuring Relm. She's an artist, and so having a real life artist do artwork of an artist who brings artwork to real life is...well you get the idea. It's totally meta.

10-08-2012, 11:05 PM
Wow will these be up for grabs somehow/somewhere?

Depression Moon
10-08-2012, 11:16 PM

10-09-2012, 01:10 AM
I only recall seeing the "Into the Night" and "Hope and Vanille" on EoFF's deviantart page. Are all of these from there? I would've remembered seeing that Beatrix picture.

Agent Proto
10-09-2012, 01:34 AM
Most of them should be in the page. Even though I've got approval to showcase their art, some of them still needs the artist's approval to be on the group's galleries. It's also a good way to preview next week's showcase, since they'll be added throughout the week.

Wow will these be up for grabs somehow/somewhere?
That's up to the artists to decide. I'm just showcasing them for viewing. :)

10-09-2012, 05:35 AM
source 5 is questionable (the game not the artwork) but you cant go wrong with nanaki :)

10-09-2012, 10:54 AM
That Beatrix seems to be lacking a little modesty, if you know what I mean.

What I mean is her payloads aren't nearly as secured as they ought to be. Kind of ruins it, you know?

Lone Wolf Leonhart
10-15-2012, 01:31 PM
That Beatrix seems to be lacking a little modesty, if you know what I mean.

I'm fine with this. :p